Chapter 11 Finalizing a Document 1

Chapter 11
Finalizing a Document
What’s Inside and on the CD?
• In this chapter, you’ll learn how to add finishing touches
to your document, including:
Adding headers and footers
Setting margins
Incorporating graphics
Save your document in HTML format
Adding comments and tracking changes
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I create headers and footers?
• Header is text that appears at top of every page
• Footer is text that appears at bottom of every page
• Typically display title of document, current date, author’s
name, and page numbers
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I create headers and footers?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I create headers and footers?
• Where headers and footers are displayed:
– Print Layout View
– Full Screen Reading view
– Print Preview
– On printed pages
• Headers and footers preset tabs
– A center tab in middle of page
– A right tab near right margin
• Pressing Tab key will move insertion point to next
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I create headers and footers?
• Use Page Number button in the Header & Footer
group to insert the page number
• Use the Date & Time button in the Insert group to
insert the current date and time
• Click the Go to Header or Go to Footer button to
switch between header and footer
• Change the font and font style of page numbers just
as you would with any other text
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I insert page breaks and
section breaks?
• Page breaks occur when one page ends and the next
• When a page is full, Word automatically inserts page
• You may “force” a page break at any point
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I insert page breaks and
section breaks?
• Section break, displayed as double dotted line, divides
document into sections
• You can apply different formatting to each section
• To insert a break
– Click Page Layout tab
– Click Breaks
– Select type of break
– Click OK
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I insert page breaks and
section breaks?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert photos into a document?
• Two types of graphics may be inserted:
– Vector graphics
– Bitmap graphics
• Bitmap referred to as “picture” with extensions: .bmp,
.png, .jpg, .tif, .gif
• Insert pictures and other bitmaps from files stored in
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert graphics into a document?
• To insert bitmap graphic:
– Click Insert tab
– Click Picture from Illustrations group
– Use Open dialog to navigate to folder containing
– Click to insert
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert graphics into a document?
• To crop picture:
– Select picture
– Click Crop button on Size group
– Drag edges to frame part you want
• Adjust brightness, contrast, and color of picture:
– Select graphic
– Click Brightness, Contrast, or Recolor buttons
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert graphics into a document?
• Control text flow around picture in document:
– Select picture
– From Arrange group select Text Wrapping button
– Select choice from list
• To delete a picture:
– Click picture
– Press Delete button
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert graphics into a document?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert line art into a document?
• Vector graphic, sometimes called “drawing,” created
with basic shapes such as lines, curves, and rectangles
• Clip art, logos, organizational charts created with vector
• To access Clip Art:
– Click Insert tab
– Click Clip Art in Illustrations group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert line art into a document?
• Word’s Shapes allow creation of vector graphics within
• To create complex drawings, combine several shapes
within a rectangle call a “canvas”
• To open blank canvas:
– Click Insert tab
– Click Shapes button
– Click New Drawing Canvas
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert line art into a document?
• Multiple shapes can be grouped together:
Hold down Ctrl key and select shapes
Right-click shapes
Point to Grouping
Click Group
Ungroup shapes by clicking Ungroup
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert line art into a document?
• Use layers to make shapes appear to stack or appear in
front or behind
• To move a shape from one level to another:
– Right-click shape
– Choose Order
– Select order from list
• To control text flows around vector graphics:
– Click Text Wrapping from the Arrange group
– Select an option from the list
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I insert line art into a document?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I set margins?
• Margin settings typically apply to entire document, and
are changed using Page Setup on the Page Layout tab
• Default margins are set to 1” on all sides
• Smaller margins allow for more text, larger margins
reduce amount of text that will fit on page
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I set margins?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I set margins?
• If using headers and footers, don’t set top and bottom
margins too small or headers and footers will not print
• Portrait orientation will display and print page vertically
• Landscape orientation will display and print page
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I set margins?
• Paper tab is used to set paper size and how paper will
feed into default printer
• Select appropriate paper size from Paper size list
• Layout tab is useful for creating different headers and
footers for odd and even pages
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I set margins?
• Other layout options allow you to:
– Center text vertically on page
– Insert line numbers
– Add graphical elements such as borders to document
• These formatting options can apply to entire document
or to selected sections
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I perform a mail merge?
• A mail merge allows you to create multiple documents
from a starting document and a data source
• You can compose your starting document from scratch
or from a document template
• The data source can come from a(n)
– Database file
– Outlook
– Excel spreadsheet
– Word document
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I perform a mail merge?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I perform a mail merge?
