UMca C203 01-2012 Date :

UMca C203
Date :
List items by the agenda
Approve agenda---motion made and seconded by----motion passed/or failed
Roll call/ attendance—use member list
Determine if you have a quorum—chair should state (we have a quorum)
Approve/Amend Notes from last (list the month/day) Meeting---need motion to approve
motion made and seconded by----motion passed/or failed
Treasurers report…after report, need motion to approve report and pay the bills
motion made and seconded by----motion passed/or failed
Committee reports
motion made (to accept report) and seconded by----motion passed/or failed
County program director's report—note that they gave a report and the highlight of that report
Faculty and staff program reports-- note that they gave a report and the highlight of that report
Updates from MU Extension Administration, RD, PD-- note that they gave a report and the highlight of
that report
Update on regional and state council meetings-- note that they gave a report and the highlight of that
Unfinished business (list items that may need to be cover or updated on)—record what the status is of
each item list
New business (list items that may need to be cover or updated on)—note each item listed and any
actions taken on the item
Make announcements
Public comments—limit 3 minutes per person—note highlights of the comments made
Adjourn the meeting
motion made and seconded by----motion passed/or failed
Record all motions as stated and read back to ensure you recorded correctly.
Motions should include the person making the motion the person who seconded the
motion. It should also include the pass or failed as declared by chair
Signed by Council Secretary