Testbeds Connecting Space Technology To Terrestrial Renewable Energy Narayanan Komerath Professor, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta komerath@gatech.edu Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 1 Thrust of the Paper: How to Learn In a New Cross-Disciplinary Area 1. Fertile area of R&D at interface between space and terrestrial micro renewable energy. 2. End-to-end efficiencies are small, even with space systems. 3. Innovation focus on sustainable alternatives for high Figure of Merit. 4. Steep cross-disciplinary learning curve. 5. Approach based on courses, testbeds, knowledge base development, learning resources, individual and team projects. 6. Testbeds approach enables hands-on experience, test cases for simulation, and enables continued advances to provide greater functionality for the same footprint. 7. Organizing testbed developments poses tradeoffs between timeliness, depth and breadth. 8. Evolved method of organizing and assessing student team activity is summarized. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Fertile area of R&D at interface between space and the terrestrial micro renewable energy. Space ISRU research Terrific R&D! NO MARKET!!!! •ISRU customer is the government. •Devices represent the best of human technology. MICRO RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS Terrestrial Micro Renewable Power Global Market NO R&D!!!! Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Requirements for terrestrial micro energy systems •Stand-alone (off-grid) energy systems located in close proximity to users. •Local environmental constraints on noise, smell, toxic waste, and aesthetic offence. •Capital, operational cash flow, cost of money, opportunity cost and ROI are financial constraints. • Constraints include humanpower, expertise, roads, utilities including water, telecommunications, and competition or conflict with other resources and approaches. •Requirement is 1 to 3 kW rated power, providing enough storage to deliver up to 24 kWh per day. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 2. Efficiency is small even for Space power systems! Issue is to achieve high Figure of Merit (but not above 1!!!!) 1. Low thermodynamic efficiency of heat engines with small temperature gradients 2. Large surface area per unit mass, resulting in high friction and heat transfer losses. 3. Highly fluctuating power 4. High fixed costs of power control and transmission subsystems per unit power transacted. 5. Generally high mass per unit power. 6. Need for energy storage Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 3. Innovation focus on sustainable alternatives that achieve high utility. Space Technology High intensity solar cell Optical waveguides to convey solar power directly use point Terrestrial Testbed Incorporation 3KW Hybrid solar PV/thermal generator Reduce PV area on home systems. Add to solar water heater. High temperatures electrolysis. Combine with PV arrays. Photocatalytic water purifiers convert organic impurities to CO2. Integrate into solar water heaters. Ion/ UV water purifiers Solid oxide fuel cells chemically extract H2 from hc fuels 5kWhe/day fuel cells combine furnace, water heater, generator Thermoelectric (TE) power; Nanostructured TE generators. Portable TE refrigerators powered by vehicle batteries. High temp thermo PV. Theoretical 85% narrowband conversion. Tungsten photonic crystals extract power from cooking flames. Converting sunlight to microwaves using PV Crop drying in unseasonal rain. Solar Rankine Cycle: spacecraft thermal management systems Rooftop solar thermal using supercritical CO2 at 70 atm. Stirling engines, with DT ~ 6 C. Various fuels & heat sources. Thermo acoustic cooker-refrigerator Atmospheric water generation Solar vapor-condenser refrigerators Solar condenser extracts drinking water. Battery-free operation in arid regions Algae and terraforming Oil yield 2 greater than other crops, LED Plant Growth Suitable for specialized cash crops NASA Fe-Cr REDOX system. Alternative to lead acid battery storage. “Pico hydel” Efficiency ~ 55%. Needs high dynamic head. Drive micro pumps using from wind turbines Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 4. How To Deal With A Steep Cross-disciplinary Learning Curve Learning Approach 1. Two co-taught courses, set at 4xxx and 8xxx levels. 2. Continued knowledge base development using the courses and student reports 3. Development of testbeds through research Special Problems Learning methods •Extremely multidisciplinary projects •Resources uploaded to course management website •“EXTROVERT” cross-discipinary learning resources. •Knowledge retention and transfer through Project Documents •Weekly meetings encourage and motivate to learn the essentials. •Graduate students as skills mentors. •Individual mentoring through research projects •Peer-to-peer learning: students seek out friends specializing in other schools Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Testbeds being developed at Georgia Tech MRES lab Thermoelectric power generator (example of eventual application shown) Symbiotic Biodiesel Algae-Mushroom Vertical axis wind turbine 1KW solar thermal-power Retail Power Beaming Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 11 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 1. Bicycle-based 1m VAWT >270rpm, >70 w (mechanical) 2. 