Commission on the Status of Women AGENDA Room: Wisconsin Room, Davies

Commission on the Status of Women
Friday, May 4 9:00 - 10:30am
Room: Wisconsin Room, Davies
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is charged with making recommendations to the Chancellor
regarding issues, policies, and initiatives affecting women, as well as seeking input from and providing
information to those individuals, departments, units, and organizations interested in the status of women.
April 20, 2012
 Do we have funds to give Becky Drout a gift card as a thank you for facilitating our Listening Session?
 Breaking up the College of Arts and Sciences: wage differentials by discipline groups
Re-cap of Listening Session and meeting with the Chancellor
Women’s and LGBTQ Resource Center
o Is there any follow-up that needs to be done on this issue?
o Is there anything that should be on our website?
Encourage Faculty Across Disciplines to Consider and Highlight the Role of Women in the Discipline
o Make it obvious who our women’s studies affiliates are—link to CSW website
o Look into CETL/ORSP workshops
o Start with a capstone class
o Have a student go through all UWEC websites—looking for gender neutrality
o Add to CSW a link where people can report non-gender neutrality website issues
o Piggyback issues of gender with collection of resources document
o Teresa suggested we invite Aaronette on March 29 to give a presentation on this issues. She is
a speaker from UC Santa Cruz
Work/Life Balance – Employee Satisfaction
o Wellness Committee
o Tuition benefits—Syracuse and Vermont
o Children’s Center Committee--update from Traci Thomas-Card
o The question remains whether CSW wants to make a recommendation to the Chancellor
o Work/Life Research—update from Teresa, Kristina, Melissa, Vicki
EDI: (new topic)
o Teresa shared that the Chancellor’s Diversity Advisory Committee has drafted an Inclusive
Excellence plan for the campus. It will be reviewed by the Dismantling Racism group Friday
March 9 and shared w/the Faculty Senate Tuesday, March 13. CSW will be able to review it in
the near future.
o History/Background: UW System use to require a 10 year diversity plan from every campus;
although these 10 year plans no longer required, System did request an ongoing plan. For
UWEC, this includes the Equity Scorecard system, which provides guidance for the plan’s
measures; an introduction and 4 pages outlining 4 goals and examples for how to reach each
goal. This plan mimics the framework of the University’s Strategic Plan. In addition there will be
annual action steps to be accomplished.