EE 532 Project To be submitted the last day of classes January 15th, 2008. You know that a line source (continuous) or an array (discrete source) have far-field patterns that are highly affected by the current excitation distribution (or coefficient excitation). Search the literature (or use MATLAB) to study the effect of different windows (amplitude distribution) on the far-field parameters (HPBW, Directivity, side lobe levels…). Take N=11 equally spaced elements for the array. 1. For uniform line source distribution/uniform array, you know that the SLL is 13 dB,… Hint: in MATLAB at the prompt type help window and then use these windows to compute the following parameters from the far-field radiation pattern: 1. Draw the radiation pattern 2. compute the directivity 3. compute the SLL 4. compute the HPBW 5. do the above for both 11 equally spaced array elements spaced 0.35 lamda and a line source with the same length. Tabulate the computed parameters and give your opinion about the application of each design.