Brianna Armitage processes related to weather and the water cycle.

Brianna Armitage
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Content Area: Science
Unit Title: Introduction to Weather and the Water Cycle
Learning Goal: Students will be able to explain and understand fundamental terms and
processes related to weather and the water cycle.
Technology Standards:
- Communication and collaboration
● Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers using a variety of digital
environments and tools.
● Communicate information and ideas to multiple audiences using a variety of
media and formats.
- Creativity and innovation
● Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas.
● Create original work as means of personal or group expression.
- Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
● Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
● Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
- Digital citizenship
● Advocate and practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and
Technologies Integrated:
● Students will create posters.
● I will use PowerPoint to provide information.
● I will provide videos to watch.
● Students will create graphic organizers.
● Students learn through interactive websites.
● Current weather forecast video
● BrainPop - website, videos, and interactive quiz.
Unit Outline:
Lesson 1- intro to weather
To start, have students describe different types of weather.
● Each table group will get a poster the has an image of a certain types of weather
glued on it. They are to finish the poster by describing the weather.
● In front of class, they will share their observations.
(15 minutes)
Next, I will have a PowerPoint that explain the fundamental terms needed to understand
weather and meteorology.
(15 minutes)
Lastly, watch a segment of the recent weather.
● Ask how and why weather is important and how it affects us.
● Watch again, but this time ask students to write down any words they don't know.
● Discuss as a group, give possible definitions, and add to the list.
(15 minutes ) ( total 45 minutes)
Lesson 2- intro to the water cycle
First, present the vocabulary needed; such as, evaporation, atmosphere, condensation,
precipitation, and collection.
Next, compile a class list of everything in nature that is made of water.
(15 minutes)
1. Boil water in a glass beaker. Students will observe and record their observations
I will explain that when water boils, it transforms into steam, the gaseous form of
water. It has more heat and energy. Less dense, so it rises. Evaporation.
2. Hold a metal pan with an ice cube on it above the boiling water. Students should
observe the bottom of the pan and question what's happening. I will explain the
ice is the solid form of water, and it cools down the pan. When the steam hits the
cold pan it loses heat and becomes a liquid. Condensation.
3. Explain that when the water starts to fall off the bottom of the pan, it is
precipitation. The water droplets become too heavy and they fall because of
(15 minutes)
Next, watch the water cycle video using BrainPop. Complete the interactive quiz at the
(10 minutes)
Lastly, create a graphic organizer of the different water cycle steps
(20 minutes) ( 60 minutes total )