Middle East Foreign Policy

Middle East Foreign Policy
The Koran
Muslim Holy book
The final word of God
Told through the prophet
Muhammad, is the last
messenger of God
Born 570 ce
Angel Gabriel dictated the
word of God to
Muhammad on Mt. Hira in
Muslim Beliefs
1 God “Allah” Same God as Christians &
Old Testament
Follow the Koran
Follow the 5 pillars of Islam
5 Pillars of Islam
I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I
testify that Muhammad is the messenger of
the requirement to pray five times a day at fixed
times. Must face Mecca
the practice of charitable giving by Muslims
based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory
for all who are able to do so.
Ritual fasting is an obligatory act during the
month of Ramadan
Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do
so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at
least once in his or her lifetime.
Muslim Sects
Muhammad dies in 632 who shall be his
successor? The split begins…
Sunni Islam
• Largest Islamic Sect Majority in the Middle
• The first four caliphs--Mohammed's
successors--rightfully took his place as the
leaders of Muslims.
• Do not have to be a direct descendant of
Shia (Shi’ite) Islam
• Minority in the middle east
• Often persecuted by majority Sunni led
• Only direct descendants should be caliphs
• See themselves as the descendants of
The Kurds
• Ethnic group
• Consider themselves indigenous people of
the Middle East
• Persecuted throughout the Middle East
• Mostly Sunni Muslim
World Religion
World Religion
Middle East Geography
• Fill in as many countries as you can.
• Settlements dating
back to 4000 BCE
• Language: Persian
• Religion: Shi’a Islam
• Large Oil reserves
Iran: Current History
• 1941 Allies invade Iran to secure the Oil
• Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh becomes Prime
minister in 1951
• Mossadegh claims Oil is being stolen by the
U.S. and Britain. Plans to nationalize oil
America Responds to Iran
• U.S. name Mossadegh a Communist.
• CIA causes a coup/ Mossadegh removed
• Pro-American Shah put into power
The Shah of Iran
• Shah crushes all forms of decent
• Let Western businesses move into Iran
• Nation became very westernized
• Enraged traditional Muslims that wanted
Islamic Law
Westernized Iran
Iranian Revolution
• 1978 Major demonstrations against the
• America Moved in and flies the Shah to
safety in the U.S.
• Iranians enraged
• Protestors Surround the U.S. Embassy in
Iranian Hostage Crisis
• Protestors storm the U.S. Embassy
• Take Americans hostage.
• America negotiates
Iran and America Enemies
• Ayatollah Khomeini returns from exile to
lead Iran
• 1979 Iran becomes an Islamic Republic
• Iran becomes a Theocracy (government
run by religion)
• Americans pushed out of Iran
• Iran and U.S. becomes enemies
Current Situation in Iran
What Should the U.S. Do About
Iran and Terrorism
• The U.S. accuses Iran of sponsoring terror
groups around the world.
• Training and arming terrorists to lead
attacks in Iraq, Syria…
Iran and Israel
• Iran has threated to destroy Israel.
Iran and Nuclear Weapons
• Iran has several nuclear facilities.
• Actively trying to produce nuclear
Iranian Nuclear Fears
• America does NOT want Iran to get
nuclear weapons.
• Why?
1. Could lead to a nuclear arms race in the
Middle East.
2. Weapons could end up in the hands of
3. Iran has already threated to nuke Israel
Iranian Nuclear Deal
• Secretary of State Kerry has negotiated a
deal to slow Iran's Nuclear progress.
• America split on the deal.
• Democrats: Many for it
• Republicans: Nearly all against.