P.E., Health, Recreation & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 # 1 1a 1b 2 2a 2b 2c 2d Linkage to other Plans Goal 1: Student success – retention and success of basic skills 9, 4, 10, DSS1, students PT2 Hire a qualified full time SPA for Study Skills who would assist the Study Skills Coordinator and Athletic Counselor Develop a tracking system for student athletes that would indicate progress toward completion of the student athlete’s Education Plan GPA Basic Subjects AA Degree Transfer courses Goal 2: Access and growth – strategies to manage enrollment 9, 7, 8, 10, growth DA6, PT4 Increase our EEP budget to reflect actual cost of operating the athletic program Increase our OCB budget to reflect actual cost of running the Division programs Establish open entry open exit classes Write new curriculum New flooring in circuit room Purchase tracking system Purchase cardio equipment Develop transfer and certificate programs Recreation Personal Trainer CPR Instructor EMT Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments In progress – worked with part time people in the position We completed the 2003-2003 Student Athletic Academic Report – which is a work in progress Until this year we had to pay a portion of our gate receipts back to the EEP general fund We currently have $93,500 and were given a $10,000 one-time-only allocation. This is on hold until after the North Gym modernization project is complete. In progress # 2e 2f 3 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Continue to develop spin bike classes Purchase 10 additional revolution club bikes Increase productivity by writing current interest curriculum Extreme sports Training and learning effectiveness – Align new and existing programs to meet student needs Open entry open exit classes offered in the weight room and circuit weight rooms Develop new fitness curriculum Marathon running Rock Climbing Triathlon Training Re-evaluate current curriculum for wellness Develop a plan for new covered batting which would be fully lighted Develop a plan to complete field lights for softball Write officiating curriculum Become a training source for umpires, referees, etc. Purchase programs and DVD that enable coaches and teachers the opportunity to analyze sports movement and competition Media room Cameras Stop and slow control Year-End Status and Accomplishments Part of North Gym modernization New Stretching Kickboxing Boot Camp Aquatic Boot Camp Tae Kwando Goal 3: DTL, PT1, 9, 10 On hold until after North Gym modernization project In progress. In progress Will be complete Summer 04 In progress In progress Previewing best equipment to purchase P.E., Health, Recreation, & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 Goal 4: 4a 4b 4c 4d 5 5a Community and economic development Establish the Athletic Hall of Fame as a totally separate event Secure sponsors for dinners Develop a plan for Hughes Stadium that would be attractive to outside users Field House Lockers Concessions Team Room Reconfigure Track and Playing field Soccer Drainage Turf 9, 4, 10, DED In progress In progress. We are now considering a Javelin area in the grass sector which will be opened up by the four way stop. Also, the possibility of field turf. In order to accomplish this task, we will need an all weather runway; we will survey the area this summer. Develop a plan for a netted golf range with sand trap and putting green This could be used by students and community Community would pay a fee to play Organization effectiveness Strategies to address limitations of physical space Systematizing and integrating processes Continue to develop a plan for Hughes Stadium locker room and First Aid room When the four-way stop is complete, it will create additional space for this project. Goal 5: 6, 9, 10, DOE, PT3, 5 New lighting and paint has helped P.E., Health, Recreation, & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 # Action Item Linkage to Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h 5i Develop a plan for a weight room at Hughes Stadium Make additions to the modernization plan of the North Gym Men’s and Women’s team room The Division has grown but has failed to increase support services to address the increased work load Second athletic trainer Third equipment technician Sports Information Clerk Division Clerk Full time tenured-track teachers Assistant Coaches Specialists: e.g., Weight Training, Nutrition Cross Country Fitness Dance Re-define the Division to include chairpersons for: Physical Education Recreation Health Add mirrors and portable dance barres to dance studio New mats for wrestling room Develop plan for new Center for Physical Excellence In progress In progress No new hires In progress In progress In progress In progress In progress P.E., Health, Recreation, & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Goal 6: Other Purchase a Prime Stripe field marker to make the 9, 4, 6, 10 6b job of lining our fields much simpler Purchase a portable Deck store-away for pool which will enable instructors to move and store 6c equipment in a more efficient manner Other Accomplishments: Completed resurfacing of track Installed new eight foot fence for baseball and softball Completed modernization of pool and locker rooms Added new computers to Study Skills lab Purchased new lockers for the pool Year-End Status and Accomplishments 6 Still need Still need