Short-term response to a precipitation event

Short-term response to a precipitation event
•The hydrograph
How would you expect deforestation to influence this response?
---Consider the terms of the hydrological balance equation
Human activities can
markedly influence the
shape of the hydrograph
•reduces the lag time
•raises the peak
• reduces the base flow
How does deforestation
affect the hydrological
[P-E]DA – DS/Dt
Fig 5-2 in your text
We can explain the effects of deforestation on the
hydrograph in terms of the hydrological balance, mainly in
terms of changes in Evaporation and storage.
Evaporation directly from the soil surface can increase when plant cover
is reduced, but usually transpiration from plant leaves is decreased
more than surface evaporation increases.
•This leads to increased runoff—more area under the hydrograph curve
Storage is reduced—water stored in plant tissues is removed, and the
water holding capacity of soils is reduced by the death of roots.
•Thus less of the water from the precipation event goes into recharging
storage pools (DS is less), and thus more water enters the stream directly,
reducing the lag time on the rising limb, and giving a higher and
sharper peak in the deforested watershed.
•Recession will also be faster and base flow lower in the deforested
watershed since there will be less storage to sustain the stream flow after
the rain stops.
The hysteresis curve can be used to estimate the storage capacity
For a system with no
storage capacity like
a storm sewer, the
hydrograph will tend
to stick close to the
center line
Patterns in stream flow and how they generate
habitat diversity in streams
•Annual discharge patterns—floodplain habitats
•Stream meander—pool/riffle alternations
•Stream channel changes over time—oxbow
lakes, braided streams
Flood plains depend
on seasonal
variability in river
Flood plain habitats greatly increase biodiversity in river systems. They contribute
mostly temporary wetlands, but some remain as permanent because of groundwater
•Important for
•Waterfowl, mammals, amphibians, fish, aquatic insects, molluscs etc.
•Most of the species found in flood plain wetlands would be lost from the river if the
floodplain were not allowed to be flooded regularly.
River flood plains often undergo extensive urban development
Oxbow lake and the Chippewa River. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Many are also strongly impacted by agriculture
Meander pattern of the Sacramento River, CA, note old abandoned channels
and oxbows, and the encroachment of agriculture on the river channel.
Such restoration can involve breaching of levees and removal of dams with the
aim natural floodplain vegetation and habitat