Fish and other aquatic biota that live in rivers and streams have to contend with the variability of the flow regime. How variable is runoff/discharge? From year to year? From month to month From day to day Crowsnest River –4th order, around 3-4 m3/sec—10-20 m wide DA around 400 km2 Annual mean discharge of the Crowsnest River at Frank 20 m3/s 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 Exceedence probability Annual mean discharge of the Crowsnest River at Frank 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.90 1995 12 1991 9.8 2005 8.7 1993 6.3 2002 6.2 1996 5.9 1992 5.5 2004 4.6 1999 4.4 1994 4.2 1986 4.1 1990 3.8 1988 3.7 1989 3.5 1998 3.1 1987 2.5 1997 1.7 2003 1.5 2000 1.4 2001 1.2 m3/s 14 12 10 90 percentile 8 6 75 percentile 4 50 percentile 2 25 percentile 10 percentile 0 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 We can now plot these data on cumulative probability paper Exceedance probability (percentiles) 99.9 99 90 70 50 30 20 10 1 o 0.1 100 10.0 Discharge m3/sec o o o o 1.0 Non-exceedence probability (percentiles) Recurrence interval is the reciprocal of the probability Based on this plot we can estimate that 1 year in 100 there will be a year wetter than 20m3/s and a year drier than 0.8 m3/s, if there is no-longterm climate change 1 yr out of 4 discharge is above this line Annual average 6.0 m3/s 2 yr out of 4 discharge above this line Annual average 4.1 m3/s 3 yr out of 4 discharge above this line Annual average 2.7 m3/s Before Ottawa R dams After Ottawa R dams River Management can significantly alter the seasonal hydrograph St.Lawrence River Flood Plain at Lac St. Pierre—has rarely been flooded since the late fifties—What effect might this have on the river? The hydrograph Short-term response to a precipitation event How would you expect deforestation to influence this response? ---Consider the terms of the hydrological balance equation Human activities can markedly influence the shape of the hydrograph Deforestation •reduces the lag time •raises the peak • reduces the base flow How does deforestation affect the hydrological balance [P-E]DA – DS/Dt Fig 5-2 in your text The hysteresis curve can be used to estimate the storage capacity Discharge For a system with no storage capacity like a storm sewer, the hydrograph will tend to stick close to the center line m3/sec Precipation Patterns in stream flow and how they generate habitat diversity in streams •Annual discharge patterns—floodplain habitats •Stream meander—pool/riffle alternations •Stream channel changes over time—oxbow lakes, braided streams Flood plains depend on seasonal variability in river discharge Flood plain habitats greatly increase biodiversity in river systems. They contribute mostly temporary wetlands, but some remain as permanent because of groundwater inputs. •Important for •Waterfowl, mammals, amphibians, fish, aquatic insects, molluscs etc. •Most of the species found in flood plain wetlands would be lost from the river if the floodplain were not allowed to be flooded regularly. River flood plains often undergo extensive urban development Oxbow lake and the Chippewa River. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Many are also strongly impacted by agriculture Meander pattern of the Sacramento River, CA, note old abandoned channels and oxbows, and the encroachment of agriculture on the river channel. Green River, Wyoming Such restoration can involve breaching of levees and removal of dams with the aim natural floodplain vegetation and habitat meanders In streams and rivers of different sizes Rivers meander when they are traveling on top of a relatively flat surface. •a straight line is not the most efficient path for water to flow. A meandering river will dissipate more energy through friction with the riverbed than one that flows straight •The meander pattern shifts constantly since the river is cutting the bank on the outside of meander loops and depositing alluvial sediment on the inside. Streams flow down hill and take the path of least resistance, however the path is usually a meandering instead of straight It takes more velocity to suspend and move larger particles The erosion that occurs during a flood even may cause the river to take a shortcut from one loop to the next--thus cutoff loop will remain as an oxbow lake. Oxbow lake forming from a river meander Oxbow lakes and braided channels on the Upper Amazon River The physical stresses on the river bed during floods often cause a river to change course. The river valley contains many old channels superimposed on each other An important reference on River Meanders Leopold, L.B., and M.G. Wolman, 1960, River Meanders: Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 71, pp. 769-794. Rivers often simultaneously occupy several of their historical channels at once. We call this type of river channel braided A good example of braiding in the river channel Oldman R Below Summerview Showing old river channels When rivers cut deeply into the landscape the meander pattern becomes entrenched and from then on shifts downward only. If you want to learn more about the landforms and deposits created by running water, with particular reference to western Canadian watersheds, take Geography 3035 Fluvial Geomorphology—Bob Rogerson Other courses of relevence are Geography 4015 Integrated Watershed Management—Jim Byrne And Geography 4012 Hydrology—Stefan Kienzle Runoff map (mm) Modelling IFN (instream flow needs) of fish—linking discharge to fish habitat 1 yr out of 4 discharge is above this line Annual average 0.80 m3/s 2 yr out of 4 discharge above this line Annual average 0.54 m3/s 3 yr out of 4 discharge above this line Annual average 0.38 m3/s Sutcliffe, W.H. 1973 Correlations between seasonal river discharge and landings of American Lobster and Atlantic halibat in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. J.Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 30:856-859.