Part 1 ______________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING ______________________________________________________________ TO JOINT HOUSING AND CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES LEAD MEMBER 16TH April 2007 TO CABINET BRIEFING 24TH April 2007 TO CABINET MEETING 8TH May 2007 ______________________________________________________________ TITLE: PENDLETON PRIVATE FINANCE INITIATIVE ______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: Cabinet approves: 1. The extension of Ernst & Young’s contract, for the duration of the procurement of the PFI contractor until the date of financial close and the PFI contract going live 2. The suggested procurement method for legal advisor support, for Outline Business Case development through to the date of financial close and the PFI contract going live 3. The suggested approach to engage and/or procure insurance advisors for Outline Business Case development through to contract award, subject to this expertise not being available from internal resources 4. The suggested approach to engage and/or procure a design champion for Outline Business Case development through to the date of financial close and the PFI contract going live, subject to further investigation in relation to the options available 5. The completion of the remaining 40% stock condition survey and specialist surveys 6. The arrangements for continued advice and support from Plus Property Solutions, until a technical advisor has been appointed through the OJEU process 7. The suggested procurement of title investigation work 8. That a separate report will be prepared on the commitments arising for the Council in terms of required investment, not only for PFI but all the strands of the Housing Investment Strategy. 9. The establishment of appropriate governance arrangements that allow the Council to lead, manage and monitor the performance and progress of the Housing PFI initiative with the Council’s Cabinet acting as the decision-making body. 10. The suggested composition of the PFI Project Team, as outlined within the detail of the report 11. The suggested changes to the stakeholder governance arrangements, as outlined within the detail of the report 12. The continued development of sites in the Pendleton area for early re-provision 13. The Council will learn from and integrate as far as possible with other major investment schemes such as Building Schools for the Future and LIFT building strategic and operational relationships with key support partners as appropriate. ______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1 Following a successful PFI announcement in December 2006, the Council is now required to proceed with the development of a full Outline Business Case (OBC) for PFI, which must be submitted within 12 months from the announcement. This report sets the context to the interim management arrangements for the housing stock and focuses on a number of issues that need progressing within the early stages of OBC development. To develop a robust and financially viable OBC the Council will require a breadth of specialist support as outlined within the detail of this report. In addition, the existing governance structures have been reviewed to develop appropriate and inclusive mechanisms for a wide range of stakeholders. This report also addresses a number of key areas for inclusion within the Outlined Business Case such as an appropriate risk management strategy and approach to community consultation. This report has been approved by Joint Lead Members for Housing and Customer & Support Services, on 16th April 2007 ______________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Pendleton Area Action Plan Issues and Options Report Creating a New Pendleton – PFI Expression of Interest Submission ______________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: High ______________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Funding has been identified and set aside as part of the Housing Stock Options implementation budget for the development and submission of the Outline Business Case and the associated work. Up to £102m of PFI credits are available from the Government to support the PFI scheme, subject to the approval of the Outline Business Case, which will be submitted at the end of this calendar year. Land and capital contributions are required from the Council in order to make the PFI scheme financially viable, full details of which will be the subject of a separate report. ______________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Provided by Pauline Lewis 19th Feb 2007 There are significant implications throughout this process, however advice is being provided by our existing legal partners Cobbetts Solicitors. As a matter of good practice, a procurement process will be undertaken to ensure specialised legal support is provided throughout the entire PFI process. Part of the work that will arise from the PFI process may (where it is Council authorised work) be allocated to Urban Vision under the Exclusivity Clause. 2 ______________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Provided by Nigel Dickens Comments are made within the report that demonstrates provision has been made within the Stock Options budget to fund the operational implications of the decisions being taken on the process for Outline Business Case. The strategic implications and commitments required will be the subject of a separate report in order to avoid confusion with operational decisions. COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: Consultation on the Private Finance Initiative and the Pendleton Area Action Plan has been ongoing for approximately the last 2 years. The team is now approaching the stage where we will be able to go out to the community with a range of preferred options for the redevelopment of Pendleton over the next 15-20 yrs. Subject to Cabinet approval of the Preferred Options report, consultation will commence in summer for a 6 week period. The outcome of this process will inform the development of the Outline Business Case for