Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Department of _______________________
Course Information to Construct Syllabus
This form will act as a template to construct the course syllabus for all graduate courses. Attach
additional sheets as necessary. To accommodate SACs accreditation, a universal syllabus format will
be followed in all graduate courses.
Course Number:
Course Name:
Course Director:
Office hours: [can be by appointment]
Course Description: [Provide a summary to give the students a basic understanding of
what will be taught in the course]
Course Prerequisite:
Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
Course Assessments: [List how you will grade the students and how you will assess that they have
met the objectives - i.e. student presentations, class discussion, daily exercises, class writings,
individual project, quizzes, exams, etc.]
Required Text:
[include criteria for passing the course; percentage breakdown and attendance
Incompletes: A grade of "I" will be awarded by the instructor prior to the end of the semester only
when failure to complete the work has been due to causes beyond the student’s control. A grade of "I"
is awarded only in case of emergency (see the GSBS Student Handbook/Policy Manual for the policy
on incompletes) and when class performance has been satisfactory. Poor planning or excessive
absences are not valid reasons for receiving a grade of incomplete.
Course Schedule: [List lecture schedule with anticipated dates. May include more than one example;
MTW, T Th, M-F, M-Th, etc.]
July 14, 2006
12:00 – 1:00
Course Faculty:
Introduction to SACs accreditation
[List any faculty that will lecture in the course. Include department and contact
Academic Integrity: All students are expected to subscribe to an honor system which is implicit in
accepting admission to the Health Sciences Center. Each student shall be responsible for his/her
conduct from the time of the application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even
though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic
year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment. Students are expected to abide by all of
the rules for academic integrity, as specified in the TTUHSC Student Affairs Handbook.
As per the GSBS Student Handbook/Policy Manual: “A student may be dismissed for unprofessional
conduct such as cheating or plagiarism.” As defined in the TTUHSC Student Affairs Handbook:
“‘Plagiarism’ includes, but is not limited to, the appropriation, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining
by any other means another’s work (such as words, ideas, expressions, illustrations, or product of
another), in whole or in part, and the submission of it as one’s own work offered for an academic credit
or requirement. When a student presents the works of another (published or unpublished) in his/her
academic work, the student shall fully acknowledge the sources according to methods prescribed by
his/her instructor.”
For some guidance on plagiarism you may want to reference the book used in the Responsible Conduct
of Research Course GSBS 5101 is the Scientific Integrity (3rd Edition) by Francis L. Macrina. If you
would like to borrow the book from the GSBS office please stop by 2B106.
You may also look online for various citation styles including the Modern Language Association,
MLA style. A new book, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers has been released about
changes in MLA citing techniques. A website that may be of use is The Owl at Purdue, “MLA
Formatting and Style Guide”from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL), revised by Karl
Stolley and last edited by Allen Brizee on December 12th, 2008.
Students with Disabilities: Any students who may, because of a disabling condition, require some
special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as
possible to make necessary accommodations. A pre-requisite to receiving any special accommodations
is a completed application for services, along with sufficient supporting documentation, on file in the
HSC Office of Student Services located in room 2C400.
Course Evaluations: Please take the time to fill out a course evaluation as your feedback will help me
to improve the class for future generations. You will receive the evaluation in an email from the GSBS
office at the end of the semester. The evaluation is online and your responses will be anonymous. Even
if the class is a class of 1, GSBS will not publish that single evaluation until they have multiple years
of data to publish. I value your input so please take a few minutes to complete the course evaluation.
Attendance Policy: Faculty with an attendance policy should add that here.
Optional Information Additional Information:
Late Work Policy:
[List any additional information pertinent to the course]