Florida Atlantic University Student Government Boca Raton House of Representatives 4

Florida Atlantic University
Student Government
Boca Raton House of Representatives
4th Legislative Session
20th November, 2009
Call to order at 3:36PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
*Motion to approve 6th November 2009 Minutes by Khonat; seconded by Dumas
*Motion to approve 20th November 2009 Agenda by Maldonado; seconded by Lo
Special Order Speeches:
-Lo: It’s been an enjoyable time with all of you and I hope it has been fun and we will learn more in the following semester.
-Hasan: I have been tabling for the last week and a half and asking students how Student Government has affected them.
Open Forum:
-Turner: I am here on behalf of Relay for Life and ask the house if they would be willing to sponsor the upcoming walk. We do it here on this campus every year. Last
year we came in second against FIU and it puts our names on a lot of things. We would like the house to sponsor the giveaways for the event. We would also like
Student Government to come out and form their own team.
*POP by Hasan
*Motion to admit all members by Hudson; seconded by Lo
*POP by Callahan
Presidents Report
Vice Presidents Report
Governors Report:
-Sherman: Nov 17, 2009 @ 5:00PM we had a BSUMP planning and discussed our plans for getting the statutes done and gave BSUMP venting time. I sent out emails in response to the meeting and on Monday @ 5:00PM in the Legislative Workroom there will be the statute meeting. The Owl Awards were last night and they
had a great turnout. Stress week is coming and we bought our items, but nothing is personalized due to the short time. I do need help with stress week so if you would
like to help please let me know. I signed BRHR-09-01 and it is sitting in Tiffany's Mailbox and will be reviewed when she gets back from her trip. I received an e-mail
from Bobby Peterson and would like to formally resign (reads resignation letter).
*Motion to admit all members by Shackelford; seconded by Maldonado
Treasurers Report:
*POP by Maldonado
-Ebanks: House Project $7685.21, Reserve COSO $50558.51, Clubs: $192985.85, Contingency $50475
Chief Justices Report: N/A
Programs Reports:
-Kerri-Ann (BSUMP Director): Today we have spring planning and we will be meeting to finish planning our spring semester events. We had a very successful event
with the Native American Dance.
-Bastidas: Have we done a good enough job to reach out?
-Kerri-Ann: I think you haven't reached out to enough cultural clubs
-Bastidas: Would you be open to house members possibly going to other cultural groups to speak about the issues?
-Kerri-Ann: Definitely. I think if a system was set up to visit a club once a month it would be effective.
-Sherman: Are you aware after sending out an e-mail on Wednesday and only receiving 25 read, that students do not care.
-Kerri-Ann: ….
*Motion to admit all members by Scalice; seconded by Shackelford
-Gale (PET): Last night we had our guest speaker and at 3:30PM we had 150 students in attendance. Next semester we are looking to get another guest speaker and
our scheduled events is looking very full. On January 2nd we are collaborating to start the Breathe Easy campaign to start smoking areas.
-Wallers (Associate Director of Night Owls): Up to November 19 th, we have had 1307 phone calls come into the office and had 281 wave downs; a grand total of 3081
people. I would like to thank the Rules and Policies meeting for being open and respectful and hearing me out.
-Scalice: Last week I noticed that a concert came out and Night Owls was assisting elderly people to the car, was that counted towards the statistic?
-Wallers: Yes.
End Questions
Interim Student Government Advisors Report
-Bishara: An announcement came out today about policy and procedure committees and Collene O'Riely representing you. I encourage you to read the e-mail sent out.
I want to thank those of you who came to the Student Government Retreat. We will e putting information on blackboard for those who did not make it. You will
receive a survey to get your feedback on the training. Keep up the good work and good luck with exam. Happy Thanksgiving!
Chair Reports
-Committee on Committee: No Report
-Rules and Policies: We met today and discussed all four bills. The committee recommends for BRHB-09-15: 5th Whereas Clause and 1st Therefore Be It Resolved
keep “and” consistent with “and/or”. 6th Whereas Clause add comma after compliments. Last therefore be it resolved clause add: After the committee reviews any
messages received, they will be taken by the liaison of Night Owls to the director to review over the issues and then report back the following week and then allow the
committee to decide if any further action should be implemented. Semester basis of the review of the bill. Another Therefore Be It Resolved Clause stating that it
should be reviewed in the second week of April, and renewed on a semester basis if fit. Account number to read S20012. For BRHB-09-03: Correct at top of bill to
read “4th Legislation” instead of “3rd Legislation”; 2nd Therefore Be It Resolve clause strike out $300 dollar funding. Equipment stricken from 3 rd Where As clause. For
BRHR-09-02 we want the bill tabled indefinitely. For BRHB-09-02 after speaking with Shackelford the bill will most likely be tabled indefinitely.
-Ways and Means: We met today and recommend BRHB-09-15, BRHB-09-03 and I decided to appoint Louis Dell for the Vice-President position.
-Campus Action: We met today and on BRHB-09-15 and support the bill. BRHB-09-02 is in support of the bill. BRHR-09-02 was reported by Khonat and will be
tabled indefinitely. For BRHB-09-03 we would like more information about it so we are waiting on passing the bill.