PFI. CLIENT IMPLICATIONS: Salford City Council – The Pendleton PFI project is a HRA PFI scheme. It is imperative that robust governance arrangements are in place as the Council is the accountable body and will lead, manage and monitor the scheme with all decisionmaking via the Council’s Cabinet. From June 2007, Salix Homes will be responsible for the traditional housing management functions and the delivery of any renewal (housing) functions of the PFI contract until the new company (PFI) forms and goes live (anticipated winter 2009/10). All Decent Homes investment and regeneration activity, associated with the PFI proposal, will be delivered through the PFI consortium. Whilst under the management of Salix Homes the detail of delivery will be outlined within the Management Agreement. Following transfer of the Pendleton stock to a PFI consortium, delivery details will be outlined through a Project Agreement and Output Specification. Council Tenants – communication process explained above VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS: In line with treasury guidelines, the PFI procurement route has been considered in terms of viability, desirability and deliverability. This form of quantitative assessment allows comparison between the relative costs of undertaking a PFI versus a traditional procurement. This has demonstrated that the PFI proposal represents value for money. 3 Further value for money analysis will be undertaken as part of the development of the Outline Business Case, and it will be necessary to demonstrate this through both quantitative and qualitative assessments at the time of submission. ______________________________________________________________ PROPERTY: The expression of interest for PFI funding incorporates a comprehensive package of refurbishment and remodelling to the existing stock, together with some new affordable housing provision. The potential future housing options for areas of reprovision will be determined as part of the continuing development of the Pendleton Area Action Plan through ongoing periods of consultation with the local community during the year. ______________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES: A project team for Pendleton is already in place to take this forward. Existing support from external advisors has been reviewed, and there is a need to appoint additional support to deliver certain aspects of the Outline Business Case. Details of consultant support are detailed in the report. ______________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Jane Barlow – Pendleton Project Manager Tel: 0161 793 8781 ______________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Langworthy ______________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Housing, Planning & Regeneration ______________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 BACKGROUND The Council submitted an Expression of Interest for Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Private Finance Initiative (PFI) credits to improve and remodel stock within the Pendleton area, and to build new homes in March 2006. Communities and Local Government (CLG) have undertaken a thorough appraisal of the submission, and carried out an assessment visit in June 2006. An announcement was made on 21st December 2006 that the Council had been successful in its submission, and that Pendleton would share in up to £200m of PFI credits with North Tyneside. The Council has also been progressing with the development of the Pendleton Area Action Plan for the wider Pendleton area, as it was felt that the PFI proposal should not be taken forward in isolation, but instead should form part of a co-ordinated and holistic regeneration plan for the whole area. A separate briefing paper was 4 submitted to Joint Lead Members for Housing and Planning on the Area Action Plan Progress and Issues on 18th December 2006. Salix Homes, our new ALMO, will be responsible for undertaking the traditional housing management functions in respect of the properties in Pendleton until the PFI contract goes live, anticipated winter 2009/10. Once the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) has been established for the Private Finance Initiative, the role of the project team for Pendleton will split into two distinct areas; delivery of the Pendleton Area Action Plan and PFI contract management 2.0 TIMESCALES & KEY MILESTONES A detailed project plan has been developed setting out the actions required to develop and submit the Outline Business Case (OBC). CLG have stated that the OBC must be submitted by the end of 2007, and further discussions on the process for government approval means that it is necessary for a draft submission to be made in November, pending Cabinet approval of the submission in December. A copy of the project plan is attached as Appendix A. An indicative project plan covering the actions required following submission of the OBC to procure the PFI contractor and sign the contract is also attached as Appendix B. Housing & Planning officers are also working closely together to ensure that the development of the PFI scheme and the Pendleton Area Action Plan continue to be aligned. The latest version of the key milestones in the preparation of the Area Action Plan is attached as Appendix C. 3.0 CONSULTATION The Pendleton team are working closely with colleagues to develop a Preferred Options report for the Pendleton area. The regeneration options contained within the report have been developed using feedback obtained during previous consultation events, analysis of the housing needs questionnaire, stock condition survey and general housing management information. Subject to Cabinet approval, the preferred options will be consulted upon for a six week period, during summer. A range of innovative consultation techniques are planned for June/July including; door knocking, use of a 3D model, ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ style voting pads, community ambassadors etc. In addition to this a leaseholder conference is planned during the summer. All of the above will be delivered by Salix Homes. Following the consultation period further work will commence to analyse the feedback and financially model the various regeneration options, to produce a final option to be included in the Outline Business Case for PFI. This piece of work will be supported by the technical and financial advisors, and will be subject to further consultation during Oct/Nov 2007. It is envisaged that this phase of consultation will be housing specific, addressing local issues of re-housing and reprovison. The Community Charter will be publicised during this phase of consultation, to clearly outline the Council’s guarantees to residents who may need to be re-housed as a result of select clearance. 5 4.0 CONSULTANT SUPPORT The Council has a number of specialist advisors providing consultancy support to the project. There is a requirement to re-procure some of this support due to the length of time that the consultants were originally procured for, and also to procure additional support for certain tasks required to develop the OBC. These are outlined in more detail in the following sections. 4.1 Technical advisor support A report was submitted to Lead Member for Housing on 21st September 2006 for approval to procure Technical Advisor support, and this process has now commenced. It is anticipated that the Technical Advisor will be procured and in place by the end of June 2007. 4.2 Financial advisor support The Council procured a package of financial advisor support for the stock options process in 2005, and Ernst and Young LLP were selected to provide support to implement each of the options following a competitive tendering process through OJEU. The tender documentation and Ernst and Young’s submission were based on the work required for each stage of the PFI project through to the procurement of the PFI contractor. The tender documentation also stated that the appointment would be based initially on a two-year contract period with a possible extension at the discretion of the Council. Delays in a PFI announcement from the CLG has resulted in the Council being unable to deliver their commission as originally intended. It is felt that Ernst and Young have performed well, and have provided sound advice to the Council on what is a complex HRA PFI scheme. They provide this advice as part of the overarching delivery of the stock options implementation strategy, and have a detailed working knowledge of the interaction between each of the investment options and their subsequent on the HRA. Ernst and Young have also been critical to the development of an affordable PFI scheme, and there is a risk associated with re-procuring the contract that another consultant may not bring the same degree of innovation to the scheme, leading to affordability issues for the Council in the future. If an alternative consultant were to come to the project at this late stage this may also invalidate the warranty that the Council has with Ernst and Young for the scheme. It should also be noted that the lengthy period required for the contract to be reprocured would require the new contract to start at the most critical period in the development of the OBC, and is likely to put the date of submission of the OBC at risk of slipping, thereby leading to further affordability risks to the scheme delivery. It is recommended that the contract with Ernst and Young in respect of the PFI scheme be extended for the duration of the procurement of the PFI contractor until the date of financial close and the PFI contract going live. Delivery the key outputs of the project and will be monitored closely by the Client and reported to the Project Board. 4.3 Legal advisor support Throughout the development of the Expression of Interest for PFI funding Cobbetts have provided legal support and advice, through a partnership agreement with the Council. In relation to PFI, it has been recommend by Government and the 4ps that 6 the use of specialist support needs to present value for money (VfM), agreeing fixed fees where appropriate. Opportunities are currently being assessed to utilise and procure legal support through existing arrangements in place corporately, namely through BSF. However, if this has impact on CLGs confidence in the ability of the Council to deliver the scheme then a view will be taken to continue to source this competitively. The legal advisors will work in conjunction with the Council’s Legal support. This support will be required during Outline Business Case development, through to the date of financial close and the PFI contract going live. A project brief has been developed, utilising the experience of Salford’s internal legal team and the 4ps standardised legal advisors brief that has been tried and tested. If required the contract will be procured via OJEU or the OGC catalyst where the Council would invite a select list of firms to submit formal tenders. The maximum contract value is anticipated to be £250k. Until the procurement process is concluded we will continue to engage with Cobbetts to provide any necessary legal advice in relation to leaseholder contributions and land assets. 4.4 Independent tenant advisor support TPAS have provided independent tenant advice throughout the Stock Options process and development of bid submissions for all investment options. The Council is currently in the process of re-procuring this contract under a framework agreement, as approved by Lead Member for Housing in December 2006. The re-procured contract will ensure that independent tenant advisor support is available to support the PAAP process and the PFI project through Outline Business Case development until financial close and the PFI contract going live. The new contract is anticipated to commence during the summer of this year. 4.5 Insurance advisor support Key tasks undertaken by insurance advisors includes; the identification of risk and insurance issues, the development of a project insurance plan, a review of bidders outline insurance proposals to determine the Required Insurance policy structures, the evaluation of insurance responses against tender requirements and the costing of the Required Insurances. We have corporate experience of this through LIFT & BSF and we are currently assessing if this can be utilised and commissioned through existing arrangements. However, if this has impact on the confidence to deliver (CLG and the Pendleton team) then a view will be taken to source this competitively. If it is necessary to procure these services externally it is estimated that the contract value will be less than £100,000, from Outline Business Case through to contract award. 4.6 Design Champion / Architects Communities and Local Government (CLG) advised that given the regeneration focus of the PFI scheme, it would be necessary to identify and procure a design champion to support the scheme as it progresses. The role would be to support the development of the Outline Business Case, statutory planning application and to 7 assist in the evaluation of bid submissions in terms of design quality and excellence. Design issues also need to feature strongly in the development of the Output Specification and Developer Agreement for the new build element of the PFI contract. The Council in partnership with Urban Vision and CABE is preparing a Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Clearly any champion would work within this framework. There is potential for the procurement of the champion to include the advisors who have assisted in the development of the SPD. CABE at the request of CLG has also provided advice and guidance to HMR Pathfinders and the Pendleton PFI scheme. It is estimated that the contract value will be in the region of £50,000 – £100,000 from Outline Business Case through to contract award. 4.7 Stock condition and Specialist surveys Lead Member for Housing approved the advertisement of the Stock Condition Survey contract on the 2nd June 2005. Urban Vision and Capita Symonds expressed an interest in undertaking this contract through the Council’s exclusivity arrangements with Urban Vision. It was agreed for the work to be undertaken in two phases, the first focusing on the completion of a 60% survey to support the submission of the expression of interest for PFI funding, and the second to complete the remaining 40% of surveys, subject to a successful announcement from Government. A 100% stock survey was recommended by Government. Failure to invest in obtaining this information at the outset may result in poor cost analysis from bidders, unforeseen costs being identified at a later date and/or a lack of confidence from potential investors. It is therefore recommended that we proceed with the completion of the remaining 40% stock surveys and specialist surveys as outlined below, subject to agreeing fees with Urban Vision and Capita Symonds. Decent Homes assessment (inc. HHSRS) to be included within remaining 40% surveys Deleterious Materials survey - asbestos surveys complete, any further surveys to be recommended by Capita Symonds CCTV drainage surveys Mechanical & Electrical surveys (inc. incoming mains water/gas/electrical) – surveys have been completed based on 9 archetypes. Further consideration need to be given to the potential need to extend surveys to cover cloned blocks Acoustic testing – further discussion needed with Capita Symonds to determine level of surveys to be completed DDA Access Audit - estate wide assessment Schedule of tenants adaptations/alterations – further discussion is required with Urban Vision to determine if this data was collected through stock condition work Desktop review of an Environmental & Contaminated Land Survey completed by SCC May 2005 Desktop geo-technical survey Topographical survey - further discussion required with Urban Vision / Capita Symonds to determine the requirement for these surveys Desktop review of overcladding options to high-rise blocks (based on BRE/Curtins reports) Legionella surveys Fire safety surveys 8 Biological Infestation surveys – the need for completion of these surveys will be assessed during the 40% stock condition survey work Cavity Wall Tie and Insulation surveys Structural investigations - the need for completion of these surveys will be assessed during the 40% stock condition survey work Asbestos surveys – further discussion required to determine removal costs and the need to extend the survey sample Survey of lift installations - surveys have been completed based on 9 archetypes. Further consideration need to be given to the potential need to extend surveys to cover cloned blocks Following the completion of the desk top review of overcladding options to high-rise blocks based on the BRE/Curtins reports, the Council will need to take a view if full structural surveys are required. This is currently not part of Urban Vision’s brief, but the issue has arisen following a 4ps network meeting with all local authorities working on housing PFI’s. Government have requested full structural surveys from one local authority as a condition of the Outline Business Case being approved, to remove any risk. It should be noted that if structural surveys are done at this stage, there have been warranty issues on other schemes which may result in the PFI bidders requesting another survey further down the line. 4.8 Plus Property Solutions Plus Property Solutions has provided support throughout the stock options process. In terms of PFI support this included advising on the brief for the stock condition survey and analysis of the data and the production of an Investment Modelling Toolkit to feed into Government’s HRA PFI model. To ensure continuity it is recommended that Plus Property Solutions continues to support the PFI team through to the completion of the 100% survey, and provide an updated Investment Modelling Toolkit to feed into the required models for Outline Business Case submission. As a technical advisor for PFI will be appointed in June 07, Plus Property Solutions will also be required to fully brief the appointed advisor and make arrangements for the handover of technical data. 4.9 Title Investigation Urban Vision has been approach by the Council to contribute to a ‘Title’ report