2010-2011 2 Grade Math Objectives

2010-2011 2nd Grade Math Objectives
1. a. Students will recall and write basic facts for addition and subtraction through 20.
b. Students will apply the commutative property and associative property in addition
of whole numbers. [commutative property: order of addends doesn’t affect the sum
(4+7 = 7+4)] [associative property: grouping of addends doesn’t affect the sum
(9+5) +1 equals (9+1) +5; often used in making 10)]
2. Students will model situations that involve addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole
numbers, using pictures, objects, or symbols.
3. a. Students will collect and organize data on a chart or table.
b. Students will sort and classify items according to their attributes and organize data
about the items.
4. Students will collect and organize data, complete, interpret, and solve problems related
to pictographs, bar graphs, Venn diagrams, or coordinate grids.
5. Students will create, recognize, describe, and extend a variety of patterns (growing and
a. Calendar patterns
b. Number patterns, including counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
c. Picture patterns
6. Students will count and make various coin values up to $1.00.
a. Students will make a specified amount of money in a variety of ways.
b. Students will make exchanges, such as 2 nickels = 1 dime and 4 quarters = $1.00.
c. Students will make change and count it back (up to 25 cents).
7. Students will tell time to the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, and five-minute intervals and
use the concept of elapsed time by hourly intervals.
8. Students will round to the nearest ten and use estimation strategies to find a reasonable
answer to an addition or subtraction problem.
9. a. Students will read, write, and compare 1-, 2-, and 3-digit numbers.
b. Students will read and write 2- and 3-digit numbers in word form and in expanded
c. Students will know the value of a digit based on its place in a number (ones, tens,
and hundreds).
d. Students will compose and decompose numbers using a variety of strategies, such
as doubles, close to doubles, tens and ones, and others. (create or break apart
numbers to form equivalent representations. Ex. 16 = 8+8 = 10+6 = 20-4)
10. a. Students will add and subtract 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
b. Students will add and subtract 3-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
(introduction only – not tested)
11. Students will name and describe the attributes and parts of these 2D plane shapes:
circle, triangle, trapezoid, rectangle, rhombus, square; and these 3D solid shapes:
sphere, rectangular prism, cylinder, pyramid)
trapezoid – red pattern block; 2 of 4 sides are the same distance apart
(parallel) and 2 are not
rhombus – orange, blue, and tan pattern blocks; all 4 sides are the same
length and opposite sides are the same distance apart (parallel);
a square is a rhombus with right angles
12. a. Students will identify and create congruent and symmetrical shapes and figures.
b. Students will use manipulatives to model flips.
13. Students will recognize 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of a shape or set.
14. Students will predict whether an event is likely or unlikely to happen.
15. Students will use the standard measurement for determining length, temperature, and
a. Students will measure the length in centimeters, inches, and feet.
b. Students will measure the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
c. Students will measure the weight in pounds.
d. Students will be able to identify qualitative change, such as growing taller, or
which temperature is warmer.
16. Students will specify what capacity measurement is appropriate: cups, pints, quarts,
and gallons.