report provided by Dr. Niesel

GSBS Dean’s Report – Faculty Senate January 13, 2014
A revision of the GSBS website has been initiated and should be completed by
March 1, 2014. The opportunity for students to provide input into the content and
functionality of the site has been scheduled.
There have been nineteen applicants for the Presidential Scholars Program with
seven visiting UTMB on January 16th-17th. The applicants’ research interest
spans six different graduate programs. The Presidential Scholars Program is
focused on recruiting high quality T32 eligible students to graduate programs at
UTMB. In total, there are 111 total applications with 26% coming from
individuals from underrepresented and disadvantaged groups.
The “Postdoc Sourcebook” for incoming postdoctoral fellows has been revised
and is available for these new trainees joining UTMB.
A video of the December professional etiquette workshop conducted by Mrs.
Maryellen LeDuc, a former protocol officer for the US Ambassador to the United
Nations is being edited and will be available as a You Tube video on the GSBS
website this month.
Marty Wasserman, PhD, a GSBS alumnus, will visit the UTMB campus, January
14-16th. He is a former pharmaceutical and biotech executive and currently is a
pharmaceutical and biotech consultant. He will meet with students and
postdoctoral fellows to provide advice about careers in industry and
entrepreneurship. He is also meeting with the Office of Technology Transfer.