that is required for the PFI bidders. The documents will enable the Council to decide how it wishes to deal with any matters resulting from the title investigation and associated due diligence. A wide range of surveys/investigations will be included within this piece of work for example: tree surveys, bat surveys, listed buildings, freehold titles, title check. Lead Member approval is sought to commission this piece of work. 4.10 Financial Implications of Consultant Support Each Month the Lead Member for Housing receives a monitoring report on the position for costs being incurred through the Stock Options Implementation process. These costs are funded through the HRA and this will give the re-assurance to the Lead Members that the implications of the decisions taken in the above paragraphs for consultants have already been identified and accounted for. 5.0 PFI CREDIT LEVEL When the Expression of Interest was submitted in March 2006, the Council requested PFI credits of £109.5m. This figure was based on the outcome of detailed financial modelling using government models, to determine the size of credit that the scheme would require. During their assessment, CLG asked the Council to make a 9 number of amendments to the information in the model. resulted in a revised credit requirement of £102m at that time. These amendments The credit requirement of £102m was based on an assumption that an announcement would be made over the summer on the successful schemes, and a number of key milestones in the project flowed from this assumption to inform the anticipated date of financial close of the project. The financial close date, which is effectively the date on which the PFI contract is signed, is critical to the level of credits required, due to the way in which the model calculates the credit level. The delay in the announcement means that it will be necessary to update the model as the Outline Business Case is prepared in order to test the deliverability of the scheme within the timescales originally anticipated, and to determine the impact on the level of credits that is available. CLG have formally advised the Council that it should work on the basis that £102m is the maximum level of credits for the scheme. However, they have also advised that they may be able to allow a limited increase in exceptional circumstances but that due to restrictions on resources it must not be assumed that they can agree to this. An exceptional circumstance that may be taken into consideration is any cost implications resulting from the delay in a PFI announcement. This issue has been discussed with the PFI Team at CLG, and they have agreed that they will have a dialogue with the Council on this issue over the summer as the preferred option is developed and the model refined due to the delay in the announcement and the consequent knock-on impact on critical milestones. In agreeing to this, they have again stressed that this does not imply that any request for additional credits will be approved as they cannot guarantee that they will have additional resources available. The implications of these will be reported as details become clearer through further work during the forthcoming months. 6.0 COUNCIL CONTRIBUTIONS The Council as part of the Outline Business Case submission will be required to demonstrate its' financial commitment to the project through resources required as support, which could be land or costs or a combination of the two. The contributions required for the PFI scheme can not be viewed in isolation to the other strands of the investment strategy, for example support to the HRA or Right to Buy sharing agreements with the LHC. This will be the subject of a further separate report. 7.0 SUGGESTED PROJECT GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS 7.1 PFI Project Board Proposal The Pendleton Housing PFI scheme is a Council led initiative and as such the Council will act as the accountable body and retain all powers of decision-making via its Cabinet. This will allow the Council to review all decision-making in the widest context and against other major investment schemes running in the City. The Chief Executive will ensure that the Cabinet is supported by programme board arrangements which will either be through the Council’s Corporate Management Team or through the Council’s newly emerging major Corporate Management arrangements. Key areas of decision-making and review will include: 10 Ratifying decisions taken by the project team Supporting the project in the wider strategic context Signing-off key stages e.g. final recommendation of OBC, approval of tender documentation, selection of shortlist of bidders/preferred bidder, approval of final business plan Risk management Management of political dimensions Recognition and accommodation of matters for member approval Issues and decisions may be delegated to the Lead Member for Housing from Cabinet or jointly to the Lead Member for Housing / other Lead Members as appropriate. Establishing strategic governance in this way creates a mechanism by which the Council can engage effectively in the development in the PFI project and have a clearly defined strategic role. 7.2 PFI Project Team A project team for PFI has been active for the last 2 years and group membership has naturally evolved over time. Since receiving a successful funding announcement the group composition has been reviewed to ensure that the necessary skills and expertise will be available to support and steer the development of a robust PFI proposal. It is recommended that the project team consists of the following members and that the group is chaired by a Senior Manager from the Council: Head of Service / Assistant Director Housing and Planning – to be filled through reorganisation / recruitment (Chair) Head of Housing Market Renewal (Salix) SCC Housing and Planning Group Accountant Pendleton Manager Principal Officer PFI Financial Advisors – Ernst & Young Legal Advisors – SCC Legal Services Technical Advisors – through OJEU procurement Urban Vision Neighbourhood Management Central Salford URC The Project Team (via the Chair) will report to the Council’s Cabinet on a bi-monthly basis and more regularly should specific decisions require approval. It is envisaged that the PFI Project Team will meet bi-monthly for formal meetings. In between, informal workshops will be established to complete specific tasks, for which the appropriate team members will be brought together. To ensure that the overall project team is kept up to date on progress, monthly electronic briefings will be circulated. 