Florida Atlantic University Student Government Boca Raton House of Representatives 4

Florida Atlantic University
Student Government
Boca Raton House of Representatives
4th Legislation Session
October 23, 2009
Call to order at 3:40PM
Roll Call
Oath of Office
*Motion to approve 2nd October 2009 Minutes by Pollock; seconded by Lo
*Motion to approve 16th October 2009 Agenda by Khonat; seconded by Yousef
Speaker Election
*Motion to open floor for nominations by Haye; seconded by Pollock
*Motion to nominate Alan Pollock as speaker by Haye (Pollock Accepts)
*Motion to nominate Owens as speaker by Lo (Owens Rejects)
*Motion to close the floor by Pollock; seconded by Shackelford
-Pollock: I have been the speaker of the house since June of the past summer. The governor had to step down and Speaker Sherman at the time had to move
up. I feel that I have accomplished a lot during my time as a speaker and I printed out a resume for everyone to view. I would love to get to know all the
new members and we will have information sheets for you to fill out. We are not going to just toss you into a committee, we will be placing you as close to
your interests as possible in the committees. If I am elected.
*Motion to recognize Jared stark by Shackelford; seconded by Capata
-Stark: You were very helpful when you helped my non-profit organization and I can't thank you enough.
-Pollock: I am aware
-Forbes: Are you aware that you did a great job
-Pollock: I am aware
*Motion to recognize Kerri-Ann by Shackelford; seconded by Smatrakaleva
-Kerri-Ann: Are you aware that I am thankful for the gavel?
-Pollock: I am aware.
(31 Y, 1 N; Pollock becomes Speaker)
Pro-Tempore Election
*Motion to open the floor to elections by Shackelford; seconded by Lo
*Motion to nominate Gentry by Haye (Accepts)
*Motion to nominate Bastidas by Lo (Declines)
*Motion to close the floor by Shackleford; seconded by Khonat
-Gentry: I have been part of the house for a while now and we set up the binders and wish the best for you all.
Khonat: Are you aware that you are a good person for this position.
(31 Y, 1 N; Gentry becomes Pro-Tempore)
Special Order Speeches: N/A
Open Forum: N/A
President's Report: N/A
Vice President's Report: N/A
Governor’s Report:
-Sherman: Congratulations once again. It was fun being Speaker for a few minutes. We are changing our meeting schedule. We are going to have bi-weekly
meetings for GATT. Next week we will have 1on1 meetings with the director. I will here every other week and it will be my day off. Stress week is coming
up in November. We will be making arrangements for the massage therapy program from PBCC to come over so we can have free massages for the
students (after a consent form is signed)
-Shackelford: Are you aware you did a great job as speaker while you were up?
-Sherman: Yes! Thank you!
Chief Justice's Report: N/A
Program Reports:
*Motion to amend agenda to include Treasurers report under Programs report by Lo; seconded by Khonat.
-BSUMP: I was also a former house representative and this is where I started my previous beginnings to my career. International theme meal is our next
event. If you want any information please feel free to ask me after the meeting.
-SAVI: We are bringing mentally handicapped adults to the university and throwing a Halloween party for them. Habitat for Humanity – November 7th – to
do a build with people.
-Chung: Do the cans have to be in the colors of FAU?
-Marianne: I will let you know, but I don't think so. It might be beneficial to represent FAU, but its not mandatory.
-Gentry: The cans can be any color, as a POI
-PET: My name is Nicole and I am a senior here at FAU. We are a group of volunteers who promote the health and wellness of FAU. Next week will be
focused on alcohol awareness, as each week we focus on a new health subject.
-GSA: GSA is the advocate for all graduate concerns. The most recent event is October 20th as a Q&A session with members of the FBI, and so on. This
will allow people to prepare resume's with the knowledge of what people are looking for. On the 21 st we have an Advisory Board meeting to allocate funds
for individual graduates travels.
Programs Board (Peterson reporting): Thank you for those who came to the club event in the Student Union. It was a great success. The next major event is
Freakers Ball, next Friday. We sold almost 500 tickets and now the tickets are at $20 dollars.
-Hasan: Did you know that you guys are doing a very good job promoting Freakers Ball?
-Peterson: I am now aware.
-Treasurer (Ebanks): I oversee the budgets for A&S fees and so on. Balance of House: 7,880.96 Contingency: 50,475 COSO: 217,677.50 only allocate:
71,677 to clubs and organizations
*Motion to return to Oath of Office by Gentry; seconded by Lo.
