Meeting commenced: 9.15 a.m.
ended: 10.07 a.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Derek Antrobus - in the Chair
Councillor Charlie McIntyre
Malcolm Sykes, Richard Wynne, Dave Evans, Bob Osborne, Steven Lee, Bill Taylor, Nigel Dickens and Nikki Park
Item No./Subject
1. Action Sheet arising from the
Planning Lead Member Briefing
held on 27th June, 2005
Action Required
Responsible Officer
Action sheet approved.
That a copy of the rights of way improvement plan be
forwarded to the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.
Steven Lee
That it be noted that in relation to item 1(ii) - In Town Without
My Car Day - a letter had been sent to all Strategic Directors
requesting their support for the event.
Malcolm Sykes
That it be noted that in relation to item 8 - Buile Hill Mansion,
a meeting would be held on 11th July, 2005.
Malcolm Sykes
(a) Partial Electrical Rewire at
Langworthy and Larkhill Primary
Schools, Langworthy
That B.R. Electrical and Mechanical Services Limited be appointed
to carry out the partial electrical rewiring works at Langworthy and
Larkhill Primary Schools, having submitted the lowest tender.
Richard Wynne
(b) Land at Adelphi Street, Salford 3,
and Meadow Road, Salford 7
Richard Wynne
2. Key Decisions (Part 1)
That the sale of land at Adelphi Street to the University of
Salford, on the terms as detailed within the report, be
That the acquisition of land at Meadow Road, Salford, on the
terms as detailed in the report be approved.
That the Strategic Director of Customer and Support
Services be authorised to complete the legal formalities.
3. Lead Member Decisions (Part 1)
(a) Re-covering of Flat Roof Areas at That N. Shawcross Limited be appointed to carry out the reSt. George’s C.E. Primary
covering of the flat roof areas at St. George’s C.E. Primary School,
School, Concord Place, Langley
having submitted the lowest tender.
Road South, Salford
Richard Wynne
(b) Renewal of Built Up Felt Roof
Covering at Dukesgate County
Primary School, Earlsdon
Crescent, Little Hulton
That D. Shawcross Limited be appointed to carry out the renewal of
the built up felt roof covering at Dukesgate County Primary School,
having submitted the lowest tender.
Richard Wynne
(c) Sutherland House, 303 Chorley
Road, Swinton - General Office
That Bridgewater Building and Electrical be appointed to carry out
the office refurbishment at Sutherland House, Swinton, having
submitted the lowest tender.
Richard Wynne
(d) Conserving and Developing
Ordsall Hall - Update
That, subject to the decision made by the Lead Member for
Customer and Support Services, approval be given to (a) the
course of action as detailed within the report and (b) the
necessary financial resources as set out in the Appendix to
the report being made available within Council budgets, to
enable the stage 1 submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund
to continued to be progressed.
Malcolm Sykes
That a note be forwarded to Graham Chinn indicating that
there needed to be further clarification with regard to when a
decision was required by a number of Lead Members in
terms of what their responsibilities were.
Nikki Park
(e) The 2005/06 Building
Maintenance Programme
(f) National Cycle Network Route 6 Walkway Redesignations to
Shared Use Status
That the proposed Building Maintenance Programme for
2005/06, as set out in the report, be approved.
That the comments raised in relation to whether savings
could be identified if an initial investment was allocated to
carry out maintenance work be investigated.
That a briefing note be forwarded to the Chairman in relation
to the additional capital receipt for disability access and that a
press release be produced publicising the good news.
That the redesignation of the following walkways to unsegregated
shared use by pedestrians and cyclists be approved:
Richard Wynne
Steven Lee
Walkway between Silk Street and the Adelphi Footbridge
Walkway between Hough Lane Bridge and Frederick Road
Walkway between Frederick Road and the Gerald Road
(g) Proposed Speed Management
Measures - Langley Road/
Langley Road South, Irwell
4. Items for Information (Part 1)
That the proposed speed management measures on Langley Road/
Langley Road South, Irwell Riverside, be approved.
Steven Lee
(a) Central Salford Urban
Regeneration Company/Chapel
Street Regeneration Strategy :
City Council Capital and
Revenue Budgets 2005/06
That the capital and revenue budgets to support the implementation
of the identified regeneration projects in Central Salford and Chapel
Street in 2005/06 be noted.
Dave Evans
(b) Centrally Held Standing List of
That the report be noted.
Pauline Lewis
5. Reports from Outside Bodies
Manchester City Centre
Management Company - Notes
of Meeting
6. Performance
That the minutes of the meeting of the Manchester City Centre
Management Company held on 26th May, 2005, be noted.
Dave Evans
That the monitoring arrangements for the Development
Services Capital Programme be approved.
Nigel Dickens
That the position of the capital programme as at 30th May,
2005, be noted and that further update reports be submitted
throughout the year.
That future reports include a schedule highlighting individual
That the results of the recent quality assurance exercise, with
specific reference to the comments made in relation to
Bridgewater School, be noted.
That the positive comments made in relation to Bridgewater
School be publicised.
Budget Update
Development Services Capital
Programme 2005/06
7. Any Other Business (Part 1)
(a) School Travel Plans
Steven Lee
(b) M27 Group
That the information be noted.
Dave Evans
(c) Visit - 19th July, 2005
That the information be noted.
Bill Taylor
8. Key Decision (Part 2)
Sale of Land at St. Simon Street,
Blackfriars, Salford
That the previous approval to the terms for a disposal of land
at St. Simon Street, Blackfriars, be rescinded and that the
revised terms for the sale be approved.
That the Head of Legal Services be authorised to proceed
with the legal formalities.
Richard Wynne