Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Chapter 11 Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments LEARNING OBJECTIVES The focus of this chapter is learning about the design of experiments and the analysis of variance thereby enabling you to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Understand the differences between various experiment designs and when to use them. Compute and interpret the results of a one-way ANOVA. Compute and interpret the results of a random block design. Compute and interpret the results of a two-way ANOVA. Understand and interpret interaction. Know when and how to use multiple comparison techniques. CHAPTER TEACHING STRATEGY This important chapter opens the door for students to a broader view of statistics than they have seen to this time. Through the topic of experimental designs, the student begins to understand how they can scientifically set up controlled experiments in which to test certain hypotheses. They learn about independent and dependent variables. With the completely randomized design, the student can see how the t test for two independent samples can be expanded to include three or more samples by using analysis of variance. This is something that some of the more curious students were probably wondering about in chapter 10. Through the randomized block design and the factorial designs, the student can understand how we can analyze not only multiple categories of one variable, but we can simultaneously analyze multiple variables with several categories each. Thus, this chapter affords the instructor an opportunity to help the student develop a structure for statistical analysis. In this chapter, we emphasize that the total sum of squares in a given problem do not change. In the completely randomized design, the total sums of squares are parceled into between treatments sum of squares and error sum of squares. By using a blocking design when there is significant blocking, the blocking effects are removed from the error effects which reduces the size of the mean square error and can potentially create a more © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 362 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments powerful test of the treatment. A similar thing happens in the two-way factorial design when one significant treatment variable siphons off sum of squares from the error term that reduces the mean square error and creates potential for a more powerful test of the other treatment variable. In presenting the random block design in this chapter, the emphasis is on determining if the F value for the treatment variable is significant or not. There is a deemphasis on examining the F value of the blocking effects. However, if the blocking effects are not significant, the random block design may be a less powerful analysis of the treatment effects. If the blocking effects are not significant, even though the error sum of squares is reduced, the mean square error might increase because the blocking effects may reduce the degrees of freedom error in a proportional greater amount. This might result in a smaller treatment F value than would occur in a completely randomized design. The repeated-measures design is shown in the chapter as a special case of the random block design. In factorial designs, if there are multiple values in the cells, it is possible to analyze interaction effects. Random block designs do not have multiple values in cells and therefore interaction effects cannot be calculated. It is emphasized in this chapter that if significant interaction occurs, then the main effects analysis are confounded and should not be analyzed in the usual manner. There are various philosophies about how to handle significant interaction but are beyond the scope of this chapter. The main factorial example problem in the chapter was created to have no significant interaction so that the student can learn how to analyze main effects. The demonstration problem has significant interaction and these interactions are displayed graphically for the student to see. You might consider taking this same problem and graphing the interactions using row effects along the x axis and graphing the column means for the student to see. There are a number of multiple comparison tests available. In this text, one of the more well-known tests, Tukey's HSD, is featured in the case of equal sample sizes. When sample sizes are unequal, a variation on Tukey’s HSD, the Tukey-Kramer test, is used. MINITAB uses the Tukey test as one of its options under multiple comparisons and uses the Tukey-Kramer test for unequal sample sizes. Tukey's HSD is one of the more powerful multiple comparison tests but protects less against Type I errors than some of the other tests. