Meeting commenced: 11.15 a.m.
ended: 1.35 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Antrobus - in the Chair
Malcolm Sykes, Steven Lee, Richard Wynne, Chris Findley, Graham Oldfield, Becky Edwards, Ruth Shields and
Nikki Park
(Councillors K. Garrido, R. Garrido, Heywood, Howard, Owen, Perkins and Pooley and Alan Eastwood, Paul Mallinder
and Pauline Lewis also attended during consideration of item 2(a))
An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Margaret Morris
Item No./Subject
Action Sheet arising from
the Planning Lead Member
Briefing held on 20th
December, 2004
Action Required
Action sheet approved.
Responsible Officer
That it be noted that the Pendleton Masterplan, as detailed in item
2(g), had now been signed.
(iii) That with regard to item 5(a), Unauthorised Sale of Christmas
Trees, the information with regard to enforcement options be
Briefing/Debriefings from
Other Council Meetings
That it be noted that the following report will be considered at the
next meeting of Council to be held on 19th January, 2004:
Completion of the Negotiations for the Procurement of a
Strategic Partner for the Former Development Services
Malcolm Sykes/
Paul Mallinder/
Pauline Lewis
Directorate and the Establishment of a Joint Venture Company
to be known as Urban Vision Partnership Limited.
That all the officers involved in this project, in particular, Pauline
Lewis and Paul Mallinder be thanked for their hard work.
(iii) That following consideration of the report, if there are any (a)
general issues/concerns, these be raised at the next meeting of
Members’ Hour or (b) fundamental issues/concerns these be
forwarded to the Chairman or the Strategic Director of Housing
and Planning for consideration at the next Planning Lead Member
Members’ Hour
That the following items be included on the agenda for future meetings
of Members’ Hour as indicated:
Sue Mellor/Kate
JVC - January.
Water themed - February.
Uniformed Planning Application System and Improvements to the
development control process and the Planning and Transportation
Regulatory Panel - March.
Key Decisions (Part 1)
Salford Sports Village,
Littleton Road, Kersal
That the target cost and guaranteed maximum price for the whole of
the Salford Sports Village, Littleton Road, Kersal, be approved.
Richard Wynne
Internal Alterations to Form
Reception Area, ICT Suite
and Resource/Library at
Cadishead County Primary
School, Allotment Road,
That Allenbuild (North West) Limited be appointed to carry out the
internal alterations to form a reception area, ICT suite and resource/
library at Cadishead County Primary School, having submitted the
lowest tender
Richard Wynne
Adaptation Works at
Clarendon (Fit City)
Recreation Centre
That Cosby Construction Services Limited be appointed to carry out the
adaptation works at Clarendon (Fit City) Recreation Centre, having
submitted the lowest tender.
Richard Wynne
Proposed Compulsory
Purchase Order - Higher
Broughton Regeneration
Area No. 2
That the Head of Law and Administration be authorised to make a
Compulsory Purchase Order under section 226(1)(a) of the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990, on those land and property
interests in the Higher Broughton Regeneration Area No. 2, and to
take all necessary steps to secure confirmation of the Order.
Richard Wynne
That the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning progress, in
parallel, with the making of the Compulsory Purchase Order, the
closure, or diversion, of any adopted highways within the site as
(iii) That the Order be named “Salford City Council (Higher Broughton
Regeneration Area No. 2) Compulsory Purchase Order 2005”.
Liverpool Road, Eccles,
Shop Front and Footway
Lead Member Decisions
(Part 1)
That the implementation of a shop front improvement scheme and
footway improvement scheme on Liverpool Road, Eccles, between
Mather Road and Milton Street, be approved.
Ruth Shields/Becky
Railtrack Incursion Works Swinton
That authority be given to accept the lowest or most suitable tender to
install safety barriers in Swinton to prevent road vehicles crashing onto
the railway track.
Steven Lee
Barton Red City
Developments Limited
That the exclusivity period contained within the Exclusivity Agreement
Richard Wynne
with Red City Developments be extended, as necessary, on a month by
month basis to 3rd April, 2005.
Internal Remodelling Works
at Summerville County
Primary School,
Summerville Road, Salford
That Schofield and Sons Limited be appointed to carry out the internal
remodelling works at Summerville County Primary School, having
submitted the lowest tender.
Proposals to Close ‘The
Parking Shop’
(Decriminalised Parking
Enforcement Facility)
That the proposals made by the City Council’s Parking
Enforcement Contactor, Central Parking System (UK) Limited, to
(a) close the parking shop situated on Chorley Road, Swinton, and
(b) to utilise part of the cost savings made by the City Council by
this measure, to part fund parking attendant salary increases, be
That a quarterly report be submitted at future Planning Lead
Member Briefings containing details of the progress on the
concerns/comments raised at a previous meeting in relation to the
performance of the Parking Enforcement Contractor.
Richard Wynne
Steven Lee
(iii) That the report on the Parking Strategy, to be submitted at a future
Planning Lead Member Briefing, include a review of the parking
restrictions on bank holidays.
Decision of the Strategic
Director of Housing and
Appointment of Consultants
for Salford Shopping City
Proposed Food Store and
CPO Inquiry
2004/05 Performance
Indicators: Monthly Update
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to
appoint consultants, GVA Grimley, to advise the City Council in relation
to the current food store and new retail development proposals at
Salford Shopping City, be noted.
Malcolm Sykes
Graham Oldfield
That the report be noted.
That a brief report be forwarded to the Chairman containing details
of local authority buildings which were not considered accessible
to disabled people.
Richard Wynne
(iii) That a briefing note be circulated to the City Council’s
representatives on AGMA, to request that they raise concerns with
regard to GMUTC and their reluctance to assist in achieving the
targets in relation to the performance indicator for pedestrian
crossings with facilities for disabled people.
Steven Lee
(iv) That a brief report be forwarded to the Chairman in relation to the
percentage of appeals allowed against the refusal of planning
applications, including details of any apparent changes over time
and the reasons for the planning appeals.
Chris Findley
Steven Lee
That a brief report be forwarded to the Chairman containing details
of the current situation with regard to the performance relating to
street lighting.
Computer Audit Team Final Report for Housing
and Planning Directorate
That the report be noted.
Malcolm Sykes
Audit and Risk Management
Unit - A Final Report for
Development Services,
Highways Pilot - Phase 1,
Review of Outline Business
Case and Methodology
That the report be noted.
Steven Lee