2m 1kW VAWT for high coastal winds. Issues: 1. Optimal tip speed ratio 2 to 5. 2. Variable power transmission 3. Nonlinear pitch control 4. Flexible blade operation 5. Benign failure modes 6. Hybrid devices: power conditioning, storage Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Organizing Long-Term Progress With a Student Team • Where tied to graduate degrees, progress is fast, and focused on a given testbed. • Undergraduates often continue to work on a project in a fragmented manner, procrastinating any learning effort and hence staying unaware of the basics of the project until the instructor realizes the situation. With undergrad teams, progress is sporadic, and better distributed between five testbeds • Cumulative effort going into all 5 is substantial. •Each semester, several students on Special Problems credit. •Organized into a matrix of projects and teams. •Typically, each student is assigned to 3 teams, and each team has 3 to 5 students. • Graduate students learn the issues of all the testbeds and provide some oversight and considerable assistance. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Scheme 1. Matrix of projects and people, assigning each student to 2 to 3 projects. 2. Team coordinators accountable for organized progress. 3. Team Orientation Guide with safety and security rules and common sense practices. 4. Right To Know (RTK) on-line course conveys Institute’s seriousness about safety. 5. Weekly meetings Monday 7:45 or 8, each student expected to provide a succinct status report. 6. 16 assignments on course management website. Each assignment is to upload at least one Project Document describing the up-to-date status of that project. 7. End of semester summary of individual contributions to all projects, demand introspection and assimilation of lessons learned. 8. Student teams generally set own schedules. 9. Near-real-time reporting via phone and email is expected on experiment runs. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Assessment Results 1. Approx. 30 total through courses, more than 150 through Special Problems, evolving continuum of experience since 1985. 2. Students have the greatest difficulty with the concept of preparing and updating a Project Document. Requires several interventions to get attention. 3. Most students eventually do a good job as team members. 4. Individual performance and skill sets vary widely. Returning students for Special Problems Most students so far return for at least one more semester unless professor advises otherwise Publications co-authored by students Increasing: 5 peer-reviewed papers, more underway. Proposals from student projects None so far. Undergrads going on to graduate school: Several Special Problem students are in the School’s Honors Program, and go on to the MSAE degree Choice of employment in related fields 1 MS and 2 BS grads known to be in renewable energy field. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Conclusions 1. Fertile area of R&D at interface between space and the terrestrial micro renewable energy. 2. Highly cross-disciplinary area, demanding a steep learning curve from students and faculty. 3. A set of two courses has been developed to educate students in this area and to develop a knowledge base. One course emphasizes breadth across technical, social and public policy issues that go to the heart of the micro renewable energy marketplace, while the other is a graduate course focused on the technical challenges and drawing on space technology. 4. Realities of micro renewable energy systems show that end-to-end efficiencies are small, even with the extreme technical sophistication of space systems. Thus innovation must focus on inexpensive, sustainable alternatives that retain the technical advantages of the space systems and come close in figure of merit. 5. A set of 5 testbeds is being developed, to provide basic power conversion functions and then enable adding on refined technology modules to enhance functionality for the same footprint. 6. Organizing student team efforts to carry on these testbed developments poses interesting tradeoffs between timelines and breadth of effort. 7. The evolved method of organizing undergraduate student team activity is summarized. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering Acknowledgments The author acknowledges the support from NASA under the EXTROVERT cross disciplinary innovation initiative. Mr. Tony Springer is the Technical Monitor. Micro Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering