6 Grade Math Mrs. Ekonomou First Trimester

6th Grade Math
Mrs. Ekonomou
First Trimester
3 , 4 , 7 & 8th Periods, Room 3001
1. District 123 Vision:
“Create a Dream, Make It a Reality”
2. District 123 Mission
The mission of Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123, as a district striving for excellence, is
to ensure that each student learns the skills, acquires the knowledge, and develops the
behaviors and attitude necessary to succeed in the future as a caring, responsible, and
productive citizen; this mission accomplished through a challenging instructional program that
is consistent with the state and local goals is provided by a caring and talented staff within a
safe and healthy environment in partnership with the entire community.
3. OLHMS Core Values
At Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School, we are committed to SUCCESS by providing an
educational experience for each of our students that promotes CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT
and PROGRESS toward our three “Mustang Musts.”
Be Respectful refers to your ability to treat others the way you expect to be treated.
OLHMS students exhibit respect by…
- being polite and courteous
- following classroom expectations
- accepting teachers’ decisions
- cooperating and encouraging others
Be Responsible refers to your ability to take ownership of your actions. OLHMS students
exhibit responsibility by…
- being prepared for class
- following directions the first time they are given
- completing tasks
- using equipment properly
Be Safe refers to the role you play in maintaining a safe learning environment. OLHMS
students exhibit safety choices by…
- wearing school ID at all times
- avoiding harmful situations
- honoring personal space and materials
- entering and exiting the learning environment in an orderly fashion
4. Rationale
The purpose of 6th Grade Math is prepare students to become 21st century citizens capable of
applying mathematical knowledge to real-world situations. Furthermore, students will be able to
think critically, extend their thinking, and communicate it effectively to problem solve individually
and within a group dynamic. Lastly, students will be encouraged to persevere in their thought
processes as they encounter new and challenging concepts.
5. Objectives (3-5 BIG IDEAS)
By the end of this trimester, students will be able to do the following:
 Recognize, extend and generalize repeating and growing patterns
 Collect, analyze and interpret data in various forms
 Translate between fractional and decimal notations
 Understanding the value of whole numbers, decimals, fractions on the number line
 Perform operations with fractions and mixed numbers
6. Daily Procedures
Each day, students will enter the classroom and begin warm-up activity (posted problems,
correcting HW). Students should be prepared to discuss the previous day’s lesson objective
and/or homework. Students should be actively engaged in the learning process by asking
questions, contributing to group discussion, and writing down their notes and homework.
7. Expectations of Student
Students will need to work toward their potential, ask for clarification when necessary, utilize
available resources, have necessary materials (see below), be honorable in their work and
assessment completion, check the Homework Portal regularly, make-up absent work in a timely
manner, take time to review notes and previous assignments, and create an environment where
different learning styles are respected.
8. Expectations of Teacher
I will help cultivate an environment where students respectfully consider each other’s ideas
regardless of their correctness. I will be fair in her grading policies and timely in returning student
materials. I will also model the expectations set before her students and foster a love of learning
and a passion for math.
9. Assessment Criteria
All notes taken in class will be written in students’ spirals. All/most homework will be
completed in students’ spirals after the notes for that day.
Homework is worth 30% of a student’s grade and assessments are worth 70%. Each
homework assignment is worth 5 points and tests vary. Extra credit and retakes are given per
teacher’s discretion.
10. Materials
Students should bring to class each day their notebooks, pencils, red pens, assignment books
and calculators.
11. Instruction and Directions for Help?
Contact me (Mrs.Pamela Ekonomou) at pekonomou@d123.org or 708-499-6400 x7915
Visit my teacher page