Commission on the Status of Women Minutes

Commission on the Status of Women
Tuesday, September 25; 1:00 – 2:00pm
Room: Ho Chunk Room, Davies Center
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is charged with making recommendations to the Chancellor
regarding issues, policies, and initiatives affecting women, as well as seeking input from and providing
information to those individuals, departments, units, and organizations interested in the status of women.
Teresa O’Halloran, Kate Hinnant, Melissa Bonstead-Bruns, Sanjukta Chaudhuri, and Pat Karlen
September 7, 2012 Accepted
Friday, October 12: 2:00 – 3:00; Ho Chunk Room, DSC
Tuesday, October 23, 1:00 – 2:00 (meet with Interim Chancellor); Ho Chunk Room, DSC
Friday, November 9, 2:00 – 3:00; Ho Chunk Room, DSC
Tuesday, November 20, 1:00 – 2:00; Ho Chunk Room, DSC
Friday, December 7, 2:00 – 3:00; Ho Chunk Room, DSC
 It was recommended that we invite the Interim Chancellor to our 2nd meeting in the fall.
- It was agreed to discuss the climate survey at our next meeting. It was agreed to then meet
with the Chancellor at a subsequent meeting so we can discuss this issue and other topics
CSW will be working on for the year
-Establish better dialogue between interim chancellor and the new chancellor. Teresa made
arrangements for the Interim Chancellor to meet with CSW the first half hour of our
Tuesday, October 23 meeting. She will provide him with CSW background. We will
finalize a list of topics we want to discuss at our October 12 meeting.
-We would like to set up a meeting with the search committee. The search team has a very
busy schedule that will not allow for a meeting with them. CSW members were
encouraged to attend one of the open forums and/or share comments with CSW member
Mitra Sadeghpour who is also a member of the search committee.
 It was recommended that CSW work with Foundation regarding donors designating contributions
directly to CSW. Robin provided the following guidance:
-If donor has a particular interest they can direct their donation to CSW
- CSW should come up with specific projects we need money for then contact Foundation for
a possible contribution
-this organization has to be proactive with its ideas to attain monetary contributions
-CSW can add a “please donate to CSW” box on its website (see Foundation for guidance)
-Teresa reminded CSW members that we have a budget (she will let us know how much).
Encourage Faculty across Disciplines to Consider and Highlight the Role of Women in the Discipline:
o Look into CETL/ORSP workshops
o Start with a capstone class
o Have a student go through all UWEC websites—looking for gender neutrality—Theresa
reported this is in progress and going well
o Add to CSW a link where people can report non-gender neutrality website issues—Done
o Piggyback issues of gender with collection of resources document
Work/Life Balance – Employee Satisfaction:
o Melissa provided analysis of UW System’s work life/climate survey that was conducted in
2009. Considerable discussion took place amongst Commission members. We plan on
discussing the analysis further at our next meeting.
o A scanned copy of Melissa’s analysis has been emailed to all committee members for further
discussion. (Question: do we want the analysis to be linked to the CSW website?)
o Teresa is going to forward an employee environment document asking for comments.
o Wellness Committee Update from Vicki
o Tuition benefits—Syracuse and Vermont
o Children’s Center Committee—Do we still want a CSW member to be part of this?
o The question remains whether CSW wants to make a recommendation to the Chancellor
EDI: CSW recommended this discussion continue. Mary Canales is EDI Fellow
o Teresa: report on the Committees’ progress this past summer: how to tie the Inclusive
Excellence plan with the Strategic Plan and will develop the action plan/priorities.
o Teresa shared that the Chancellor’s Diversity Advisory Committee has drafted an Inclusive
Excellence plan for the campus. It will be reviewed by the Dismantling Racism group Friday
March 9 and shared w/the Faculty Senate Tuesday, March 13. CSW will be able to review it in
the near future.
o History/Background: UW System uses to require a 10 year diversity plan from every campus;
although these 10 year plans are no longer required, System did request an ongoing plan. For
UWEC, this includes the Equity Scorecard system, which provides guidance for the plan’s
measures; an introduction and 4 pages outlining 4 goals and examples for how to reach each
goal. This plan mimics the framework of the University’s Strategic Plan. In addition there will be
annual action steps to be accomplished.
 Robin suggested CSW start working on doing something special for the Centennial in 2016. CSW
members were asked to bring their ideas to meetings for consideration. So far the following ideas
have been suggested:
o Sarah Harder & Sue Lemke were instrumental in bringing women’s issues to the forefront. Look
into telling their story in some type of way. Judy will talk to Sarah.
o A quilt telling a story of where we have been and where we are going
o Melissa will send CSW a time log she did when Gloria Steinem was last on campus. We
discussed adding to the timeline.
o Discuss adding a special link to the CSW website with historical-related data, documents,
pictures, stories and time logs.