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 363 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments CHAPTER OUTLINE 11.1 Introduction to Design of Experiments 11.2 The Completely Randomized Design (One-Way ANOVA) One-Way ANOVA Reading the F Distribution Table Using the Computer for One-Way ANOVA Comparison of F and t Values 11.3 Multiple Comparison Tests Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test: The Case of Equal Sample Sizes Using the Computer to Do Multiple Comparisons Tukey-Kramer Procedure: The Case of Unequal Sample Sizes 11.4 The Randomized Block Design Using the Computer to Analyze Randomized Block Designs 11.5 A Factorial Design (Two-Way ANOVA) Advantages of the Factorial Design Factorial Designs with Two Treatments Applications Statistically Testing the Factorial Design Interaction Using a Computer to Do a Two-Way ANOVA KEY TERMS a posteriori a priori Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Blocking Variable Classification Variables Classifications Completely Randomized Design Concomitant Variables Confounding Variables Dependent Variable Experimental Design F Distribution F Value Factorial Design Factors Independent Variable Interaction Levels Multiple Comparisons One-way Analysis of Variance Post-hoc Randomized Block Design Repeated Measures Design Treatment Variable Tukey-Kramer Procedure Tukey’s HSD Test Two-way ANOVA © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 364 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER 11 11.1 a) Time Period, Market Condition, Day of the Week, Season of the Year b) Time Period - 4 P.M. to 5 P.M. and 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. Market Condition - Bull Market and Bear Market Day of the Week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Season of the Year – Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring c) Volume, Value of the Dow Jones Average, Earnings of Investment Houses 11.2 a) Type of 737, Age of the plane, Number of Landings per Week of the plane, City that the plane is based b) Type of 737 - Type I, Type II, Type III Age of plane - 0-2 y, 3-5 y, 6-10 y, over 10 y Number of Flights per Week - 0-5, 6-10, over 10 City - Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver c) Average annual maintenance costs, Number of annual hours spent on maintenance 11.3 a) Type of Card, Age of User, Economic Class of Cardholder, Geographic Region b) Type of Card - MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express Age of User - 21-25 y, 26-32 y, 33-40 y, 41-50 y, over 50 Economic Class - Lower, Middle, Upper Geographic Region – Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast, the North c) Average number of card usages per person per month, Average balance due on the card, Average per expenditure per person, Number of cards possessed per person 11.4 Average dollar expenditure per day/night, Age of adult registering the family, Number of days stay (consecutive) © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 365 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.5 Source Treatment Error Total df 2 14 16 = .05 SS MS F__ 22.20 11.10 11.07 14.03 1.00______ 36.24 Critical F.05,2,14 = 3.74 Since the observed F = 11.07 > F.05,2,14 = 3.74, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.6 Source Treatment Error Total df 4 18 22 SS MS F__ 93.77 23.44 15.82 26.67 1.48______ 120.43 = .01 Critical F.01,4,18 = 4.58 Since the observed F = 15.82 > F.01,4,18 = 4.58, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.7 Source Treatment Error Total df 3 12 15 SS MS F_ 544.2 181.4 13.00 167.5 14.0______ 711.8 = .01 Critical F.01,3,12 = 5.95 Since the observed F = 13.00 > F.01,3,12 = 5.95, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 366 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.8 Source Treatment Error Total df 1 12 13 SS 64.29 43.43 107.71 MS F__ 64.29 17.76 3.62______ = .05 Critical F.05,1,12 = 4.75 Since the observed F = 17.76 > F.05,1,12 = 4.75, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Observed t value using t test: 1 n1 = 7 x 1 = 29 s1 2 = 3 t = (29 24.71429) (0) 3(6) (4.238095)(6) 1 1 772 7 7 Also, t = 11.9 2 n2 = 7 x 2 = 24.71429 s22 = 4.238095 = 4.21 F 17.76 = 4.21 Source SS Treatment 583.39 Error 972.18 Total 1,555.57 11.10 Source Treatment Error Total SS 29.64 68.42 98.06 df MS F__ 4 145.8475 7.50 50 19.4436______ 54 df 2 14 16 MS F _ 14.820 3.03 4.887___ __ F.05,2,14 = 3.74 Since