Blackboard Learn: Reorder Items

Blackboard Learn: Reorder Items
Office of Distance Education & Educational Technology
College of Human Sciences, Iowa State University
November, 2011
[ See more tips at ]
Blackboard is designed so as to allow the Instructor (and Builder) to relocate items on the side
course menu and on content area pages by dragging and dropping. However, when element
pieces have several lines of displayed content, it can be tedious and a bit confusing to move
elements around.
A shortcut is to click the double arrowed icon in the upper right corner of the content area (or
course menu). This causes a pop-up window to appear that lists just the titles of the elements on
the page. Highlight the title you wish to move then click the up or down arrow until the link is in
the desired spot. Click the ‘Submit’ button to finish the process.
Unfortunately, it is still only possible to move one item at a time with this method.