Publications for Patricia Apps 2014 2016

Publications for Patricia Apps
Publications for Patricia Apps
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2014). Inequality,
Heterogeneity and the Household. The
Economics of Gender and the Household
Conference 2014, Paris, France: Presentation.
Apps, P., Kabatek, J., Rees, R., van Soest, A.
(2016). Labor supply heterogeneity and demand
for child care of mothers with young children
(Forthcoming). Empirical Economics. <a
6-4">[More Information]</a>
Andrienko, Y., Apps, P., Rees, R. (2016).
Optimal taxation and top incomes
(Forthcoming). International Tax and Public
Finance. <a
1-y">[More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Long, N., Rees, R. (2014). Optimal
Piecewise Linear Income Taxation. Journal of
Public Economic Theory, 16(4), 523-545. <a
re Information]</a>
Apps, P., Andrienko, Y., Rees, R. (2014). Risk
and Precautionary Saving in Two-Person
Households. American Economic Review,
104(3), 1040-1046. <a
[More Information]</a>
Apps, P. (2015). Child Care, Labour Supply and
Taxation of Dual-Income Households. 49th
Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics
Association (CEA) 2015, Toronto, ON, Canada:
Apps, P. (2014). Tax reform, rising inequality
and demographic change. 2nd Asia and the
Pacific Policy Society Annual Conference
(APPS2) 2014: G20's Policy Challenges for Asia
and the Pacific, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2015). Closing the gender gap in
labour supply. In Roy Green, Ziggy
Switkowski, Jane den Hollander, Andrew
Stevens, Robin Shreeve (Eds.), Australia's
Future Workforce?, (pp. 167-178). Melbourne,
Australia: Committee for Economic
Development of Australia (CEDA). <a
Andrienko, Y., Apps, P., Rees, R. (2015).
Gender Bias in Tax Systems Based on
Household Income. Annals of Economics and
Statistics, 117-118, 141-155.
Apps, P. (2015). Income Taxation, Labour
Supply and Saving. Looking forward at 100
Years: Where next for the Income Tax? Crawford School of Public Policy ANU,
Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Apps, P., Sofer, C. (2015). Introduction to the
Special Issue on the Economics of Gender.
Annals of Economics and Statistics, 117-118,
Apps, P. (2015). The central role of a
well-designed income tax in "the modern
economy". Australian Tax Forum: a journal of
taxation policy, law and reform, 30(4), 845-863.
Apps, P. (2015). The Marriage Motive: A Price
Theory of Marriage: How Marriage Markets
Affect Employment, Consumption, and Savings.
By Shoshana Grossbard. New York and
Heidelberg: Springer, 2015. Pp. x, 209. $99.00,
cloth. ISBN 978-1-4614-1622-7, cloth;
978-1-4614-1623-4, e-book. Journal of
Economic Literature, 53(4), 1031-1033.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2013). Optimal Taxation of
Capital Income. Munich-Sydney Conference on
the Law and Economics of Taxation 2013,
Munich, Germany: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2013). Optimal Taxation,
Child Care and Models of the Household. The
2013 Annual Conference of the Royal Economic
Society (RES 2013), London, England:
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2013). Raise top tax rates, not
the GST. Australian Tax Forum: a journal of
taxation policy, law and reform, 28(3), 679-693.
Rees, R., Andrienko, Y., Apps, P. (2013). Risk
and Saving in Two-Person Households: More
Scope for Precautionary Saving. The 2013
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic
Society (RES 2013), London, England:
Apps, P., Mendolia, S., Walker, I. (2013). The
impact of pre-school on adolescents' outcomes:
Evidence from a recent English cohort.
Economics of Education Review, 37, 183-199. <a
3.09.006">[More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Kabetek, J., Rees, R., van Soest, A.
(2012). Labour Supply Heterogeneity and
Demand for Child Care of Mothers with Young
Children. NATSEM International Workshop,
"Child Care, Work, and Family: issues for
Australian Policy", Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2012). Optimal Taxation,
Child Care and Models of the Household. 26th
Publications for Patricia Apps
Annual Conference of the European Society for
Population Economics (ESPE 2012), Bern,
Switzerland: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2012). Testing the Pareto
Efficiency of Household Resource Allocations.