the observed F = 3.03 < F.05,2,14 = 3.74, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 367 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.11 Source Treatment Error Total = .01 df 3 15 18 SS .007076 .003503 .010579 MS F__ .002359 10.10 .000234________ Critical F.01,3,15 = 5.42 Since the observed F = 10.10 > F.01,3,15 = 5.42, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.12 Source Treatment Error Total = .01 df 2 12 14 SS 180700000 11700000 192400000 MS F__ 90350000 92.67 975000_________ Critical F.01,2,12 = 6.93 Since the observed F = 92.67 > F.01,2,12 = 6.93, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.13 Source Treatment Error Total = .05 df 2 15 17 SS 29.61 18.89 48.50 MS F___ 14.80 11.76 1.26________ Critical F.05,2,15 = 3.68 Since the observed F = 11.76 > F.05,2,15 = 3.68, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.14 Source Treatment Error Total = .05 df 3 16 19 SS 456630 220770 677400 MS F__ 152210 11.03 13798_______ Critical F.05,3,16 = 3.24 Since the observed F = 11.03 > F.05,3,16 = 3.24, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 368 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.15 There are 4 treatment levels. The sample sizes are 18, 15, 21, and 11. The F value is 2.95 with a p-value of .04. Fcrit = 2.7555 is approximately equal to F.05, 3, 60 . So, 0.05 . Since the observed F = 2.95 > Fcrit = 2.7555, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. There is an overall significant difference at alpha of .05. The means are 226.73, 238.79, 232.58, and 239.82. 11.16 The independent variable for this study was plant with five classification levels (the five plants). There were a total of 43 workers who participated in the study. The dependent variable was number of hours worked per week. An observed F value of 3.10 was obtained with an associated p-value of .026595. With an alpha of .05, there was a significant overall difference in the average number of hours worked per week by plant. A cursory glance at the plant averages revealed that workers at plant 3 averaged 61.47 hours per week (highest number) while workers at plant 4 averaged 49.20 (lowest number). 11.17 C = 6 MSE = .3352 q.05,6,40 = 4.23 n3 = 8 = .05 n6 = 7 N = 46 x 3 = 15.85 x 6 = 17.21 .3352 1 1 = 0.896 2 8 7 HSD = 4.23 x 3 x 6 15.85 17.21 = 1.36 Since 1.36 > 0.896, there is a significant difference between the means of groups 3 and 6. 11.18 C = 4 n=6 MSE = 2.389 HSD = q N = 24 dfE = N – C = 24 – 4 = 20 = .05 q.05,4,20 = 3.96 MSE 2.389 = (3.96) = 2.50 n 6 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 369 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.19 C = 3 = .05 MSE = 1.002381 q.05,3,14 = 3.70 HSD = 3.70 n1 = 6 N – C = 14 N = 17 n2 = 5 x1 =2 x 2 = 4.6 1.002381 1 1 = 1.586 2 6 5 x1 x 2 2 4.6 = 2.6 Since 2.6 > 1.586, there is a significant difference between the means of groups 1 and 2. 11.20 From problem 11.6, n2 = 5 MSE = 1.481481 = .01 n5 = 6 C=5 N = 23 N – C = 18 q.01,5,18 = 5.38 HSD = 5.38 1.481481 1 1 = 2.80 2 5 6 x 2 = 10 x 5 = 13 x 2 x 5 10 13 = 3 Since 3 > 2.80, there is a significant difference in the means of groups 2 and 5. 11.21 N = 16 HSD = q n=4 C=4 N – C = 12 MSE = 13.95833 q.01,4,12 = 5.50 MSE 13.95833 = 5.50 = 10.27 4 n x 1 = 115.25 x 2 = 125.25 x 3 = 131.5 x 4 = 122.5 x 1 and x 3 are the only pair that are significantly different using the HSD test. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 370 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.22 n = 7 C=2 MSE = 3.619048 N – C = 14 – 2 = 12 N = 14 = .05 q.05,2,12 = 3.08 HSD = q MSE 3.619048 = 3.08 = 2.215 7 n x 1 = 29 and x 2 = 24.71429 Since x 1 – x 2 = 4.28571 > HSD = 2.215, there is a significant difference in means. 11.23 C = 4 MSE = .000234 q.01,4,15 = 5.25 n1 = 4 = .01 n2 = 6 n3 = 5 N = 19 N – C = 15 n4 = 4 x 1 = 4.03, x 2 = 4.001667, x 3 = 3.974, x 4 = 4.005 HSD1,2 = 5.25 .000234 1 1 = .0367 2 4 6 HSD1,3 = 5.25 .000234 1 1 = .0381 2 4 5 HSD1,4 = 5.25 .000234 = .0402 4 HSD2,3 = 5.25 .000234 1 1 = .0344 2 6 5 HSD2,4 = 5.25 .000234 1 1 = .0367 2 6 4 HSD3,4 = 5.25 .000234 1 1 = .0381 2 5 4 x 1 x 3 = .056 This is the only pair of means that are significantly different. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 371 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.24 = .01 C=3 MSE = 975,000 MSE n HSD = q x 1 = 40,900 N – C = 12 n=5 N = 15 q.01,3,12 = 5.04 975,000 5 = 5.04 x 2 = 49,400 = 2,225.6 x 3 = 45,300 x1 x 2 = 8,500 x 1 x 3 = 4,400 x 2 x 3 = 4,100 Using Tukey's HSD, all three pairwise comparisons are significantly different. 11.25 = .05 C=3 q.05,3,15 = 3.67 N – C = 15 N = 18 n1 = 5 n2 = 7 MSE = 1.259365 n3 = 6 x 1 = 7.6 x 2 = 8.8571 x 3 = 5.8333 HSD1,2 = 3.67 1.259365 1 1 = 1.705 2 5 7 HSD1,3 = 3.67 1.259365 1 1 = 1.763 2 5 6 HSD2,3 = 3.67 1.259365 1 1 = 1.620 2 7 6 x 1 x 3 = 1.767 (is significant) x 2 x 3 = 3.024 (is significant) © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 372 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.26 = .05 n=5 q.05,4,16 = 4.05 HSD = q C=4 x 1 = 591 N = 20 N – C = 16 x 2 = 350 MSE = 13,798.13 x 3 = 776 x 4 = 563 MSE 13,798.13 = 4.05 = 212.76 5 n x1 x 2 = 241 x 1 x 3 = 185 x1 x 4 = 28 x 2 x 3 = 426 x 2 x 4 = 213 x 3 x 4 = 213 Using Tukey's HSD = 212.76, means 1 and 2, means 2 and 3, means 2 and 4, and means 3 and 4 are significantly different. 11.27 = .05. There were five plants and ten pairwise comparisons. The MINITAB output reveals that the only significant pairwise difference is between plant 2 and plant 3 where the reported confidence interval (0.180 to 22.460) contains the same sign throughout indicating that 0 is not in the interval. Since the confidence interval does not contain zero, then we are 95% confident that there is a significant difference in the pair of means. The lower and upper values for all other confidence intervals have different signs which indicates that zero is included in the interval, and there is no difference in the means for these pairs. 11.28 H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 Ha: At least one treatment mean is different from the others Source Treatment Blocks Error Total df 3 4 12 19 SS 62.95 257.50 45.30 365.75 MS F__ 20.9833 5.56 64.3750 17.05 3.7750______ = .05 Critical F.05,3,12 = 3.49 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 5.56 > F.05,3,12 = 3.49, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 373 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.29 H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 Ha: At least one treatment mean is different from the others Source df Treatment 2 Blocks 3 Error 6 Total 11 = .01 SS MS F_ .001717 .000858 1.48 .076867 .025622 44.13 .003483 .000581_______ .082067 Critical F.01,2,6 = 10.92 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 1.48 < F.01,2,6 = 10.92 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.30 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .05 df 5 9 45 59 SS 2477.53 3180.48 11661.38 17319.39 MS F__ 495.506 1.91 353.387 1.36 259.142______ Critical F.05,5,45 = 2.45 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 1.91 < F.05,5,45 = 2.45 and decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.31 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .01 df 3 6 18 27 SS 199.48 265.24 306.59 771.31 MS F__ 66.493 3.90 44.207 2.60 17.033______ Critical F.01,3,18 = 5.09 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 3.90 < F.01,3,18 = 5.09 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 374 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.32 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .05 df 3 9 27 39 SS 2302.5 5402.5 1322.5 9027.5 MS F__ 767.5000 15.67 600.2778 12.26 48.9815____ __ Critical F.05,3,27 = 2.96 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 15.67 > F.05,3,27 = 2.96 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.33 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .01 df 2 4 8 14 SS 64.5333 137.6000 16.8000 218.9333 MS F 32.2667 15.37 34.4000 16.38 2.1000_ _____ Critical F.01,2,8 = 8.65 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 15.37 > F.01,2,8 = 8.65 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.34 This is a randomized block design with 3 treatments (machines) and 5 block levels (operators). The F for treatments is 6.72 with a p-value of .019. There is a significant difference in machines at = .05. The F for blocking effects is 0.22 with a p-value of .807. There are no significant blocking effects. The blocking effects reduced the power of the treatment effects since the blocking effects were not significant. 11.35 The p value for Phone Type, .00018, indicates that there is an overall significant difference in treatment means at alpha .001. The lengths of calls differ according to type of telephone used. The p-value for managers, .00028, indicates that there is an overall difference in block means at alpha .001. The lengths of calls differ according to Manager. The significant blocking effects have improved the power of the F test for treatments. 