Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR HOUSING ON 21 JUNE 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: DECENT HOMES PROGRAMME 2010 TO 2015 ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Lead Member for housing is recommended to approve the detailed 2010/11 decent homes programme and outline programme to 2014/15. Both programmes are subject to confirmation of available resources from the Homes and Communities Agency. ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Salix Homes is committed to the delivery of Decent Homes to the stock it manages on behalf of the Council and has undertaken a robust approach to ensuring that the options for delivery address the needs and aspirations of customers as well as the wider regeneration issues within central Salford. As the resources available from Salford City Council are insufficient to deliver the full decent homes and associated investment an additional ALMO credit was sought. The overall cost of achieving Decent Homes plus the 5% sustainability indicator when profiled to 2014/15 is £104.089 million of which £68.79m would be HCA drawdown. Salix Homes was expecting to draw down the first tranche of £15 million in 2010/11. On 17th July 2009 the Government announced Building Britain’s Future programme for more new homes, and highlighted that some of the resources for that work would need to be found from within existing budgets. In order to relieve financial pressure on all programmes the Government made a decision to defer budget for those ALMOs that had not yet reached 2 star status. Following the successful inspection in February 2010 the HCA agreed to bring forward £5 million of the overall drawdown which will supplement the existing £3.7m of existing funding for Decent Homes programmes and will enable Salix Homes to maintain a level of continuity with its contractors prior to the proposed drawdown of £16 million in 2011/12. Page 1 of 11 D:\99194195.doc The overall 2010/11 programme will enable the completion of some 700 decent homes. The additional ALMO borrowing of £5 million will resource approximately 342 of these decent homes improvements. The rationale for selecting the estates chosen is based on the identification of those properties with the highest level of need in terms of decent homes impact, health and safety requirements and maximisation of the capital funding available. With the additional draw down Salix Homes will make a significant start on a number of properties that would otherwise have been in the 2011/12 programme. Additionally Salix Homes has been able to target schemes which will qualify for Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) funding thereby maximising the level of inward investment. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Delivering Decent Homes in Your Neighbourhood (Available for public inspection) ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES Item 62 – June forward plan ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 Purpose of the report 1.1 The purpose of the report is to inform the Lead Member of the proposed detailed 2010/11 Decent Homes programme and outline programme to 2014/15.and to seek approval from the Lead Member to enable Salix Homes to appoint contractors to carryout the works included within the 2010/11 programme. 2.0 Background 2.1 Salix Homes is committed to the delivery of Decent Homes to the stock it manages and will manage in the longer term and has undertaken a robust approach to ensuring that the options for delivery address the needs and aspirations of customers as well as the wider regeneration issues within central Salford. 2.2 As the resources available from Salford City Council are insufficient to deliver the full decent homes and associated investment additional ALMO credit was sought. The ALMO credit required was derived from the Building Cost Model, which aggregates the costs of delivering the Decent Homes Standard and deducts the resources available. Included is a 5% sustainability element which is available for non Decent Homes works such as environmental improvements and security. Page 2 of 11 D:\99194195.doc 2.3 The Decent Homes target date of 2014/15 is only achievable with additional resources in the form of ALMO funding which in 2010/11 will be in the form of additional borrowing approval from the HCA. 2.4 The overall cost of achieving Decent Homes plus the 5% sustainability indicator when profiled to 2014/15 was £104.089m and the total ALMO credit sought was £68.789m. 2.5 Following the Government’s announcement of Building Britain’s Future programme for more new homes, it was highlighted that some of the resources for that work would need to be found from within existing budgets. In order to relieve financial pressure on all programmes the Government made a decision to defer budget for those ALMOs that had not yet reached 2 star status. The decision affected 12 ALMOs, one of which was Salix Homes and the expectation that there would be no capital funding from HCA until 2011/12. Salix Homes, along with a number of round 6 ALMOs expressed their concerns to the Housing Minister at this decision highlighting the impact the deferral would have on the individual organisations. The paper highlighted a number of key areas in particular the affect it would have on customers, continuity of work for contractors, high level of repairs and the potential loss of significant match funding from utility companies. 