911 pan n. 平底鍋 She comically chased him down the road with a frying pan. 她莫名地拿著長柄平底鍋在道路上 要找他。 912 pants n. 長褲 You really should iron your pants before you wear them for the interview. 為了面試,你應該要在穿長褲之前 把長褲熨平。 913 paper n. 紙 Some say that money is nothing more than paper. 有些人說,金錢不過就是紙。 914 parade n. 遊行 One of the most famous street parades is Mardi Gras in New Orleans. 新奧爾良的狂歡節是著名的街道遊 行之一。 915 parcel n. 包裹 Delivery services require you to sign for parcels before they hand them over. 在把包裹交給他們之前,送貨服務 需要你簽收包裹。 916 parent n. 父(母) 親 School children require the consent of their parents before they can participate in many school activities. 學校學生需要經過父母的同意,才 能參加學校各種的課外活動。 917 parliamen n. 國會 Guy Fawkes famously attempted to blow up the British 蓋伊·福克斯企圖炸毀英國國會。 t parliament. 918 part n. 部分 An automobile has a great many working parts. 汽車有很多工作的部分。 919 party n. 聚會; The office holds a party for its workers every Christmas. 在每一年的聖誕節,辦公室都會為 他們的員工舉辦派對。 一組人 The visiting party were impressed with the many improvements we have made. 許多我們改善的地方,讓觀光團們 留下深刻的印象。 通過 You should pass Niagara Falls on your way to Toronto. 你應該會在前往多倫多的路途上, 920 pass v. 經過尼亞加拉大瀑布。