11.36 This is a two-way factorial design with two independent variables and one dependent variable. It is 2x4 in that there are two row treatment levels and four column treatment levels. Since there are three measurements per cell, interaction can be analyzed. dfrow treatment = 1 dfcolumn treatment = 3 dfinteraction = 3 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. dferror = 16 dftotal = 23 375 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.37 This is a two-way factorial design with two independent variables and one dependent variable. It is 4x3 in that there are four row treatment levels and three column treatment levels. Since there are two measurements per cell, interaction can be analyzed. dfrow treatment = 3 11.38 Source Row Column Interaction Error Total df 3 4 12 60 79 dfcolumn treatment = 2 SS 126.98 37.49 380.82 733.65 1278.94 dfinteraction = 6 dferror = 12 dftotal = 23 MS F__ 42.327 3.46 9.373 0.77 31.735 2.60 12.228______ = .05 Critical F.05,3,60 = 2.76 for rows. For rows, the observed F = 3.46 > F.05,3,60 = 2.76 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,4,60 = 2.53 for columns. For columns, the observed F = 0.77 < F.05,4,60 = 2.53 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,12,60 = 1.92 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 2.60 > F.05,12,60 = 1.92 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Since there is significant interaction, the researcher should exercise extreme caution in analyzing the "significant" row effects. 11.39 Source Row Column Interaction Error Total df 1 3 3 16 23 SS 1.047 3.844 0.773 6.968 12.632 MS F__ 1.047 2.40 1.281 2.94 0.258 0.59 0.436______ = .05 Critical F.05,1,16 = 4.49 for rows. For rows, the observed F = 2.40 < F.05,1,16 = 4.49 and decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 376 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Critical F.05,3,16 = 3.24 for columns. For columns, the observed F = 2.94 < F.05,3,16 = 3.24 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,3,16 = 3.24 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 0.59 < F.05,3,16 = 3.24 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.40 Source Row Column Interaction Error Total df 1 2 2 6 11 SS 60.750 14.000 2.000 9.500 86.250 MS F___ 60.750 38.37 7.000 4.42 1.000 0.63 1.583________ = .01 Critical F.01,1,6 = 13.75 for rows. For rows, the observed F = 38.37 > F.01,1,6 = 13.75 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.01,2,6 = 10.92 for columns. For columns, the observed F = 4.42 < F.01,2,6 = 10.92 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.01,2,6 = 10.92 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 0.63 < F.01,2,6 = 10.92 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.41 Source Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Interaction Error Total df 1 3 3 24 31 SS 1.24031 5.09844 0.12094 0.46750 6.92719 MS F__ 1.24031 63.67 1.69948 87.25 0.04031 2.07 0.01948______ = .05 Critical F.05,1,24 = 4.26 for treatment 1. For treatment 1, the observed F = 63.67 > F.05,1,24 = 4.26 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,3,24 = 3.01 for treatment 2. For treatment 2, the observed F = 87.25 > F.05,3,24 = 3.01 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,3,24 = 3.01 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 2.07 < F.05,3,24 = 3.01 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 377 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.42 Source df Age 3 No. Children 2 Interaction 6 Error 12 Total 23 SS 42.4583 49.0833 4.9167 11.5000 107.9583 MS F__ 14.1528 14.77 24.5417 25.61 0.8194 0.86 0.9583______ = .05 Critical F.05,3,12 = 3.49 for Age. For Age, the observed F = 14.77 > F.05,3,12 = 3.49 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,2,12 = 3.89 for No. Children. For No. Children, the observed F = 25.61 > F.05,2,12 = 3.89 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,6,12 = 3.00 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 0.86 < F.05,6,12 = 3.00 and fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.43 Source Location Competitors Interaction Error Total df 2 3 6 24 35 SS 1736.22 1078.33 503.33 607.33 3925.22 MS F__ 868.11 34.31 359.44 14.20 83.89 3.32 25.31_______ = .05 Critical F.05,2,24 = 3.40 for rows. For rows, the observed F = 34.31 > F.05,2,24 = 3.40 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,3,24 = 3.01 for columns. For columns, the observed F = 14.20 > F.05,3,24 = 3.01 and decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,6,24 = 2.51 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 3.32 > F.05,6,24 = 2.51 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Note: There is a significant interaction in this study. This may confound the interpretation of the main effects, Location and Number of Competitors. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 378 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.44 This two-way design has 3 row treatments and 5 column treatments. There are 45 total observations with 3 in each cell. FR = MSR 46.16 = 13.23 MSE 3.49 p-value = .000 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis for rows. FC = MSC 249.70 = 71.55 MSE 3.49 p-value = .000 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis for columns. MSI 55.27 FI = = 15.84 MSE 3.49 p-value = .000 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis for interaction. Because there is a significant interaction, the analysis of main effects is confounded. The graph of means displays the crossing patterns of the line segments indicating the presence of interaction. 11.45 The null hypotheses are that there are no interaction effects, that there are no significant differences in the means of the valve openings by machine, and that there are no significant differences in the means of the valve openings by shift. Since the p-value for interaction effects is .876, there are no significant interaction effects and that is good since significant interaction effects would confound that study. The p-value for columns (shifts) is .008 indicating that column effects are significant at alpha of .01. There is a significant difference in the mean valve opening according to shift. No multiple comparisons are given in the output. However, an examination of the shift means indicates that the mean valve opening on shift one was the largest at 6.47 followed by shift three with 6.3 and shift two with 6.25. The p-value for rows (machines) is .937 and that is not significant. 11.46 This two-way factorial design has 3 rows and 5 columns with three observations per cell. The observed F value for rows is 0.19, for columns is 1.19, and for interaction is 1.40. Using an alpha of .05, the critical F value for rows and columns (same df) is F2,18,.05 = 3.55. Neither the observed F value for rows nor the observed F value for columns is significant. The critical F value for interaction is F4,18,.05 = 2.93. There is no significant interaction. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 379 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.47 Source Treatment Error Total df 3 12 15 = .05 SS 66.69 30.25 96.94 MS F__ 22.23 8.82 2.52______ Critical F.05,3,12 = 3.49 Since the treatment F = 8.82 > F.05,3,12 = 3.49, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. For Tukey's HSD: MSE = 2.52 n=4 N = 16 N – C = 12 C=4 q.05,4,12 = 4.20 HSD = q x 1 = 12 MSE 2.52 = (4.20) = 3.33 n 4 x 2 = 7.75 x 3 = 13.25 x 4 = 11.25 Using HSD of 3.33, there are significant pairwise differences between means 1 and 2, means 2 and 3, and means 2 and 4. 11.48 Source Treatment Error Total df 6 19 25 SS 68.19 249.61 317.80 11.49 Source Treatment Error Total df 5 36 41 SS 210 655 865 11.50 Source Treatment Error Total = .01 df 2 22 24 SS 150.91 102.53 253.44 MS F__ 11.365 0.87 13.137______ MS F__ 42.000 2.31 18.194______ MS F__ 75.46 16.19 4.66________ Critical F.01,2,22 = 5.72 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 380 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Since the observed F = 16.19 > F.01,2,22 = 5.72, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. x 1 = 9.200 x 2 = 14.250 x 3 = 8.714286 n1 = 10 n2 = 8 n3 = 7 MSE = 4.66 = .01 C=3 N = 25 q.01,3,22 = 4.64 N – C = 22 HSD1,2 = 4.64 4.66 1 1 = 3.36 2 10 8 HSD1,3 = 4.64 4.66 1 1 = 3.49 2 10 7 HSD2,3 = 4.64 4.66 1 1 = 3.67 2 8 7 x1 x 2 = 5.05 and x 2 x 3 = 5.5357 are significantly different at = .01 11.51 This design is a repeated-measures type random block design. There is one treatment variable with three levels. There is one blocking variable with six people in it (six levels). The degrees of freedom treatment are two. The degrees of freedom block are five. The error degrees of freedom are ten. The total degrees of freedom are seventeen. There is one dependent variable. 