2010-2011 3 Grade Objectives

2010-2011 3rd Grade Objectives
1. a. Students will collect and organize data, complete, interpret, and solve problems related to
pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs, or Venn diagrams.
b. Students will describe the shape of data (range, mode, median, and outliers).
c. Students will design a table or graph to answer a question.
2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers through ten thousands.
a. Students will read and write numbers in standard form, expanded form , and word form up to
a minimum of 3 digits.
b. Students will order numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest.
c. Students will recognize a numeral’s value according to its place.
d. Students will compare numbers (<, >, =).
e. Students will recognize and classify even and odd numbers.
3. Students will round numbers to the nearest hundred and use/explain estimation of sums and
4. a. Students will interpret ending time and time between events to the half hour.
b. Students will tell time in 5-minute intervals, including half-past, quarter ‘til, and quarter after.
5. Students will apply and explain strategies used to add and subtract whole numbers.
a. Students will add and subtract 4-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
b. Students will incorporate the use of money symbols when adding and subtracting 4-digit
numbers with and without regrouping.
c. Students will apply the commutative and associative properties of addition of whole numbers.
[commutative property: order of addends doesn’t affect the sum (4+7 = 7+4)]
[associative property: grouping of addends doesn’t affect the sum; (9+5) +1 is the same as
(9+1) +5]
d. Students will describe the effects of adding and subtracting whole numbers. (Adding makes
e. Students will describe the relationship between addition and subtraction. (for example,
through fact families or with manipulatives and drawings)
6. Students will demonstrate knowledge of money.
a. Students will count and make various coin and bill values up to $5.00.
b. Students will be able to determine change from $5.00.
7. Students will write the number sentence used to solve a given mathematical problem.
8. Students will create, recognize, describe, and extend a geometric, numerical, or quantitative
pattern, including those in input/output tables.
9. Students will use multiple strategies to solve basic multiplication problems.
a. Students will represent quantities for multiplication using written symbols and real objects,
such as arrays, repeated addition, and grouping objects.
b. Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic multiplication facts 0-9.
c. Students will use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties of multiplication.
[commutative property: order of factors doesn’t affect the product; (4x7 = 7x4)]
[associative property: grouping of factors doesn’t affect the product; (9x5) x1 is the same as
(9x1) x5]
[distributive property: 3 x (5+4) = (3x5) + (3x4)]
d. Students will describe the effects of multiplying and dividing numbers and the relationship
between the two.
10. Students will use multiplication to construct and solve single- and multiple-step story
problems from the real world.
11. Students will multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
12. a. Students will compare and describe the following 2-dimensional shapes based on their
attributes: circle, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid
trapezoid – red pattern block; 2 of the 4 sides are the same distance
apart (parallel) and 2 are not.
rhombus – orange, blue, and tan pattern blocks; All 4 sides are the
same length and opposite sides are the same distance apart
(parallel). A square is a rhombus with right angles.
b. Students will predict the results of putting together or taking apart 2- and 3-D shapes.
13. Students will identify and construct lines, rays, and line segments.
14. a. Students will identify figures that are congruent regardless of their motion (slide, flip, or
b. Students will identify lines of symmetry in polygons.
15. a. Students will determine relative position of an object using ordered pairs, ordinal numbers,
and coordinate grids.
b. Students will describe locations using common language and geometric vocabulary, such as
the words forward, back, left, right, north, south, east, west.
16. Students will use appropriate standard (English and metric) and non-standard units of measure
and explain their choice.
a. Students will measure length to the nearest foot, yard, mile, inch (and ½ inch), centimeter,
meter, and kilometer.
b. Students will measure capacity in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, liters, and milliliters.
c. Students will measure weight in ounces, pounds, and tons.
d. Students will measure mass in grams and kilograms.
e. Students will measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.
f. Students will estimate and compare measurements.
g. Students will use referents to make comparisons and estimates in measurements.
(referent - something familiar such as the height of the student’s desk or the size of an
17. Students will use standard (English and metric) and non-standard units of measurement to
investigate area and perimeter.
18. Students will represent commonly used fractions: halves, thirds, fourths.
19. Students will interpret events as to whether they are likely or unlikely to occur.
20. Students will recognize and generate equivalent representations for the same number.
21. Students will begin developing fluency with basic division facts from 0 to 9.