Ekonomia, 13-14(1-2), 57-68.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2012). Why Taxation Based
on Household Income is Gender Biased.
Workshop on the Economics of Gender 2012,
Nice, France: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2011). Household Time Use,
Inequality and Taxation. In Jose Alberto
Molina (Eds.), Household Economic Behaviors,
(pp. 57-81). New York: Springer.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2011). Optimal Taxation and
Tax Reform for Two-Earner Households. CESifo
Economic Studies, 57(2), 283-304. <a
More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2011). Relational Contracts,
Taxation and the Household. CESifo Economic
Studies, 57(2), 245-258. <a
More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2010). A New Household
Perspective on Family Income Taxation. Max
Planck Institute for Intellectual Property,
Competition and Tax Law Workshop on
"Taxation and the Family", Munich, Germany:
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2010). Australian family tax
reform and the targeting fallacy. The Australian
Economic Review, 43(2), 153-175. <a
0.00590.x">[More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2010). Family Labor Supply,
Taxation and Saving in an Imperfect Capital
Market. Review of Economics of the Household,
8(3), 297-323. <a
4-1">[More Information]</a>
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2010). Family Labour
Supply, Child Care and Taxation. Max Planck
Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition
and Tax Law Workshop on "Taxation and the
Family", Munich, Germany: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2010). Family Labour
Supply, Child Care and Taxation. ANU College
of Business and Economics Workshop on
Resource Allocation and Welfare within the
Family, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2010). Taxation, Savings and Family
Tax Benefits over the Life-Cycle. Australia's
Future Tax System: A Post-Henry Review,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2010). Why the Henry Review Fails on
Family Tax Reform. In Chris Evans, Richard
Krever and Peter Mellor (Eds.), Australias
Future Tax System: The Prospects After Henry.
Essays in Honour of John W Freebairn, (pp.
103-127). Sydney, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Apps, P. (2010). Why the Henry Review's
Family Tax Reform Recommendations are
Unsustainable. University of Sydney's Women
and Tax Seminar, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2009). Family Time Use and Tax
Policy over the Life Cycle. Changing Labour
Relations Conference 2009, Utrecht, The
Netherlands: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2009). Life Cycle Time Allocation and
Saving in an Imperfect Capital Market. Network
for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement
(Netspar) Pension Workshop 2009, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2009). Public Economics and
the Household. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Apps, P. (2009). Tax Reform and the Economics
of the Household. Australian Treasury Tax
Review Seminars 2009, Canberra, ACT:
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2009). Taxation, Labour
Supply and Saving. In Head, John; Krever,
Richard (Eds.), Tax Reform in the 21st Century:
A Volume in Memory of Richard Musgrave, (pp.
187-215). Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law &
Business (Kluwer Law International).
Apps, P. (2008). Household Taxation, Childcare
and Female Labour Supply Heterogeneity.
Workshop on the labour market behaviour of
couples: how do they work?, France: Groupe de
Recherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2008). Life Cycle Time Use.
International Association for Time Use Research
(IATUR) Conference, Sydney: International
Association for Time Use Research (IATUR).
Apps, P. (2008). Taxation, Labour Supply and
Saving. Conference in Honour of Richard
Musgrave, Melbourne: Taxation Law and Policy
Research Institute, Monash University.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2008). The Taxation of
Couples. XXII Annual Conference of the
European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE 2008), London: European Society for
Population Economics.
Publications for Patricia Apps
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2007). Genetic Testing,
Income Distribution and Insurance Markets.
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 83-84,
Apps, P. (2007). Labour Supply and Tax Policy:
Some OECD Comparisons. New Zealand
Association of Economists Annual Conference
2007, New Zealand: New Zealand Association of
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2007). Lifecycle
Consumption and Labor Supply, Heterogeinty
and Public Supply. XXI Annual Conference of
the European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE 2007), Spain: European Society for
Population Economics.
Apps, P., Rees, R., Wood, M. (2007). Population
Ageing, Taxation, Pensions and Health Costs.
Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 10(2),
Apps, P. (2007). Taxation and Labour Supply.
Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation
policy, law and reform, 22(3), 89-116.
Apps, P. (2007). The New Discrimination and
Childcare. In Elizabeth Hill, Barbara Pocock
and Alison Elliott (Eds.), Kids Count: Better
early childhood education and care in Australia,
(pp. 75-94). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Apps, P. (2006). Family Taxation: An Unfair and
Inefficient System. Australian Review of Public
Affairs, 7(1), 77-101.
Apps, P. (2006). Female Labour Supply,
Taxation and the New Discrimination. XX
Annual Conference of the European Society for
Population Economics (ESPE 2006), Italy:
European Society for Population Economics.
Apps, P., Wood, M. (2006). Superannuation,
Labour Supply and Gender Equity. Women in
Social & Economic Research and the Academy
of Social Sciences in Australia Workshop on
Communicating the Gendered Impact of
Economic Policies: The Case of Women's
Retirement Incomes WiSER/ASSA 2006,
Australia: Curtin Business School.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2005). Gender, Time Use,
and Public Policy over the Life Cycle. Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 21(3), 439-461.
Apps, P. (2005). Taxation, Household Time Use
and Heterogeneity. XIX Annual Conference of
the European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE 2005), Spain: European Society for
Population Economics.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2005). Time Use and Child
Costs over the Life Cycle. In Daniel S.
Hamermesh & Gerald A. Pfann (Eds.), The
Economics of Time Use, (pp. 205-235). The
Netherlands: Elsevier.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2004). Fertility, Taxation
And Family Policy. Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, 106(4), 745-763.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2004). Taxation and Saving
over the Life Cycle. CESifo Economic Studies,
50(3), 479-502.
Apps, P. (2004). The High Taxation Of Working
Families. Australian Review of Public Affairs,
5(1), 1-24.
Apps, P. (2004). The High Taxation of Working
Families. The Joint Australian Council of Social
Service and Construction Forestry Mining &
Energy Union Conference ACOSS/CFMEU
2004, Australia: Australian Council of Social
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2004). The Household, Time
Use and Tax Policy. 18th Annual Conference of
the European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE 2004), Bergen, Norway: Presentation.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2003). Effects of Family Tax
Reform on Life Cycle Saving. CESifo 4th Venice
Summer Institute 2003, Germany: Ifo Institute
for Economic Research.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2003). Household
Consumption, Domestic Production and Saving
over the Life Cycle. XVII Annual Conference of
the European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE 2003), Spain: European Society for
Population Economics.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2003). Life Cycle Health
Costs and Living Standards. 32nd Australian
Conference of Economists ACE 2003, Australia:
Economic Society of Australia.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2003). Life Cycle Time
Allocation and Saving in an Imperfect Capital
Market. <i>National Bureau of Economic
Research, Inc.
Summer Institute NBER 2003</i>, United
States: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Apps, P., Jones, G., Savage, E. (2003). Taxation.
In Ian McAllister; Steve Dowrick; Riaz Hassan
(Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Social
Sciences in Australia, (pp. 138-152). UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Rees, R., Apps, P. (2003). Taxing Couples.
CESifo 4th Venice Summer Institute 2003,
Germany: Ifo Institute for Economic Research.
Publications for Patricia Apps
Apps, P., Rees, R., Savage, E. (2003). The
Economics of a Two Tier Health System: A
Fairer Medicare? 25th Australian Conference of
Health Economists 2003, Australia: Australian
Health Economics Society.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2003). Time Use and Child
Costs over the Life Cycle. International Time
Use Network Conference 2003, St Gerlach, The
Netherlands: Presentation.
Apps, P. (2002). Comment "The Five
Economists' Plan: The original ideas and further
developments". Australian Journal of Labour
Economics, 5(2), 231-237.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2002). Fertility, dependency
and social security. Australian Journal of Labour
Economics, 5(4), 569-585.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1999). Household Taxation,
Intra-Household Consumption and Optimal
Linear Income Taxation. In Sami Daniel, Philip
Arestis and John Grahl (Eds.), Regulation
Strategies and Economic Policies, (pp. Chapter
7). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1999). Individual vs. Joint
Taxation in Models with Household Production.
