Messages Work Group Feedback What do you want to get out of MOCAN membership? Get materials/messages for children under 5 for WIC Develop a set of positive Messages What do you want to get out of MOCAN meetings? Speakers bring information about projects others are working on Listen to how others have had successful programs to get those ideas to take back to my organization Maybe include activity in meetings What is the optimal number of education sessions during the MOCAN meetings? two sessions What activities in your work plan do you need funding for to implement? Traditional mass media, social media (using facebook and twitter) What new members can you invite to participate in MOCAN? National health organization-state chapters-heart, diabetes, dental association, American Cancer Society Twitter following Cross work group collaboration: Healthcare: Messages for Drs office – digital picture frames/TVs Built Environment: Livable Streets website Funds for developing consistent messaging: in our advocacy, we must have a cohesive, consistent message among all groups and members. Develop the common ground on messaging