2.6 The HCA made a decision to release some funding for 2010/11 and after the successful inspection in February 2010 agreed to bring forward £5 million of the overall drawdown which will supplement the existing £3.7 million of existing funding for Decent Homes programmes and will enable Salix Homes to maintain a level of continuity with its contractors prior to the proposed drawdown of £16million in 2011/12. The £5 million will be taken from the total draw down over the following three years and the anticipated new profile of resources from 2010/11 is shown in Table 1. This will be subject to confirmation from the HCA that funding is still available in 2010/11 and is not affected by deficit reduction measures. Table 1 – Re-profiled Decent Homes Investment Programme Decent Homes Investment – Actual/Planned (£m) HCA Funding 2.8 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 5.000 15.947 15.947 15.947 15.948 Total 68.789 The total programme of £104m will assume a level of additional funding required in addition to the ALMO draw down required to make all properties decent by 2015 which would be subject to annual approval by Salford City Council. This would be predominantly made up from the Major Repairs Allowance. Page 3 of 11 D:\99194195.doc 2.9 Salix Homes has now reassessed the original programme utilising the Keystone Asset management software and produced a new 2010/11 programme which addresses those properties with the highest level of need in terms of decent homes impact, health and safety requirements and maximisation of the capital funding available. 2.10 With the additional draw down Salix Homes will make a significant start on a number of properties that would otherwise have been in the 2011/12 programme. Additionally Salix Homes has been able to target schemes which will qualify for CESP (Community Energy Saving Programme) funding thereby maximising the level of inward investment. Table 2 shows the detailed 2010/11 programme and the estimated expenditure and decency impact the investment will have. Page 4 of 11 D:\99194195.doc Table 2 - Salix Homes Decent Homes Programme 2010/11 Decent Homes Ward Orsall Lane Phase 1 Ordsall Broadway Lissadel St Ordsall Irwell Riverside Regent park London St Racecourse Spike Island Phase 1 Ordsall Irwell Riverside Broughton Broughton Ordsall Lane Phase 2- Nineacre Court Duchy Phase 1 Ordsall Irwell Riverside Islington Decent Homes mop ups Ordsall Various Brunswick Estate Orient Road Estate Lancaster Road Estate Irwell Riverside Weaste and Seedley Broughton Acquired Total indicative scheme costs Irwell Riverside Weaste and Seedley Neigbourhood area Ordsall and Langworthy Ordsall and Langworthy East Salford Ordsall and Langworthy East Salford East Salford East Salford Ordsall and Langworthy East Salford Ordsall and Langworthy Various Kersal and Charlestown Seedley and Weaste Seedley and Weaste Kersal and Charlestown Page 5 of 11 D:\99194195.doc Spend 2010/11 Units DH Fail New DH £2,674,000.00 109 89% 97 £715,997.00 £595,804.00 93 88 94% 100% 87 88 £603,548.00 £521,059.00 £662,525.00 £1,962,000.00 86 67 79 80 100% 100% 99% 80% 86 67 78 64 £250,000.00 £1,028,896.00 30 80 100% 90% 30 72 £1,000,000.00 £501,000.00 30 33 100% 100% 30 33 £1,192,000.00 £64,000.00 65 4 55% 100% 36 4 £332,000.00 9 100% 9 £226,000.00 £12,328,829 12 70% 8 £3.690,000m programme homes worked on £8.690,000m programme homes worked on £1,677,829m over programming* £1,961,000 potential 10/11 CESP Total £3,690,000 376 £5,000,000 £1,677,829 £1,961,000 £12,328,829 742 £3.69m programme Decent Homes created £8.69m programme Decent Homes created 358 700 *Due to the need to mobilise quickly on a number of new schemes to ensure optimum expenditure, over programming is factored in to allow more flexibility in managing the programme. Throughout the year the delivery of progress against schemes will be monitored and over programming managed out and form part of the following years capital programme. Page 6 of 11 D:\99194195.doc 3.0 Programme 2011/12 – 2014/15 3.1 Whilst the 2010/11 programme is approximately £10m less than originally envisaged it is still the intention of Salix Homes to complete the Decent Homes programme by March 2015 and following customer consultation the full programme has been produced and distributed to customers in February 2010/11 (see appendix 1 – Delivering Decent Homes in your neighbourhood). This information is also available on the Salix Homes website through a post code search facility. 3.2 Actual works to properties will vary from estate to estate based on detailed surveys and will include those works required to bring properties up to the Decent Homes standard as well as other essential works and grant funded energy efficiency works. 