Commission on the Status of Women MINUTES Room: Wisconsin Room, Davies

Commission on the Status of Women
Tuesday, January 31; 9:00 - 10:30am
Room: Wisconsin Room, Davies
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is charged with making recommendations to the Chancellor
regarding issues, policies, and initiatives affecting women, as well as seeking input from and providing
information to those individuals, departments, units, and organizations interested in the status of women.
Teresa O’Halloran, Mary Canales, Sanjukta Chaudhuri, Judy Gatlin, Pat Karlen, Deb Klossner, Abby Vercauteren
December 9, 2011: Mitra Sadeghpour was added as an attendee. Minutes accepted as edited.
Proposed Spring Schedule: ….subject to change!
JANUARY: Tuesday, Jan. 31; 9:00 – 10:30; Wisconsin Room, DC
FEBRUARY: Friday, Feb. 17; 9:00 – 10:30; Wisconsin Room, DC: plan listening session
(Theme will be a collaborative session of all groups on campus interested in women’s issues: invite
representatives from AA, HR, WAGE and LGBTQ Resource Center, Women’s Studies, Activist
Feminist, Men Opposed to Sexual Assault, etc. They could serve as a panel. Topics could be what
each is about, how we can collaborate more. Who can we get to host/facilitate?)
FEBRUARY: Tuesday, Feb. 21; 9:00 – 10:30; President’s Room, DC: Listening Session
MARCH: Tuesday, Mar. 6; 9:00 – 10:30, Wisconsin Room, DC: women’s history month
APRIL: Friday, Apr 20; 9:00 – 10:30; Schofield Room 202: meeting with Chancellor
MAY: Friday, May 4; 9:00 – 10:30; Wisconsin Room, DC—wrap
 Deb Klossner => CSW website changes were reviewed and additional edits were discussed. The site
has been revised. Please visit the site and let Pat or Teresa know if you would like additional changes.
A HUGE thank you to Deb Klossner for lending her technical expertise!
Women’s and LGBTQ Resource Center
o The question remains whether CSW want to make a recommendation to the Chancellor.
o Jacqueline Bonneville has put together a proposal regarding the Resource Center’s staff and
budget and would like to present it at our next meeting. I sent an email to her with date, time
and location.
 Encourage Faculty Across Disciplines to Consider and Highlight the Role of Women in the Discipline
Did not have time to discuss….will keep on the agenda for our next meeting
o Make it obvious who our women’s studies affiliates are—link to CSW website
o Look into CETL/ORSP workshops
o Start with a capstone class
o Have a student go through all UWEC websites—looking for gender neutrality
o Add to CSW a link where people can report non-gender neutrality website issues
o Piggyback issues of gender with collection of resources document
o Teresa suggested we invite Aaronette on March 29 to give a presentation on this issues. She is
a speaker from UC Santa Cruz
o We will discuss more at next meeting
 Work/Life Balance – Employee Satisfaction
Did not have time to discuss….will keep on the agenda for our next meeting
o Wellness Committee—update from Vicki
o Tuition benefits—Syracuse and Vermont
o Children’s Center Committee--update from Traci Thomas-Card
o The question remains whether CSW wants to make a recommendation to the Chancellor
Safety on Campus—Teresa
o UW System has opened the door for campuses to establish a policy that would allow the
Chancellor to make an exception to not being able to carry a concealed in a UWEC building.
(For example, an exception for a female that has a restraining order against someone and
believes she is in danger.)
o Update from Teresa: There was an application for exception, the request was denied. UW-Eau
Claire continues to look at all avenues to assure employee safety on campus.
Teresa, Kristina, Melissa, Vicki: report on work/life research