Air flow in a mountainous environment • When wind flows over a hill or ridge, it is set into oscillation. Mountain wave (also called lee waves or standing waves downwind) Analagous to ripples in a stream downstream of a rock, except that winds are often stronger downwind from a mountain What conditions cause dangerous mountain waves for aviation? 1. Air flow roughly perpendicular to mountain range 2. Increasing wind velocity with altitude 3. Strong wind speeds at the mountain top 4. A stable air mass layer aloft or inversion below LIDAR definition: 1. Unstable Atmosphere Mixing is facilitated Reduced threat of breaking mountain waves 2. Stable Atmosphere Suppression of vertical motion As a result, waves cannot break 3. Stable Layer Aloft In updraft portions, air cools adiabatically Lenticular clouds form in updrafts at the lifting condensation level These clouds are stationary as the wind blows through them! Froude Number Fr = /2W, where is the wavelength of the mountain wave and W is the width of a hill The Chinook or Foehn Upstream: Cooler and moist Downstream: Warmer and dry 2 1 Cyclonic wind shear Wave-like kink in front Stationary Front 3 Overunning Warm air displacement Potential to kinetic energy (cold air falls, warm rises) 4 Convergence Latent heat energy Warm sector shrinks Most intense stage 5 6 Supply of warm air far from centre Triple point A secondary low often forms here Warm DIMINISHES IN INTENSITY (the low ‘fills’) Convergence aloft promotes the surface high Divergence aloft promotes the surface low Surface divergence Surface convergence MIGRATE THROUGH THE LONGWAVE TROUGHS 1 Condensation may release even more heat energy for the storm 2 Differential temperature advection intensifies the wave No temp advection 3 Less upper level divergence Thunderstorms Conditions required: 1. Conditional instability 2. Trigger Mechanism (eg. front, sea-breeze front, mountains, localized zones of excess surface heating, dry ground) 1. Heating within boundary layer Air trapped here due to stable layer aloft increasing heat/moisture within BL 2. External trigger mechanism forces parcel to rise to the lifted condensation level (LCL) Clouds form and temperature follows MALR 3. Parcel may reach level of free convection (LFC). Parcel accelerates under own buoyancy. Warmer than surroundings - explosive updrafts 4. Saturated parcel will continue to rise to LOC CAPE Convective available potential energy (J/kg) The Severe Storm Environment 1. High surface dew point 2. Cold air aloft (increases conditional instability) 3. Statically-stable layer capping the boundary layer 4. Strong winds aloft (aids tornado development) 5. Wind shear in low levels (allows for long-lasting storms) 6. Dry air at mid-levels (increases downdraft velocities) See: Downbursts Strong downdrafts of cold air during thunderstorms May be quite damaging Linked to presence of dry layer Evaporative cooling of rainfall lowers temperature, facilitating downdraft See: Tornado Development 1. Pre-storm conditions: Horizontal shaft of rotating air at altitude of wind shift (generally S winds near surface and W winds aloft) 2. If capping is breached and violent convection occurs, the rotating column is tilted toward the vertical What is a ‘supercell’ ? Defined by mid-level rotation (mesocyclone) Highest vorticity near updraft core Supercells form under the following conditions: High CAPE, capping layer, cold air aloft, large wind shear Tornadogenesis 1. Mesocyclone 5-20 km wide develops 2. Vortex stretching: Lower portion of mesocyclone narrows in strong updrafts 3. Wind speed increases here due to conservation of angular momentum 4. Narrow funnel develops: visible due to adiabatic cooling associated with pressure droppage The Fujita Scale F-0: Light damage. Winds up to 116 km/h F-1: Moderate damage. Winds 116 to 180 km/h F-2: Considerable damage. Winds 180 to 253 km/h F-3: Severe damage. Winds 253 to 332 km/h F-4: Devastating damage. Winds 332 to 418 km/h F-5: Incredible damage. Winds above 418 km/h F-0 and F-1 tornadoes are considered "weak" F-2 and F-3 are "strong" F-4 and F-5 are "violent" Tornado Development 1. Pre-storm conditions: Horizontal shaft of rotating air at altitude of wind shift (generally S winds near surface and W winds aloft) 2. If capping is breached and violent convection occurs, the rotating column is tilted toward the vertical What is a ‘supercell’ ? Defined by mid-level rotation (mesocyclone) Highest vorticity near updraft core Supercells form under the following conditions: High CAPE, capping layer, cold air aloft, large wind shear See: Tornadogenesis 1. Mesocyclone 5-20 km wide develops 2. Vortex stretching: Lower portion of mesocyclone narrows in strong updrafts 3. Wind speed increases here due to conservation of angular momentum 4. Narrow funnel develops: visible due to adiabatic cooling associated with pressure droppage The Fujita Scale F-0: Light damage. Winds up to 116 km/h F-1: Moderate damage. Winds 116 to 180 km/h F-2: Considerable damage. Winds 180 to 253 km/h F-3: Severe damage. Winds 253 to 332 km/h F-4: Devastating damage. Winds 332 to 418 km/h F-5: Incredible damage. Winds above 418 km/h F-0 and F-1 tornadoes are considered "weak" F-2 and F-3 are "strong" F-4 and F-5 are "violent" Aurora, Nebraska June 22, 2003 Largest Hailstone Ever Measured 18 cm across 48 cm circumference Hailstone Formation Layered structure due to WET GROWTH and DRY GROWTH Wet Growth • Temperature too warm for rapid freezing of raindrops onto frozen hailstone embryo • Air can escape before freezing occurs Results in a clear layer Dry Growth •Cold, temperatures •Water droplets freeze very quickly on contact with hailstone embryo •Air cannot escape, so bubbles are frozen into matrix •Opaque layer •Most rapid hailstone formation occurs with temperatures of –25°C to –10°C •Hailstones may be created during a single pass through an updraft •The largest hailstones are produced