Task Force on Harmonization of Public Sector Accounting Private/Public/Government Sector Delineation SNA Advisory Expert Group Bangkok, July 2005 1 Government / public / private sectors Delineation of public and private sector units: based on control criterion Delineation of non market (government) versus market units (corporations) within the public sector: based on economically significant prices (ESP) criterion Issue: Clarify what control and ESP entail 2 Public sector boundary Rec. 1: Use a decision tree 1. Is the entity an institutional unit? 2. Is the institutional unit part of the public sector? 3. Is the public institutional unit market or nonmarket? 3 Rec. 1: Use a decision tree Unit A Unit B Step 1: Institutional unit? Step 2: controlled by government Unit C YES YES Step 3: ESP? NO: Government sector YES: public corporation Unit D NO NO YES: private sector classified as the parent unit 4 Government control of corporations: Rec. 2: eight major indicators Ownership of the majority of voting interest 5. Golden shares and 2. Control of the board or other governing body 6. Regulation and control 3. Control of the appointment and removal of key personnel 7. Control by a dominant 1. 4. options customer Control of key committees 8. Control attached to of the entity borrowing from the government 5 Government control of NPI Rec. 3: five major indicators 1. Appointment of officers 2. Other provisions of enabling instrument 4. Degree of financing by government 5. Level of risk exposure 3. Existence of contractual agreements 6 Market and nonmarket producers Rec. 4: Economically significant prices (ESP) EPS: Criterion to classify output, and thus producers as market or nonmarket Market producers: output sold at ESP Nonmarket producers: output free or at non ESP 7 Public sector Composition: – Government units – Corporations controlled by government units, and – Nonprofit institutions (NPI) controlled by government units. Government control entails for: – Corporations: a source of financial gain – Nonprofit institutions (NPI): not a source of financial gain 8 Control of Corporations Definition of control: Current: ability to determine the general corporate policy Proposed: power to govern financial and operating policies so as to benefit from activities of corporations 9 Control of NPI Definition of control: Current: ability to determine the general corporate policy and largely financed Proposed: ability to determine the general corporate policy 10 Economically significant prices Definitions: ESP are prices that have a significant influence on the amounts the producers are willing to supply and on the amounts purchasers wish to buy. Market producers: production offered for sale (on the market) at economically significant prices Non-market producers are only in the government or NPISH sectors. 11 Economically significant prices ESA95 « 50% rule » not taken into account as a rule Recommendation 4: « although there is no prescriptive numerical relationship between the value of output and the production costs, one would normally expect the value of output to average at least half of the production costs over a sustained multiuear period. » 12 Economically significant prices Recommendation 4 (coverage of special cases): Case of production sold only to government: The public producer is the only supplier: it is non-market unless it competes with a private producer in tendering for contract It is one of several producers: it is a market producer if it competes with other producers on the market. 13 Rec. 5: Definition of sales Output is measured as equal to the business notion of sales (plus change in inventories as required) Excluding taxes on products and subsidies on products (except for subsidies granted to all private producers for this type of activities Excluding own account production 14 Rec. 5: Definition of production costs Cost is measured as the sum of: Intermediate consumption Cost of capital services Other taxes on production (other subsidies on production are not deduced). 15 Indicators for classifying government and other public producers Purchasing units Supplying public sector units Corporations and households primarily only supplier Govern ment Public corp. COST normally covered by SALES (CCS) no yes Other private tender no yes no yes no yes no yes Government only one of several Competes suppliers Government and others only supplier one of several suppliers Other private tender or CCS Competes 16 Sectorization of producers Control Public Private ESP Producer units Government (incl. NPI) Public Corporations (incl. quasi) Private corporations (incl. quasi and NPI) NPISH Hous. Enterpri ses Market Non Market 17 Does the AEG agree on: Rec. 1: Use a decision tree? Rec. 2: Eight major indicators of government control on corporations? Rec. 3: Five major indicators of government control on NPI? Rec. 4: Economically significant prices? – Definition of ESP (no major changes) – Supplementary criteria for producers – Cost versus sales (no prescriptive rule) Rec. 5: Definition of sales? Rec. 6: Definition of production costs? 18