• Merge lists contain data such as names and addresses
– Each item is considered a field
– A merge field contains one item of data
– A merge block can contain multiple lines
• Merge fields are enclosed in angle brackets
• Use the Write & Insert Fields group to insert preformatted merge field blocks or individual merge fields
• Preview your final documents
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I perform a mail merge?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I save a document as a Web
• Document may be posted on Internet as Web page
• Must be in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format
to be accessible to Web browsers
• Use the Save As option accessed from the Microsoft
Office button to save a document in HTML format
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I save a document as a Web
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I save a document as a Web
• Not all formatting elements in Word document can be
properly converted to HTML
• Message will be displayed if Word encounters problems
during conversion process
• Cancel or continue with conversion process if problems
are encountered
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I save a document as a
Web page?
• To view HTML document, locate the file with Windows
Explorer and double-click it
• Long Word document will display as one continuous
Web page
• When viewed with browser, vertical scroll bar allows
viewer to move through document
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I convert a document into a
• PDF was created by Adobe Systems
– Has become a universal standard for exchanging files
– Preserves layout
• Software for viewing PDFs is free
• To convert a Word document to PDF:
– Save it first as a normal Word document
– Use the Save As command and select PDF from the
Save As type list
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I convert a document into a
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I convert a document into a
• You might have to install the Publish as PDF or XPS
Add-in for Microsoft Office 2007
• Software for creating PDFs can be obtained a number of
• Free PDF software usually allows you to create, read,
and print PDF files
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I convert a document into a
• Some PDF software offers additional features
– Adobe Acrobat Professional
• Insert text
• Make line-out deletions
• Highlight passages
• Add comments
• XPS is similar to PDF, but created by Microsoft
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I work with electronic
• Word has several built-in features that help you work
with electronic documents
– Office button’s Send option
– Publish option
– Fax templates
• The way you plan to use a document affects the way you
handle it
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I work with electronic
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I work with electronic
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I work with electronic
• Remain alert to avoid the following problems:
– Loss of information or formatting
– Necessary software not installed
– Missing linked data
– Blocked file types
– Large files
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
How do I work with electronic
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I track changes and insert
comments in a document?
• As document is revised, you can maintain record of
original wording
• Track Changes feature maintains all deleted, changed,
and inserted text – displays as contrasting color
• You may hide or display “changes” and integrate them
by “accepting” them
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I track changes and insert
comments in a document?
• Word’s comment feature allows insertion of “sticky notes”
in document
• Comments displayed as balloons in margins, and
displayed or hidden as needed
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I track changes and insert
comments in a document?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I track changes and insert
comments in a document?
• Before inserting comments or tracking changes:
– Click the Review tab
– Click Track Changes
• To accept changes:
– Click changed text
– Click Accept Change button
– To reject change, use Reject options in the Changes
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Can I track changes and insert
comments in a document?
• To accept all changes:
– Click Accept in the Changes group
– Click Accept All Changes in Document
• To reject all changes:
– Click Reject in the Changes group
– Click Reject All Changes in Document
• To insert a comment:
– Click New Comment on the Review tab
– Type comment
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Is there a way to protect documents
from unauthorized access?
• You can protect your documents in several ways
– Encrypt the document so that it can be opened only
when a valid password is entered
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Is there a way to protect documents
from unauthorized access?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Is there a way to protect documents
from unauthorized access?
– Allow anyone to open a document, but restrict the
types of edits that can be made
• Word’s Protect Document group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Is there a way to protect documents
from unauthorized access?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
Is there a way to protect documents
from unauthorized access?
• To deactivate document protection, use the Protect
Document button to access the Restrict Formatting and
Editing task pane
– Scroll to the bottom and click the Stop Protection
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
What other features can I use to
finalize my documents?
• Borders and shading allow emphasizing text or parts of
– Border: Line or graphic drawn around page or
section of text
– Shading: Grayscale or color background applied to
text or table cells
• To apply borders and shading:
– Click Home tab
– Click the down-arrow button on the Borders and
Shading button
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
What other features can I use to
finalize my documents?
• Theme is predefined set of coordinated styles, colors,
and text options to be applied to existing documents for
professional enhancement
• Word includes Apex, Metro, and Office themes
• To chose theme:
– Click Page Layout tab
– Click Themes in the Themes group
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
What other features can I use to
finalize my documents?
• AutoFormat allows automatic formatting
• Examples are replacing fractions (1/4 with ¼) and
formatting internet addresses as hyperlinks
• To activate:
– Click Proofing tab
– Click AutoCorrect Options button
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
What other features can I use to
finalize my documents?
• Format Painter allows replication of formats between text
– Click any text that has format to be replicated
– Click Format Painter button
– Click text where format is to be applied
• If you double-click Format Painter button, it can be
applied to several locations
• To stop Format Painter click button again
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11
What other features can I use to
finalize my documents?
Practical Computer Literacy, 2nd edition
Chapter 11