Meeting: GLAST Preliminary Design Review, January 8-11, 2002 Subsystem: Thermal RFA Number: 42 Originator: D. Hewitt/T. McCarthy, Code 545, 301-286-5115 Response Accepted/ RFA Closed: _________________ (Originator’s initials) Specific Request: Evaluate the sensitivity of the tracker tray temperature with respect to the thermal interface gasket. Verify heat transfer coefficient in T/V cycling. Supporting Rational: The main heat transfer path for the tracker tray stack of electronics is across an interface that is mechanically decoupled, but thermally connected to the grid. The integrity of this joint is critical to the thermal design. Response: Thermal analysis shows that TKR tray temperatures are relatively insensitive to changes in the thermal gasket conductivity. Thermal-vacuum testing of candidate gasket materials is underway.