-Campus Budget: N/A
-Time Capsule: N/A
-Environmental Action: N/A
-Hammock Discovery: N/A
-Academic Lobbying: Appointment of Representative Lo for Academic Lobbying by Pollock (approved)
**Yousef resigns from the house
OWL TV Report:
-Trombolli: We are finishing up the semester and project to get our server updated and sent to our other campuses. If you have any events you know about call at
561.297.0037 or email owltv@fau.edu to get coverage; two weeks in advance. We have been holding weekly meetings to coordinate our efforts as media so we can
keep you updated in your organization.
-Scalice: Where do the meetings take place?
-Trombolli: We meet at the UP Office at 10:00AM on Mondays.
End Questions
*Motion to admit all members by Khonat; seconded by Owens
House Forum: N/A
*Motion to amend the agenda to include the OWL TV report before the House forum by Lo; seconded by Knonat
*POP by Massetti
Vetoed Business:
-BRHB-09-15 “How are they doing”
*Motion to add all amendments as listed (below) by Gentry; seconded by Owens.
-5th Whereas Clause and 1st Therefore Be It Resolved keep “and” consistent with “and/or”
-6th Whereas Clause add comma after compliments.
-Last therefore be it resolved clause add: After the committee reviews any messages received, they will be taken by the liaison of Night Owls to the director to review
over the issues and then report back the following week and then allow the committee to decide if any further action should be implemented.
-Semester basis of the review of the bill
-Another Therefore Be It Resolved Clause stating that it should be reviewed in the second week of April in 2010 and renewed on a semester basis if fit.
-Account number to read S20012
*Motion to approve BRHB-09-15 by Owens; seconded by Khonat
(29 Y, 0 N BRHB-09-15 passes the governor's veto)
Tabled Business: N/A
Old Business:
BRHB-09-02 “SG Display Board”
*Remove name from sponsor by Ejene (dropped from agenda)
BRHR-09-02 “Safety Comes First”
*Motion to postpone indefinitely BRHR-09-02 by Khonat; seconded by Lo
BRHB-09-03 “Bicycle! Bicycle!”
*Motion to amend BRHB-09-03 to read 4th legislation in header by Owens; seconded by Khonat
*Motion to strike seconde therefore be it resolved clause entirely by Owens; seconded by Ayala
*Final therefore be it resolved clause strike and equipment after bicycle by Owens; seconded by Gulick
*Motion to table BRHB-09-03 by Ejene; seconded by Gulick (objection by Lo)
-Pro-con: I would rather be safer than sorry.
-Ejene: I think we should table the bill because the questions we want to ask cant be answered. I also feel while it would bring safety, I don't foresee it that we are
taking a risk.
-Gentry: We could pass the bill and have us talk before the Governor passes it.
Motion to informal consideration of BRHB-09-03 by Pollock (approved)
-Ejene: My question is where are the officers at? Officers were supposed to be hired, was there budgeting originally for this?
-Pollock: 3 bike cops were newly hired and they have come to us before in relation to riot gear.
-Scalice: I do believe that this is the most important bill for this semester because of the issue of safety. I don't believe it would be logical to come to the house if they
didnt have a significant budget crisis and we all know the campus ere is very difficult to get into with motorized vehicles and god forbid there was a scenario that
happened in the middle of campus and the response time was slower than having bicycles issued. I think that we have the money in the contingency account and we
have the invoice here for the bikes.
-Haye: Have there been any complaints about lack of security or alertness of the bike riders?
-Sherman: There have been a few complaints in the past and the bikers are allowed to be in the breezway. People want to feel safer in the internal parts of campus.
-Forbes: The police departments have done their research and give them the bikes they need. Also coming up in the break, a lot of people stay on campus and who
knows what can happen on break. We do have officers that we can get acquainted with and can get monthly reports from Chief Lo.
-Motion to add my name as a friendly sponsor by Gentry (adds names requested); seconded by Khonat
*Motion to admit all members by Ejene; seconded by Haye
*Motion to approve BRHB-09-03 by Pollock
(28 Y, 2 N BRHB-09-03 passes)
**POP Gulick
**POP Gentry
**POP Phillips
**POP Hodges
New Business: N/A
Open Forum:
-Wallers (Associate Directors of Night Owls): I support the bill about Night Owls as it stands.
Special Order Speeches:
-Arsolino: I want to thank everyone who came out to the mock trial and the turnout was incredible. We plan on hosting a lot more of these in the future so thank you
once again.
-Lo: There is going to be an event on Nov 24th and its called Hibachi Ball and we will be serving Teriyaki chicken and will have Asian cultured games.
-Khonat: I wanted to thank CA, and RP for their input on the bill that I wrote. I plan on re-writing the bill after CA goes through research on the incident and I would
like it to be addressed.
**POP by Arsolino
**POP by Hudson
Legislative Report:
-Pollock: Every semester we get to re-appoint all of the positions. E-mail me your interest if you wish to be interviewed for a position. Your committee assignment
will stay the same unless you become a chair. Hammonds is currently at 8 points and is bold due to the absent points. If you have points do not worry too much and
each semester points reset. I want to thank you for a great semester and have a great Thanksgiving and be safe.
*Motion to admit all members by Khonat; seconded by Lo
Next House Meeting: 15th January, 2010 – 3:30PM – Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
*Motion to Adjourn by Maldonado; seconded by Shackelford
Adjourned at 5:06PM