Sacramento City College Unit Plans Spring 2005 Department Name: Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department Spokesperson: Shirley Brown Division Dean: Gary Torgeson Place an X in the boxes of included elements: x Accomplishments x Three-Year Plan x Action Plan x Budget Request x Budget Narrative Key Performance Indicators Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 1 1a 1b 2 2a 2b 2c Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Goal 1: Student success – retention and success of basic 9, 4, 10, skills students DSS1, PT2 Hire a qualified full time SPA for Study Skills who would assist the Study Skills Coordinator and Athletic Develop a tracking system for student athletes that would indicate progress toward completion of the student athlete’s Education Plan GPA Assessment Basic subjects AA Degree Transfer courses Goal 2: Access and growth – strategies to manage 9, 7, 8 10, enrollment growth DA6, PT4 Increase our EEP budget to reflect actual cost of running the athletic program – still need about $15,000 for Post Season Increase our OCB budget to reflect actual cost of running the Division programs – transportation cost continue to increase Establish open entry open exit classes Write new curriculum New flooring in circuit room Purchase tracking system Purchase cardio equipment Year-end Status and Accomplishments In progress – our athletic report is still one year behind. No This is part of the Athletic Counseling Report which is a work in progress We received a permanent $10,000 allotment We received $21,000 one time only funds Most of this will not occur until the North Gym is modernized 2007-08 Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 2d 2e 2f 3 3a 3b 3c 3d Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop transfer and certificate programs Recreation Personal Trainer CPR Instructor EMT Continue to develop spin bike classes Purchase 10 additional revolution club bikes Increase productivity by writing current interest curriculum Aqua Aerobics Archery Tae Kwon Do Training and learning effectiveness – Align new and existing programs to meet student needs Open entry open exit classes offered in the weight room and circuit weight rooms Develop new fitness curriculum Marathon running Rock Climbing Triathlon Training Re-evaluate current curriculum for wellness Develop a plan for new covered batting which would be fully lighted Year-end Status and Accomplishments In progress In progress Aqua Aerobics and Tae Kwon Do -done Goal 3: DT1, PT1, 9, 10 After modernization project In progress In progress In progress Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 3e 3f 3g 3h 4 4a 4b Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop a plan to complete field lights for softball Write officiating curriculum Become a training source for umpires, referees, etc. Purchase programs and DVD that enable coaches and teachers the opportunity to analyze sports movement and competition Media room Cameras Stop and slow control Purchase new pitching machines for batting cages Goal 4: 9, 4, 10, Community and economic development DED Establish the Athletic Hall of Fame as a totally separate event Secure sponsors for dinner Develop a plan for Hughes Stadium that would be attractive to outside users Field House Lockers Concessions Team Room Reconfigure Track and Playing Field Soccer Drainage Field Turf Javelin area Year-End Status and Accomplishments In progress In progress This has been recommended for the modernization project In progress We are a separate event – still need a sponsor In progress Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # Action Item 4c Develop a plan for a netted golf range with sand trap and putting green This could be used by students and community Community would pay a fee to play Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments In progress Goal 5: 5 5a 5b 5c 5d Organization effectiveness Strategies to address limitations of physical space Systematizing and integrating processes Continue to develop a plan for Hughes Stadium locker room and First Aid room Develop a plan for a weight room at Hughes Stadium Make additions to the modernization plan of the North Gym Men’s and Women’s team room Center for Physical Excellence The Division has grown but has failed to increase support services to address the increased work load Second athletic trainer Third equipment technician Sports Information Clerk Division Clerk 6, 9, 10, DOE, PT3, 5 In progress In progress Complete In progress Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 # 5f 5g 5h 5i Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Full time tenured track teachers Assistant Coaches Cross Country Fitness Dance Re-define the Division to include chairpersons for: Physical Education Recreation Health Add mirrors and portable dance barres to dances studio New mats for wrestling room Year-End Status and Accomplishments Cross Country has been hired In progress Barres added After modernization Goal 6: Other Purchase a Prime Stripe field marker to make 6a the job of lining our fields much simpler Purchase a portable Deck store-away for pool which will enable instructors to move and store 6b equipment in a more efficient manner Purchase a golf cart 6c Purchase a gator 6d Purchase pole vault and high jump landing pit 6e Other