11.52 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .05 df 3 9 27 39 SS 20,994 16,453 33,891 71,338 MS F__ 6998.00 5.58 1828.11 1.46 1255.22_____ Critical F.05,3,27 = 2.96 for treatments Since the observed F = 5.58 > F.05,3,27 = 2.96 for treatments, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 381 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.53 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total df 3 5 15 23 = .05 SS 240.125 548.708 38.125 MS F__ 80.042 31.49 109.742 43.20 2.542_ _____ Critical F.05,3,15 = 3.29 for treatments Since for treatments the observed F = 31.49 > F.05,3,15 = 3.29, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. For Tukey's HSD: Ignoring the blocking effects, the sum of squares blocking and sum of squares error are combined together for a new SSerror = 548.708 + 38.125 = 586.833. Combining the degrees of freedom error and blocking yields a new dferror = 20. Using these new figures, we compute a new mean square error, MSE = (586.833/20) = 29.34165. n=6 C=4 HSD = q N = 24 MSE = (3.96) n x 1 = 16.667 x 2 = 12.333 N – C = 20 q.05,4,20 = 3.96 29.34165 = 8.757 6 x 3 = 12.333 x 4 = 19.833 None of the pairs of means are significantly different using Tukey's HSD = 8.757. This may be due in part to the fact that we compared means by folding the blocking effects back into error and the blocking effects were highly significant. 11.54 Source Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Interaction Error Total df 4 1 4 30 39 SS MS F__ 29.13 7.2825 1.98 12.67 12.6700 3.44 73.49 18.3725 4.99 110.38 3.6793______ 225.67 = .05 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 382 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Critical F.05,4,30 = 2.69 for treatment 1. For treatment 1, the observed F = 1.98 < F.05,4,30 = 2.69 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,1,30 = 4.17 for treatment 2. For treatment 2 observed F = 3.44 < F.05,1,30 = 4.17 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,4,30 = 2.69 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 4.99 > F.05,4,30 = 2.69 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Since there are significant interaction effects, examination of the main effects should not be done in the usual manner. However, in this case, there are no significant treatment effects anyway. 11.55 Source Treatment 2 Treatment 1 Interaction Error Total df 3 2 6 24 35 SS 257.889 1.056 17.611 54.000 330.556 MS F___ 85.963 38.21 0.528 0.23 2.935 1.30 2.250________ = .01 Critical F.01,3,24 = 4.72 for treatment 2. For the treatment 2 effects, the observed F = 38.21 > F.01,3,24 = 4.72 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.01,2,24 = 5.61 for Treatment 1. For the treatment 1 effects, the observed F = 0.23 < F.01,2,24 = 5.61 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.01,6,24 = 3.67 for interaction. For the interaction effects, the observed F = 1.30 < F.01,6,24 = 3.67 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 11.56 Source Age Column Interaction Error Total df 2 3 6 24 35 SS 49.3889 1.2222 1.2778 15.3333 67.2222 MS F___ 24.6944 38.65 0.4074 0.64 0.2130 0.33 0.6389_______ = .05 Critical F.05,2,24 = 3.40 for Age. For the age effects, the observed F = 38.65 > F.05,2,24 = 3.40 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 383 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments Critical F.05,3,24 = 3.01 for Region. For the region effects, the observed F = 0.64 < F.05,3,24 = 3.01 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,6,24 = 2.51 for interaction. For interaction effects, the observed F = 0.33 < F.05,6,24 = 2.51 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There are no significant interaction effects. Only the Age effects are significant. Computing Tukey's HSD for Age: x 1 = 2.667 x 2 = 4.917 n = 12 C = 3 N = 36 x 3 = 2.250 N – C = 33 MSE is recomputed by folding together the interaction and column sum of squares and degrees of freedom with previous error terms: MSE = (1.2222 + 1.2778 + 15.3333)/(3 + 6 + 24) = 0.5404 q.05,3,33 = 3.49 HSD = q MSE = (3.49) n .5404 = 0.7406 12 Using HSD, there are significant pairwise differences between means 1 and 2 and between means 2 and 3. Shown below is a graph of the interaction using the cell means by Age. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 384 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.57 Source Treatment Error Total = .05 df 3 20 23 SS 90477679 81761905 172239584 MS F__ 30159226 7.38 4088095_______ Critical F.05,3,20 = 3.10 The treatment F = 7.38 > F.05,3,20 = 3.10 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.58 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total df 2 5 10 17 SS 460,353 33,524 22,197 516,074 MS F__ 230,176 103.70 6,705 3.02 2,220_______ = .01 Critical F.01,2,10 = 7.56 for treatments Since the treatment observed F = 103.70 > F.01,2,10 = 7.56, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.59 Source Treatment Error Total = .05 df 2 18 20 SS 9.555 185.1337 194.6885 MS F__ 4.777 0.46 10.285_______ Critical F.05,2,18 = 3.55 Since the treatment F = 0.46 < F.05,2,18 = 3.55, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Since there are no significant treatment effects, it would make no sense to compute Tukey-Kramer values and do pairwise comparisons. