The 2000 Latvian Population and Housing Census methodology and technology - in favour of data users Historical background 3 main periods: 1919 - 1940 the period of first independence of Latvia 1940 - 1990 wartime, post-war years and the years under Soviet rule 1990 - Latvia’s restored independence Historical background 1 September 1919 – Establishment of the State Statistical office: demographic statistics agricultural statistics Population Censuses 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, 2000 Historical background Currently the CSB of Latvia performs approximately 75 % of the statistical work in the country 39 other institutions are involved in the annual State Programme of Statistical information Legislation Law on State Statistics, 1997 Statute (Regulation) of Central Statistical Bureau, 1998 Annual Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers on State Programme of Statistical Information Law on Population Census,16 December 1999 Personal Data Protection Law, 23 March 2000 Traditional users of statistical data Bank of Latvia Ministries and subordinate institutions Municipalities Mass media Business enterprises Population of Latvia EU, international organisations Dissemination of statistical information Printed statistical publications Statistical outputs on CD, floppy discs, etc. Home page Information centre Information requests 2000 Census in Latvia Census program: 9 items in the Household’s questionnaire 14 items in the Person’s questionnaire 9 items from Population Register 1 item from State Revenue Service Register The work flow of census 2000 Census preparations steps: law, regulations, questions, finance, the way of collecting data. Enumerations area creation, for census 2000, with map aid, for work load splitting within intervivers Census 2000 Questioner Design Pilot census Real Census 2000 Census 2000 Questioner Design For Scanning And Software adoption Scanning, data visual correction, logical controls, estimates. Verifying results and corrections of form Census data - to all users’ groups Enumeration area creation 2000 Census in Latvia 2000 Census data processing technology Scanning technology versus keyboard entry??? = SCANNING !!! 2000 Census in Latvia Census budgeting 1995-1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 = 23500 LVL = 116400 LVL = 600000 LVL = 1726700 LVL = 111300 LVL Total = 2.577.900 LVL Lessons learned from 2000 Round of Censuses II Earlier start of preparatory works More contacts with most important data users More attention to delineation of enumerators’ districts More attention to census maps Better co-operation with municipalities More stuff Census 2010/2011 in Latvia I UN ECE and EUROSTAT Recommendations for the 2010 Census programme Core topics (In case of adopting the EU Regulation in 2010/2011 for All EU countries - mandatory) Non-core topics (Free choice of countries) 2000 2010 29 29 52 57 Census 2010/2011 in Latvia II UN ECE and EUROSTAT Recommendations for the 2010 Census programme (cont.) Core topics Geographic characteristics 2 Demographic characteristics 3 Economic characteristics 4 Educational characteristics 1 Migration characteristics 4 Ethno-cultural characteristics 0 Disability 0 Household characteristics 2 Living quarters and dwellings 13 Non-core topics 5 4 11 6 6 16 5 3 1 Census 2010/2011 in Latvia IV Data sources and data acquisition methods (possible variants) 1. Enumerators’ method incl. modifications Face-to-face interviews in residences of population Distribution and collecting census questionnaires by enumerators, help if necessary to people to fill-in them Census questionnaires are send out by post, people fillin them, questionnaires are collected by enumerators 2. Mail-out, mail-back method Census questionnaires are sent out by post, people fillin them and send back to statistical office by mail 3. Internet based questioner Census 2010/2011 in Latvia V Data sources and data acquisition methods (possible variants) (cont.) 4. Combined methods Administrative data + enumerators Administrative data + mail-out, mail-back method 5. Census programme, which is fully ensured by the information stored in administrative data sources Plans for Census 2011 6. Totally different method GPS and GIS based technology Interviewers with HHPC or Tablet PC