Accomplishments: 6 9, 4, 6, 10 No No No No Purchased Three-Year Plan Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 Long Range Plan Hire additional support staff Clerk, Division Office Athletic Trainer Equipment Tech Sports Information Officer Purchase new instructional equipment Computers Spin Bikes Wrestling Mat Video Analysis Program, DVD North Gym Modernization Mat Hoist in North Gym Develop plan for Hughes Stadium Field House Weight Room Playing Field – sports turf Locker Rooms Practice Field for soccer and football, javelin competition area Hire additional full time instructors Assistant Coaches Fitness Dance Modernize Circuit Weight Room Develop plan for batting cages and softball lights Develop plan for a netted driving range Sand Trap Putting Green 2005– 2006 2006– 2007 2007- 2008 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 1 1a 1b 2 2a 2b 2c Action Item Student success – retention and success of basic skills students Hire a qualified full time SPA for Study Skills who would assist the Study Skills Coordinator and Athletic Counselor Develop a tracking system for student athletes that would indicate progress toward completion of the student athlete’s Education Plan. GPA Assessment Basic subjects AA Degree Transfer courses Access and growth – strategies to manage enrollment growth Increase our EEP budget to reflect actual cost of running the athletic program – still need about $15,000 for Post Season Increase our OCB budget to reflect actual cost of running the Division programs – transportation costs continue to increase and game security Establish open entry open exit classes Write new curriculum Purchase tracking system Linkage to Other Plans Goal 1: 9, 4, 10, DSSI, PT2 Goal 2: 9, 7, 8, 10, DA6, PT4 Year-end Status and Accomplishments Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 2d 2e 2f 3 3a 3b 3c 3d Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop transfer and certificate programs Recreation Personal Trainer CPR Instructor EMT Continue to develop spin bike classes Purchase 10 additional revolution club bikes Increase productivity by writing current interest curriculum Wellness Archery Tae Kwon Do Training and learning effectiveness – align new and existing programs to meet student needs Open entry open exit classes offered in the weight and circuit weight rooms Develop new fitness curriculum Marathon running Rock Climbing Triathlon Training Re-evaluate current curriculum for wellness Develop a plan for new covered batting which would be fully lighted. Goal 3: DT1, PT1, 9, 10 Year-end Status and Accomplishments Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 3e 3f 3g 3h Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop a plan to complete field lights for softball Write officiating curriculum Become a training source for umpires, referees, etc. Purchase programs and DVD that enable coaches and teachers the opportunity to analyze sports movement and competition Media room Cameras Stop and slow control Purchase new pitching machines for batting cages Goal 4: 4 4a 4b Community and economic development Secure sponsors for the Athletic Hall of Fame Develop a plan for Hughes Stadium that would be attractive to outside users Field House Lockers Concessions Team Room Reconfigure Track and Playing Field Soccer Drainage Field Turf Javelin area Year-end Status and Accomplishments Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 4c Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop a plan for a netted golf range with sand trap and putting green This could be used by students and community Community would pay a fee to play Goal 5: 5 5a 5b 5c 5d Organization effectiveness Strategies to address limitations of physical space Systematizing and integrating processes Continue to develop a plan for Hughes Stadium locker room and First Aid Room Develop a plan for a weight room at Hughes Stadium The Division has grown but support services have not been increased to address the increased work load Second Athletic Training Third Equipment Technician Sports Information Clerk Division Clerk Full time tenure track teachers Assistant Coaches Fitness Dance 6, 9, 10, DOE, PT3, 5 Year-end Status and Accomplishments Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 5e 5f 5g Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Re-define the Division to include chairpersons for Physical Education Recreation Health Add mirrors to dance studio New mats for wrestling room Goal 6: 6 6a 6b 6c 6d Other Purchase a Prime Stripe field marker to make the job of lining our fields much simpler Purchase a portable Deck Store-Away for pool which will enable instructors to move and store equipment in a more efficient manner Purchase a golf cart Purchase a gator 9, 4, 6, 10 Year-end Status and Accomplishments Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department Budget Request 2006 - 2007 Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Totals Description EEP Transportation Game Security P.E. Instructional Equipment Office Supplies Base Tracking Software Hall of Fame Full time trainer Hire new instructors Dance mirrors New Wrestling Mat Full time clerk Netted golf, putting green and sand trap Hire Sports Information Clerk New Batting Cages Assistant Equipment Technician 10 revolution club bikes Softball lights 10 computers Practice