3.3 The programme, as distributed to customers, will now be reviewed again to reflect the 2010/11 drawdown and will be re-profiled in line with Table 1. It is the intention of Salix Homes to publish each year the detailed annual programme in advance of the year start. 3.4 Table 3 shows the current four year programme adjusted to reflect the 2010/11 draw down and the knock on impact over the remaining four years of the programme. The schemes shown purely reflect Decent Homes improvements, however there will also be an ongoing programme of other planned and statutory requirement works that will be funded through the Major Repairs Allowance and other identified funding sources. 3.5 There will also be a programme of environmental works carried out by 2015. The planning and identification of these has commenced and it is hoped to start consultation on these shortly. There is a 5% sustainability pot within Decent Homes drawdown which is targeted at works of this nature. This will include fencing, pathways and estate works. This programme will be heavily driven by input from local communities, an element of which will be delivered through an enhanced participatory budgeting process, enabling local people to have full involvement in developing and delivering their priorities based on objective evaluation criteria. This will build on the successful Participatory Budgeting initiative piloted by Salix Homes in 2009/10. 7 Table 3 Decent Homes Programme 2011 - 2015 Decent Homes Investment 2011 - 2015 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Islington Estate Phase 2 Oldfield Road Estate Phase 1 Southgarth Estate Tootal Estate Rainsough Brow Estate Meadowgate Estate Beechfarm Estate Phase 1 Duchy Estate Phase 2 Greengate Estate Phase 1 Blackfriairs Court Alexander Gardens Broadwalk Estate Phase 1 Beechfarm Estate Phase 2 Ordsall Centre Estate Muirhead Court Greengate Estate Phase 2 New Bank Court Springbank Mulberry Court Broomedge Riverbank Court Spike Island/riverside Estate Phase 2 Ordsall Lane Estate Phase 2 Magnolia Court Heraldic Court Weaste Steel Estate Fairhope Estate North Clifden Lane Estate Phoebe Street Estate Oldfield Road Estate Phase 2 Broadwalk Estate Phase 2 Beechfarm Estate Phase 3 Bury New Road Estate Trafford Rd Roundabout Estate Ascot Court Albion Stadium Estate Windsor/albion Estate Hightown Estate South Ordsall Estate Cheshill Court Cannon Green Court Longbow Court Rialto Gardens Sycamore Court Oakhill Court Queen Alexander Mandley Park Estate Whitefriars Court Greyfrairs Court 8 ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS:Full equality impact assessments have been carried out on the Salix Homes Investment and Asset Management strategy and actions identified through the service action planning process. Measures have been put in place to ensure the needs of customers are identified at an early stage through support plans and specifications tailored to avoid the need for adaptations at a later stage. A working protocol has been developed with Housing Futures to allow adaptations to be carried out as part of the decent homes programme reducing disruption and duplication. Salix Homes also sees the increased investment level as an opportunity to lever in investment into BME employers and promote employment and training in the construction industry to under represented groups and has implemented a partnering group to monitor and promote equality and diversity through the contractors’ workforce. ___________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium Procurement of contractor and consultant partners to deliver accelerated year 2010/11 programme. Sufficient resources in house to deliver full Decent Homes programme. Change in funding decisions following deficit reduction measures by the new administration. Failure to communicate effectively could affect reputation and customer relations ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Current approved Housing Public Sector Capital Programme and additional ALMO borrowing. ___________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: No legal implications. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 9 The Council approved a Public Sector Capital Programme of £12.975m for 2010/11 as part of the annual budget setting process in February 2010. The approved programme included funding of £3.7m for work on New Decent Homes. Approval to the 2010/11 programme of £12.3m in table two below will be funded through by the £3.7m already approved, £5m ALMO funding subject to confirmation of additional borrowing approval from HCA and £1.9m CESP funding. These resources of £10.6m will allow a level of over programming of £1.7m which will give assurance that resources can be maximised once approved given the current position in the financial year. Approval to all future years’ capital programmes will form part of the annual budget setting cycles. Contact Officer and Extension No: Joanne Kay 779-8814 PLUS Council contact officer ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Not applicable ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER Matt Roberts Telephone: 0161 779 8886 Email: John Wooderson Telephone 922 8723 Email: ___________________________________________________________________ 10 11