Interim Student Government Advisor's Report:
-Bishara: Many of you received an e-mail from Moldt about training. We are looking for training to be placed on November 13 th, 2009. If you have
participated in past, please let me know if you have any suggestions. The court hearing scheduled today was postponed due to being sick. For the new
representatives you all will be put on the Student Government e-mail list. If you have questions please let me know. The Budget Process is in the works and
one of the first positions will soon be filled (the Budget Chair). Lastly, Homecoming is upcoming and I would love to see Student Government in the
-Hasan: In regards to the float, will there be an appointed committee?
-Bishara: There will not be, come and support though.
Chair Reports: N/A
House Forum: N/A
Vetoed Business: N/A
Tabled Business: N/A
Old Business: N/A
New Business: N/A
Special Order Speeches:
-Gentry: We have folders and absent appeals. Please come and ask if you have questions.
-Bastidas: I want to thank everyone here. I want you to know as we are leaders of the House and we must do the work of the students. I will be putting in a
bill to state that the elections was poor and that we call a meeting. The reason behind this is because if Student Government makes a mistake, it makes the
whole look bad.
-Lo: Good afternoon. I come before you to speak on an issue of Tuesday. The issue is referring to a BSU meeting on a Tuesday night. There have been
complaints on Dr. Rozari Williams. What is happening is this administrator was very rude to the students and was causing a bit of drama. Afterwards, the
reason behind the merging of BSU and MP was from a past deal with an elections...
*Motion to extend speakers time by 3 minutes by Hasan; seconded by Hudson.
-Lo: …I have been here for a long time through FAU in Student Government. We are here to advocate for all our students and this is a concern that needs
-Shackelford: Time Capsule is laying down the foundation of concrete to put in our capsule and obelisk. It will be done by the end of the next week.
-Owens: If you have any questions please feel free to ask questions.
Open Forum:
-Sherman: If you ever want to start an initiative for the students, please let me know so I can help.
-Kerri-Ann: Based on the comments stated on representative Lo, there is well apparent issues with the advisor. As far as the House being aware, it should
be as I make it aware as much as I can.
-Gentry: Do you feel it is an issue of support from the house?
-Kerri-Ann: Yes.
-Jennifer (Secretary BSUMP): The statements that were carried on Tuesday are normally spoken at our e-boards meeting. It isn't that she is trying to advise
us, it is more like she is dictating. She states that our papers need to be put forward 30 days and I told her that we do. She threatened me at that UC, second
floor. I tape recorded everything and there will be evidence for you guys. It has come to a point where we would ask the house for a decision and please
help us in our future endeavors.
-Gentry: Would you say Lo gave an accurate description?
-Jennifer: Yes.
-Bastidas: Would you wish house members to be at your meetings?
-Jennifer: Yes.
-Bastidas: Would you be more strict with your Parliamentary procedures?
-Jennifer: Yes.
-Lo: Would you wish her to apologize in open public?
-Jennifer: It is not that it is the fact that we want an apology, it is we strive for the benefit of the students.
*Motion to extend questioning time by 3 minutes by Khonat; seconded by Lo
-Khonat: Is you advisor overstepping her power and do you believe this person is drunken in power?
-Jennifer: YES and something like drunken in power.
-Hasan: Are you aware that as a member of BSU that you are handling the issue in a responsible way?
-Jennifer: Yes.
*Motion to recognize Etiennes by Alcena; seconded by Khonat.
-Etiennes: Is it true that there are other problems from this advisor?
-Jennifer: Yes.
-Lo: How would you see her change in this situation?
-Jennifer: Not just to listen, but to understand as students that if we are putting on a program for the students that want it, it should not be twisted and there
should be a speed up in process.
*Motion to extend questioning time by 1 minute by Khonat; seconded by Lo (objection by Capata)
-Capata: We can discuss this further at a different time.
(24N, 9Y Motion fails to pass)
Legislative Report:
-Pollock: I invite new members to check out the book (refers to Roberts Rules). If there is something that you never heard of refer to the book, or ask a
representative. I want to try to appoint all committee chairs by next week. I want the best people in the house to do their jobs. I would like to reform the
time capsule committee. Mr Shackelford will now be the chair of Time Capsule and the Hammock Discover Committee (Smatrakaleva) if they accept. The
last committee will be the Environmental Action committee and will not appoint a chair today. (Explains the main 4 committees). To apply for a chair
position send me an e-mail apolloc3@fau.edu. We wil ldo the info sheets next week and I would love to have everyone e-mail me what they
would like to do.
Next House Meeting - 23rd October 2009, 3:30 PM Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Yousef; seconded by Shackelford
Adjourned at 4:50PM