Application - National Neuroscience Recruitment Drive Department of Neuroscience, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary Given Name: Citizenship: Current Location: GPA Udgd Degree: Grad Degree: Publications: Scholarships (current or applied for): Degree Sought: Start Date: References: Provide at least one name and contact information for a reference. Undergrad: Admin purposes only Grad: Admin purposes only Supervisor: Name: Email: Location: Phone#: Relationship to you and their Title: Name: Location: Email: Phone#: Relationship to you and their Title: Name: Location: Email: Phone#: Relationship to you and their Title: Send Unofficial Transcripts: Research Experience: Comments: Your Mailing Address: Your Email Address: Your Phone#: If you are making a general inquiry to the Dept. Neuroscience, email this file as an attachment to: Dept of Neuroscience Graduate Program Administrator at If you are making an inquiry to a faculty member identified as having a specific interest in recruiting students, attach this file to an email sent directly to the faculty member’s email address listed on the Faculty Seeking Students page.