ScHARR Risk Assessment Form General Office PERSONS AT RISK: Employees ( ) Contractors ( ) Public ( ) Visitors ( ) Others ( ) RISK (H) High (M) Medium (L) low (O) No Risk TASK or ACTIVITY: Significant Potential Consequences of Hazard Hazard Environment INITIAL FINAL RISK RISK LEVEL LEVEL Existing Control Measures Additional Control Measures (If Required) Fire Smoke inhalation/burns/fatal M injuries Fire training up to date. Remind staff it is Aware of evacuation procedures and compulsory to assembly points. L complete Equipment switched off when not in use for training. long periods. Electrical equipment testes regularly. Empty boxes stored to a minimum. The fire alarm system is installed, maintained and tested. Fire marshalls and door guards in place. Slip and trips Staff and visitors may be injured if M General good housekeeping is carried out. L they trip over objects or slip on All areas well lit, including stairs. spillages. No trailing leads or cables. Staff keep work areas clear, eg no boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored immediately. Damaged surfaces are reports to Estates helpdesk. Manual Staff risk injuries or back pain Handling of paper, office M Contact porter for heavy items. Remind staff they L from handling heavy/bulky Trolley used to transport heavy items. should not try to objects High shelves for light object only. lift object that equipment look or appear too heavy to handle DSE Posture problems and pain, M discomfort or injuries from DSE Training and assessment of Monitor and workstation. check staff to improper use from poorly Shared workstations assessed for all users. ensure regular designed workstations. Regular breaks. breaks. Headaches or sore eyes Provision of adequate lighting and window L Inform line blinds. manager ASAP Staff are made aware of their entitlement of any issues. to an eye test. Working at Bruising/cuts/fractures from height standing on chairs/desks M Where possible store materials at a height which is accessible without using stools or ladders. Avoid storing heavy/bulky items at height. L Appropriate kick stool used and staff trained to use it. Electrical Electrical shocks or burns from M Regular checks of electrical equipment using faulty electrical equipment. Visual inspections prior to using. Electrical faults also lead to fires. Defective equipment taken out of use Annual PAT L testing. safely and promptly replaced. Staff informed not to bring in own appliances, kettles, fans etc. Sockets are not overloaded and block plug adapters are not to be used. Stress Bullying, harassment and poor M relationships with colleagues, line managers etc. Staff receiving little or no support from line manager. Staff to speak to line manager if feeling WBT meetings. unwell or unhappy in confidence. Regular open Line managers to be aware of their roles sessions with and responsibilities. the Dean. No bullying policy. Staff made aware of University policy of L Stress due to high workload. Lone workers Injury or ill health whilst working M alone. Potential violence or injury from a L lone working. third party who has gained Whereabouts of staff ‘out of office’ monitored. unauthorised access. Staff checks all areas before locking up. Using office Coming into contact with moving, Equipment used in accordance with equipment e.g. cutting or other dangerous parts, shredders, clothing, long hair etc becoming laminators, entangled. manufacturer’s instructions Staff using the equipment aware of how to safely use it (e.g. instruction, signage). L guillotines Equipment periodically checked for safe condition and taken out of use if any damage found. Loose clothing (e.g. ties) and long hair kept away from any moving parts. Intruder/ Serious/Fatal Injuries • Contact University Security promptly, Violence to staff should you know or suspect that an / verbal assault intruder is present in the building. Do not L confront the intruder, lock your door and await the arrival of Security. • University Security 4444 (internal) Working May feel too hot/cold or suffer environment other general discomfort • 0114 22224444 (External) • Temperature of the office normally kept within a comfortable range. Contact with furniture if • Office to be adequately ventilated. insufficient space to move around. • Space provided is sufficient to enable free May suffer eyestrain if lighting is movement around the office, and for insufficient or of the wrong type carrying out general tasks. • Lighting levels adequate for the tasks undertaken. • Window blinds fitted where necessary to adjust lighting levels. • Desk lamps provided if additional task lighting is required? • Any faults to be reported to Steve Preston L 20712 or Cheryl Oliver 20871 Overall Risk: Comments: Additional References, Tasks Etc Undertaken By: Revision Date: Other Persons Consulted: Revision Date: Revision Date: Date: Revision Date: Use the table given on the risk matrix to score your hazard or activity for the probability (‘L' ) likelihood harm will occur and the severity ('S') of the outcome. L Plot the scores on the matrix or multiply them together (LxS) to obtain a risk score – then use the colour of that score to determine the Risk Level, Low to Very High. Activities that are High or Very High must not start (or will need to be suspended), without appropriate controls in place to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Wherever it is a possibility that a serious injury may occur risk must be lowered by putting in extra control measures.