Chapter 3 System and Application Software 1

Chapter 3
System and Application
What’s inside and on the CD?
• In this chapter you will learn about:
– Many kinds of software
– The types of tasks they can carry out
– How to add software to your computer
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
• Instructions that tell a computer how to carry out a task is
a computer program
• Programs form software to do tasks such as:
– Document production
– Video editing
– Graphic design
– Web browsing
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
• Software is classified as system software or application
– System software is to help computer carry out its
basic operating functions
– Application software is used to help people carry
out tasks such as creating documents, tracking
finances, and editing photos
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
• System and application software work together to perform
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
• Application software is subcategorized in a variety of
– Productivity software refers to word processing,
spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications
– A software suite is related software bundled together
• Microsoft Office Suite
• CorelDRAW Graphic suite
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
– Business software is a broad umbrella for vertical
and horizontal market software
• Vertical market software is designed to automate
specialized tasks in a specific market
• Horizontal market software is generic software
any business can use
– Payroll
– Accounting
– Project management
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is software?
• Groupware is a type of application software frequently
used in business
– Used to help several people collaborate
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is an operating system?
• An operating system is master controller for all activities
within a computer
• An Operating system (OS) does not help people perform
application-specific tasks
• Older operating systems used a command-line
• Most modern operating systems feature easy-to-use
graphical user interface (GUI)
– GUI represents controls and commands as easily
manipulated pictures
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is an operating system?
• Operating systems designed for handheld devices also
feature GUIs
– Windows Mobile OS
– Symbian
– Palm OS
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is an operating system?
• Large-scale computer systems allow monitoring of:
– Multiple users
– Set up network security
– Maintain regular backups
– Optimize performance
• Operating systems also establish limits:
– DOS limits program names to eight characters
– Amount of memory that can be installed
– Size of disk storage
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is an operating system?
• Corrupted operating system files can result in an
unstable computer
• Incompatibilities between operating systems and
application software, files, or devices can cause
computers to become unresponsive
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is document processing
• Document production software assists with:
– Composing
– Editing
– Designing
– Printing
– Electronic publishing
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is document processing software?
• Word processing software has replaced typewriter for:
– Creating
– Spell-checking
– Editing
– Formatting
• Desktop publishing software helps with graphic design
to enhance format and appearance
• Web authoring software helps you design and develop
customized Web pages
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is document processing software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is spreadsheet software?
• Spreadsheet software allows creation of electronic
spreadsheets called worksheets
– Use worksheets to make calculations from inputted
– Worksheets can be grouped to share data
– Turn data into colorful graphs
– Sort data
– Search for data that meets specific criteria
– Print reports
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is spreadsheet software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is presentation software?
• Presentation software supplies tools needed for
combining into electronic slides:
– Text
– Photos
– Clip art
– Graphics
– Animation
– Sound clips
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is presentation software?
• Software is used:
– In classroom lectures and oral presentations
– To create virtual classrooms for distant learning
– To illustrate ideas at company meetings, conferences,
and sales events
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is presentation software?
• Software includes tools for creating:
– Speaker notes
– Line drawings, arrows, other simple shapes
– Complex diagrams
– Digital photographs
– Animation
– Videos
• Software includes templates, master slides, and themes
to ensure uniformity
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is presentation software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is database software?
• A database is a collection of data stored in one or more
• Database software helps you:
• Database software stores data as a series of records
• Many database software packages include tools to
– Queries
– Electronic forms
– Reports
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is database software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What about graphics software?
• The term graphics refers to:
– Pictures
– Drawings
– Sketches
– Photographs
– Images
– Icons
• Graphics software is designed to create, manipulate,
and print graphics
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What about graphics software?
• Paint software provides a set of electronic pens,
brushes, and paints
• Photo editing software includes features designed to
fix poor-quality photographs by:
– Modifying contrast and brightness
– Cropping out unwanted objects
– Removing “red eye”
• Drawing software and CAD provide a set of lines,
shapes, and colors to produce:
Corporate logos
Architectural blueprints
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What about graphics software?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
Can I create videos and music on my
• Video editing software provides tools for transferring
video footage from camcorder to computer to:
– Clip out unwanted footage
– Assemble video segments in any sequence
– Add special visual effects
– Add soundtracks
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
Can I create videos and music on my
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What software do I need for music and
other audio applications?
• Digital audio is sound represented in binary format
• You store recordings on computer’s hard disk in
waveform audio format
• Windows operating system has built-in utility called
Sound Recorder
• MP3 software converts CDs into digital format called
• MIDI format allows computers to communicate with
music synthesizers
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What software do I need for music and
other audio applications?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What about educational and
entertainment software?
• Educational software helps you learn and practice new
• Computer-based training (CBT), sometimes referred to
as e-Learning, can refer to a variety of ways of using
computers for teaching and learning
– Teleconferencing
– Web-based tutorials
– Virtual classrooms
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What about educational and
entertainment software?
• Computer games are the most popular type of
entertainment software
• Multiplayer games provide an environment in which two
or more players can participate in the same game
– Moving closer to virtual reality
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3
What is utility software?
• Utility software includes programs to optimize
computer’s performance, protect data, and facilitate
– Desktop widgets
– Antivirus software
– Antispyware utilities
– Compression utilities
– Defragmentation utilities
– Backup software
– Various types of communications software
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 3