Journal of Political Economy, 107, 393-403.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1999). On the Taxation of
Trade Within and Between Households. Journal
of Public Economics, 73(2), 241-263.
Apps, P. (1999). Tax-Reform, Ideology and
Gender. Sydney Law Review, 21, 437-452.
Apps, P. (2002). Gender, Time Use and Labor
Allocation. World Bank Workshop: Gender and
Development 2002, United States: The World
Apps, P. (1998). Tax-Benefit Reform. Australian
Tax Forum: a journal of taxation policy, law and
reform, 14, 455-486.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2002). Household
Production, Full Consumption and the Costs of
Children. Labour Economics, 8, 621-648.
Apps, P. (1997). A Tax Mix Change: Effects on
Tax Rates, Labour Supply and Saving
Behaviour. In John G Head and Richard Krever
(Eds.), Taxation Towards 2000, (pp. 103-121).
Sydney: Australian Tax Research Foundation.
Apps, P. (2002). Why an earned income tax
credit program is a mistake for Australia.
Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 5(4),
Apps, P. (2002). Why An Earned Income Tax
Credit Program is a Mistake for Australia. FH
Gruen Public Lecture 2002, Canberra, ACT:
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1997). Collective Labor
Supply and Household Production. Journal of
Political Economy, 105, 178-190.
Apps, P. (1997). Effects of a Tax-Mix Change.
Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation
policy, law and reform, 13(4), 401-427.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (2001). Labour Supply,
Household Production and Intra-family Welfare
Distribution. In Nicholas Barr (Eds.), Economic
Theory And The Welfare State. United Kingdom:
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1996). Labour Supply,
Household Production and Intra-Family Welfare
Distribution. Journal of Public Economics, 60,
Apps, P. (2001). Why the Five Economists' Plan
for a 'Wage-tax Trade-off' is a Mistake for
Australia. Australian Tax Forum: a journal of
taxation policy, law and reform, 16, 417-438.
Apps, P. (1996). Taxation of Families: Individual
Taxation Versus Income Splitting. In John G
Head and Richard Krever (Eds.), Tax Units and
the Tax Rate Scale, (pp. 81-105). Sydney:
Australian Tax Research Foundation.
Apps, P. (2000). Fertility, Saving and Pension
Reform: Fallacies Underpinning Current Policy
Directions. Ninth Annual Colloquium of
Superannuation Research, Sydney: University of
New South Wales.
Apps, P. (1994). Female labour supply,
housework and family welfare. In R. W.
Blundell, Ian Preston, Ian Walker (Eds.),
Measurement of Household Welfare, (pp.
140-163). United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.
Apps, P. (2000). Reforming the Australian
Tax-Transfer System. In Hans-Georg Petersen
and Patrick Gallagher (Eds.), Tax and Transfer
Reform in Australia and Germany, (pp.
201-218). Berlin: Berliner Debatte
Apps, P. (1992). Tax reform, population ageing
and the changing labour supply behaviour of
married women. In D. Bos, S. Cnossen (Eds.),
Publications for Patricia Apps
Fiscal Implications of an Aging Population.
Germany: Springer.
Apps, P. (1991). Tax reform, population ageing
and the changing labour supply behaviour of
married women. Journal of Population
Economics, 4(3), 201-216.
Apps, P., Savage, E. (1989). Labour Supply,
Welfare Rankings and the Measurement of
Inequality. Journal of Public Economics, 39(3),
Apps, P., Rees, R. (1988). Taxation and the
Household. Journal of Public Economics, 35(3),
Apps, P., Jones, G. (1986). Selective Taxation of
Couples. Journal of Economics, Supplement 5,
Apps, P. (1985). Comment on "The Relative
Deprivation Curve and Its Applications". Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics, 3(2),
169-171. <a
10509446">[More Information]</a>
Apps, P. (1982). Institutional Inequality and Tax
Incidence. Journal of Public Economics, 18(2),
Apps, P. (1981). A Theory of Inequality and
Taxation. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.