Fields – Hughes Operati ng Budget Increase 15,000 20,000 15,000 Instruction Supplies Computers Equipment Furniture New Program Start-up Marketing Materials Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires 5,000 5,000 20,000 3,000 3,000 1 5 5,010 15,000 1 300,000 1 200,000 1 10,000 55,000 20,000 24,000 100,000 15,000 1,000,000 1,625,010 5 4 Student Hires Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department Line # Description Total Amount Priority Rank 1 EEP – Post Season 15,000 3 2 Transportation 20,000 2 3 4 Game security Physical Education Instruction Equipment 15,000 5,000 1 4 5 Office Supplies 5,000 5 6 Base – uniforms/equipment 20,000 6 7 PDF – open entry/open exit 25,000 7 8 PDF – tracking software 3,000 8 9 Trust – Hall of Fame 3,000 18 10 PDF – Renovation 300,000 12 11 PFE – Trainer 42,030 10 12 PFE – Instructors 43,000 9 13 14 15 16 PDF – Mirrors in Dance Studio PDF – New Wrestling Mat PDF – Portable Dance Barres PDF – Division Clerk 5,000 15,000 3,000 25,691 11 21 22 13 17 PDF – Netted golf range 300,000 19 Justification Our students still do not get the minimum food allowance when they travel. We have had one increase in 12 years and are looking to meet COLA during this period for meals/lodging at $15 per day. Transportation costs continue to increase every year. Since we will no longer be able to rent 15 passenger vans, this will add to our transportation costs as well. Campus Police will charge the Division for this service Equipment replacement Our division has faculty and staff located in three areas; this has caused an increase in necessary office equipment and supplies to assure an efficient operation. Uniforms and equipment items are bid; all new money has been applied to transportation To get ready for open entry/open exit classes – upgrade Tracking software for weight rooms –install necessary for open entry/open exit Hall of Fame - looking for sponsor for dinner The locker rooms and First Aid room need to be renovated and made gender equitable The growth of our programs shows a need for another full time trainer Several more instructors are needed – Dance/Spirit Squad, fitness, Assistant Baseball, Assistant Football Needed to complete the project that was begun several years ago. Our main mat is 20 years old and needs to be replaced. Necessary to enhance our dance program Need a full time Division Clerk New facility currently at Land Park- this would increase FTEs by being on campus Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department Line # Description Total Amount Priority Rank 18 PDF – Sport Information Clerk 25,691 15 19 PDF – Batting cages 100,000 16 20 PDF – Assistant Equipment Technician 31,157 17 21 PDF – 10 revolution bikes 10,000 14 22 23 24 25 PDF – Softball field lights UP property development Hughes practice fields New Center for Physical Excellence 200,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 20 23 24 25 Justification We need a full-time person to disseminate information to the media; more and more community colleges in California are hiring this position New cages with lights, cover and floor would allow use even in inclement weather Our program has grown over the years and cannot further expand with only two – they accrue a lot of CTO This would allow us to replace the remainder of the bikes in the Circuit Weight Room Complete project started two years ago. Develop plan for tennis courts and practice fields Will be worked into 4-way stop project Will included in modernization project Action Plan in Link Legend Abbreviation Document Location of Source Document 1 A review of student athletic counseling and retention program and recommendations for the future Student athlete counseling and retention program evaluation 1999-2000 2002 – 2003 PDF request 2003 – 2004 PDF request 2004 – 2005 PDF request 2002 – 2003 PFE request 2003 – 2004 PFE request 2004 – 2005 PFE request 2002 – 2003 CDF request 2003 – 2004 CDF request 2004 – 2005 CDF request 2002 – 2003 Equipment request 2003 – 2004 Equipment request 2004 – 2005 Equipment request 2002 – 2003 EEP request 2003 – 2004 EEP request 2004 – 2005 EEP request 2002 – 2003 Base request 2003 – 2004 Base request 2004 – 2005 Base request 2000 – 2001 Unit Plan 2001 – 2002 Unit Plan 2002 – 2003 Unit Plan 2003 – 2004 Unit Plan 2004 – 2005 Unit Plan Division Office, PE/H/A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Action Plan in Link Legend Abbreviation Document Location of Source Document PDF CDF EEP PT1 (PT2 . . . PT5) DSS (DSS1 – DSS 8) Program Development Fund College Discretionary Fund Educational Enrichment Program Planning Themes #1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 District Strategic Plan – Student Success Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Division Office, PE/H/A Public Folder Not yet available officially (get unofficial copy from Planning Office) DAG (DAG1 . . . DAG9) DTL (DTL1 . . . DTL5) District Strategic Plan – Access and Growth (sections 1 – 9) District Strategic Plan – Teaching and Learning Effectiveness (sections 1 – 5) District Strategic Plan – Organizational Effectiveness (sections 1 – 10) District Strategic Plan – Community and Economic Development (sections 1-4) DOE (DOE1 . . . DOE10) DED (DED1 . . . DED4) Key Performance Indictors for Physical Education, Health & Athletics Department