in supercell storms, due to the strength of the updraft What updrafts are required to hold a Updraft speed required to suspend hailstone hailstone up? Hail Diameter Updraft Speed Terminal Velocity -1 56 mi hr -1 3 cm 25 m s 8 cm 55 m s -1 125 mi hr -1 10 cm 83 m s -1 185 mi hr -1 Lightning Source of lightning: the cumulonimbus cloud Collisions between supercooled cloud particles and graupel (and hail) causes cloud to become charged Most of the base of the cumulonimbus cloud becomes negatively charged – the rest becomes positively charged (positive electric dipole) Net transfer of positive ions from warmer object to colder object (hailstone gets negatively charged & fall toward bottom - ice crystals get + charge) Many theories exist: open area of research Annual Lightning Strikes per km2 Four types of cloudground lightning Most common •Intracloud Discharges •Cloud to Ground Discharges - death and destruction of property - disruption of power and communication - ignition of forest fires - Lightning is an excellent source of soil nitrogen! Cloud-ground lightning 90% induced by negatively charged leaders 10% induced by positively charged leaders Sometimes, there are ground to cloud leaders Negative cloud-ground lightning Leaders branch toward the ground at about 200 km/s, with a current of 100-1000 Amperes The return stroke produces the bright flash •Potential difference between lower portion of negatively-charged leader and ground ~10,000,000+ V •As the leader nears the ground, the electric potential breaks the threshold breakdown strength of air •An upward-moving discharge is emitted from the Earth to meet with the leader The return stroke lasts about 100 microseconds, and carries a charge of 30 kiloAmperes Produces the main flash The temperature along the channel heats to 30,000+ K, creating an expanding high pressure channel Produces thunder shockwaves HURRICANE DEVELOPMENT What conditions are required? •Water temperatures > 26.5°C •Convergence of surface winds •Upper air divergence •Organized mass of thunderstorms •Coriolis force (none at equator) Spring: Too cold, ITCZ too far south The First South Atlantic Hurricane Tropical Wave What causes surface winds to converge? • Low pressure over ITCZ • East side of tropical wave (in North Atlantic, these waves are often remnants of convective storms from continental Africa) • Front from middle latitudes Trade wind inversions can prevent storm development even if surface conditions are ideal ! Upper level conditions: 1. Low shear (shear disrupts convection and disperses heat and moisture; El Niño causes shear over North Atlantic, enhances activity over Pacific) 2. Upper level divergence Strong, upper level divergence Hurricane Mitch Organized Convection Theory 1. Thunderstorms form over tropical wave, near ITCZ, or at remnant of midlatitude front (latent heat confined to limited area) 2. If air is much cooler aloft, strong convection occurs 3. Upper air rapidly warms due to condensation 4. Air pressure rises aloft, enhancing divergence 5. Surface pressure drops 6. Surface air spins counter-clockwise and moves more quickly near the centre (conservation of angular momentum) 7. Rough seas enhance convection due to friction and increase surface area Positive feedback; strength only limited by latent and sensible heat SW Storm Position NE Storm Position Source: IPCC Source: IPCC 1. Reduced Biodiversity (rapid change) 2. Sea level rise and coastal flooding (melting ice and thermal expansion) 3. Expansion of tropical disease range 4. Soil Moisture Decreases and Desertification ? 5. Increased frequency of heat illness (problem for the elderly) 6. Increased frequency of severe events? 7. Engineering problem of thermokarst (transportation and housing) 8. Affect on outdoor winter recreation and winter tourism 1. Increasing NPP? 2. Increased food production?: CO2 fertilization, range & growing season (depends on soil moisture/depth/nutrients) 3. Increased water-use efficiency 4. Increased nutrient-use efficiency? 5. High latitude warming (positive and negative) Source: IPCC Source: IPCC Ice core data Temperature, CO2 and CH4 are all in phase Are the gas concentrations a cause or an effect of warming or both ? Source: IPCC HADCM3 Model Prediction Global Circulation Model Projection: Non-uniform spatial distribution of global surface temperature increase Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) FACE Results: NPP increases (eg. 40% in cotton; 25% for Sweetgum for 550 ppm vs. 370 ppm) Carbon sink increase limited for forests: Increase in wood production is short-lived; C goes mainly to fine roots and leaves; affected by soil fertility No effect on LAI Stomatal conductance decreases (increased water-use efficiency) Lower leaf nitrogen concentration: need less or have less? Carbon Sinks But what are we doing to our sinks ? Annual Atmospheric Increase 3.3(±0.2) PgC (billion metric tonnes) Why ? Emissions from fossil fuels Changes in land use Oceanic uptake Missing carbon sink +5.5(±0.5) +1.6(±0.7) - 2.0(±0.8) - 1.8(±1.2) Possible source: Underestimation of terrestrial uptake Mid-latitude forest regrowth ? Will the missing sink last ? Source: Woods Hole Observatory Source: IPCC Meanwhile, we are detecting stratospheric cooling ! Why ? Ozone depletion Tropospheric [CO2] increases Interannual climatic variability at the global scale Caused by changing atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the tropical Pacific Ocean Top La Nina December 1998; Middle Normal December 1993; Bottom El Nino Dec 1997 See Q. Is there a relationship between the frequency and/or strength of El Nino Southern Oscillation and climate change ? A. We don’t know. However, effects might be exacerbated in a warmer climate (higher sea levels would enhance flooding, precipitation heavier during enhancement, evaporation greater during drought phases) El Nino-related flooding in N. California Mainly due to shifting winds