Commission on the Status of Women February 7, 2011

Commission on the Status of Women
February 7, 2011
Clearwater Room, Davies Center
Members Present: Kristina Bourne, Kerry Day, Catherine Emmanuelle, Mary Hoffman, Crystal
Kazik, Theresa Kemp, Julia Lehman-Caldwell, Vicki L. Funne Reed, Mitra Sadeghpour, David
Schaffer, Patti See, Traci Thomas-Card,Christine Webster
Members Absent: Mary Canales, Pat Karlen, Teresa O’Halloran, Manda Riehl, Abby
12/07/10 minutes were approved.
New Business
Meeting Changes:
Monday 2/21 will be moved to Wednesday 2/23 at 1:00 pm in Clearwater
Monday 3/28 will be moved to Wednesday 3/30 at 1:00 pm in Clearwater (the
Chancellor will be attending this meeting)
Monday 4/25 (Easter Monday) to Wednesday 4/27 at 1:00 pm in Clearwater
Staff Benefits:
Patti will talk to Teresa O’Halloran about the benefits documents linked to the HR website
Why are Faculty/ Academic Staff grouped together on the HR website when they earn
different vacation and sick leave?
If information is not on the HR page, where is it?
Need to work this out for potential hires and for current employees
o Is there a difference between the website and what people hear in person
Crystal and Patti will work on creating a flow chart that depicts benefits of all UWEC employees
o Flow chart will help everyone understand the difference between faculty, academic
staff (instructional/adjunct and professional/administrative), classified staff, and
limited term employees.
o Important to create a common language
Work Life Balance:
Teresa O’Halloran will speak to the Chancellor about money for speaker this semester.
o Potential topic: “Work Life in Academia”
Possibly applying for grants was brought by Kristina Bourne
Catherine Emmanuelle will contact someone from Berkeley to speak about their Work/Life
initiatives (included in documents Kristina Bourne sent out)
Question about whether or not a pool of funds for other employees and departments to use
when covering for colleagues’ classes
o How did they fund this in Berkeley?
o Ask Chancellor if he supports this?
CSW Spring Semester 2011 Goals (working ideas):
Do something with the new Children’s Center
Draft a resolution supporting the definition of paid CARE LEAVE and pursue making it a
o Bring resolution to University Senate and then board of regents
o May be more powerful if we reach out to other UW system Commissions on the
Status of Women
Mandated Safe Space training (University Wide)- there isn’t one
CSW would like to hold at least one concrete event: forum, speaker, listening session
Christine Webster will continue updating CSW website. Thank you!
Patti will work on scheduling the Chancellor for our March meeting (he is out of town during our
next scheduled meeting in February).