Dissemination IRES, Chapter 10 Ilaria DiMatteo


IRES, Chapter 10


Ilaria DiMatteo

United Nations Statistics Division

The Oslo Group on Energy Statistics

Fifth meeting, Cork, Ireland, 1-4 February 2010


A first draft of Chapter 10 was discussed at the 4 th OG meeting. The Group:

Agreed with its general structure and the proposed recommendations

Reiterated the importance of developing recommendations on dissemination within the

Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics

– Acknowledged that the issues of confidentiality need to be further addressed


A revised version was discussed during the 1 st Virtual Meeting.

Among the conclusions:

• Removed ‘international reporting’ from the list of issues covering dissemination policy, and added ‘dissemination of metadata and quality reports’ to the list

• Encourage countries to release provisional data no later than

• 2 months for monthly data (1 month if capable)

• 3 months for quarterly data

15 months for annual data (9-12 months if capable)

Remove list of data items for international dissemination

• included mention that data suppression due to confidentiality should be clearly indicated in metadata.

Recommendation for international reporting revised


The Oslo Group is invited to:

(a) review the recommendations in the chapter

(b) provide additional comments to the chapter


Thank You very much for your kind attention!