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 385 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.60 Source Years Size Interaction Error Total df 2 3 6 36 47 SS 4.875 17.083 2.292 17.000 41.250 MS F___ 2.437 5.16 5.694 12.06 0.382 0.81 0.472_______ = .05 Critical F.05,2,36 = 3.32 for Years. For Years, the observed F = 5.16 > F.05,2,36 = 3.32 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,3,36 = 2.92 for Size. For Size, the observed F = 12.06 > F.05,3,36 = 2.92 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Critical F.05,6,36 = 2.42 for interaction. For interaction, the observed F = 0.81 < F.05,6,36 = 2.42 and the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There are no significant interaction effects. There are significant row and column effects at = .05. 11.61 Source Treatment Blocks Error Total = .05 df 4 7 28 39 SS 53.400 17.100 27.400 97.900 MS F___ 13.350 13.64 2.443 2.50 0.979________ Critical F.05,4,28 = 2.71 for treatments For treatments, the observed F = 13.64 > F.05,4,28 = 2.71 and the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 11.62 This is a one-way ANOVA with four treatment levels. There are 36 observations in the study. The p-value of .045 indicates that there is a significant overall difference in the means at = .05. An examination of the mean analysis shows that the sample sizes are different with sizes of 8, 7, 11, and 10, respectively. No multiple comparison technique was used here to conduct pairwise comparisons. However, a study of sample means shows that the two most extreme means are from levels one and four. These two means would be the most likely candidates for multiple comparison tests. Note that the confidence intervals for means one and four (shown in the graphical output) are seemingly non-overlapping indicating a potentially significant difference. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 386 Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11.63 Excel reports that this is a two-factor design without replication indicating that this is a random block design. Neither the row nor the column p-values are less than .05 indicating that there are no significant treatment or blocking effects in this study. Also displayed in the output to underscore this conclusion are the observed and critical F values for both treatments and blocking. In both cases, the observed value is less than the critical value. 11.64 This is a two-way ANOVA with 5 rows and 2 columns. There are 2 observations per cell. For rows, FR = 0.98 with a p-value of .461 which is not significant. For columns, FC = 2.67 with a p-value of .134 which is not significant. For interaction, FI = 4.65 with a p-value of .022 which is significant at = .05. Thus, there are significant interaction effects and the row and column effects are confounded. An examination of the interaction plot reveals that most of the lines cross verifying the finding of significant interaction. 11.65 This is a two-way ANOVA with 4 rows and 3 columns. There are 3 observations per cell. FR = 4.30 with a p-value of .0146 is significant at = .05. The null hypothesis is rejected for rows. FC = 0.53 with a p-value of .594 is not significant. We fail to reject the null hypothesis for columns. FI = 0.99 with a p-value of .453 for interaction is not significant. We fail to reject the null hypothesis for interaction effects. 11.66 This was a random block design with 5 treatment levels and 5 blocking levels. For both treatment and blocking effects, the critical value is F.05,4,16 = 3.01. The observed F value for treatment effects is MSC / MSE = 35.98 / 7.36 = 4.89 which is greater than the critical value. The null hypothesis for treatments is rejected, and we conclude that there is a significant different in treatment means. No multiple comparisons have been computed in the output. The observed F value for blocking effects is MSR / MSE = 10.36 /7.36 = 1.41 which is less than the critical value. There are no significant blocking effects. Using random block design on this experiment might have cost a loss of power. 11.67 This one-way ANOVA has 4 treatment levels and 24 observations. The F = 3.51 yields a p-value of .034 indicating significance at = .05. Since the sample sizes are equal, Tukey’s HSD is used to make multiple comparisons. The computer output shows that means 1 and 3 are the only pairs that are significantly different (same signs in confidence interval). Observe on the graph that the confidence intervals for means 1 and 3 barely overlap. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 387