7.3 Stakeholder Governance Arrangements Under current governance arrangements the following groups are in place: Pendleton Steering Group was established in November 2004, consisting of the main stakeholders in the area e.g. the Council, Salford University, four Community Forum representatives and GMP. Its purpose is to direct and guide the master plan process and to ensure that the PFI proposals are aligned with it 11 Pendleton Community Forum was established in January 2005, open to all who live or have an interest in the area. The Forum is an opportunity for the local community to receive updates on the master planning process, get involved in consultation and ask questions. Community representatives report consensus of opinion to the Pendleton Steering Group. Pendleton PFI Group was most recently established in November 2005, consisting of four tenant representatives, one leaseholder representative, three ward councillors, one Salford City Council and one New Prospect representative and an Independent Tenant Advisor. The main purpose of this group is to allow interested parties to discuss specific issues relating to PFI and the content of the tender documentation, and to agree appropriate actions. The following recommended changes to the existing governance arrangements have been discussed with local elected members during monthly briefing sessions. It is recommended that the role of the Pendleton PFI group changes, in light of the PFI Project Board being established. The group has recently been through an intense six month training programme, focusing on various aspects of the PFI process. During this period it was felt that a workshop based approach was more effective in engaging the local community, problem solving and working through options. It is therefore recommended that this group is re-aligned and the ward councillors and community representatives (including the wider community ambassadors) have the opportunity to join the PFI Project Board via a selection process. As this would not enable all existing community representatives to join the Project Board, it is recommended that they continue in their role of community ambassadors, assisting with the facilitation of workshop sessions with the wider community. It is envisaged that the community ambassadors will have a fundamental role in engaging with hard to reach groups and ensuring that consistent messages are being portrayed. Initial workshop ideas focus on; the development of the output specification, creating mixed income communities, sustainable housing, safer by design, choice based letting, local lettings policies and competitive dialogue. Once the procurement process for PFI has commenced opportunities will become available to actively participate in bid evaluation in a number of areas; design, housing management, legal, finance and technical. In establishing Salix Homes, the Council in its bid to Communities and Local Government recognised the need to develop neighbourhood panels across Central Salford. The aim of these panels is to maximise customer and community involvement and participation, in the initial work of Salix Homes (until the new PFI company forms). It is proposed to review the current role of the Community Forum to ensure the community involvement activities delivered by Salix and the needs of the Council’s wider neighbourhood management structures are considered as appropriate. Any proposed revised arrangements will be consulted on with tenants and residents associations, the wider community and local elected members. Individual workshops will be arranged and well publicised to discuss time-limited tasks associated with PFI such as those mentioned above, and PAAP consultation on the preferred options report and draft area action plan. The role of the Pendleton Steering Group has been important in discussing the wider regeneration of the Pendleton area with a range of key stakeholders. However, over recent months attendance has been slowly diminishing. We are currently trialling new ways of engaging with the group through electronic meetings and monthly updates. It is our intention to only hold physical meetings when there are options or 12 issues that need discussing through a workshop based session, which in the past has received better attendance rates. It is recommended that the team continues trialling new ways of working with the group to increase participate from the key stakeholders. 8.0 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN The Pendleton team has developed a risk management plan following a series of meetings and a risk workshop. Cobbetts and Ernst and Young took part in the workshop and it is felt that this has captured the most significant risks associated with the scheme. The plan is attached as Appendix D, and this will be regularly monitored and reviewed by the Project Team. Any significant issues will be reported to the Project Board. An additional workshop has been arranged by Ernst & Young to look at an early indication of project risk and how they can be overcome under statutory processes, and accounting treatment risks. 9.0 EARLY NEW BUILD IN ADVANCE OF PFI CONTRACT Targeted clearance and new build will form part of the scope of the PFI contract. However, it is recognised that some early reprovision will be required in the Pendleton area pre 2009/10, to reduce pressures on a reducing housing supply. The Pendleton team are currently working with Great Places, the lead RSL for the Pendleton area, to develop some initial proposals for potential reprovision on a number of sites. This is likely to form part of the Affordable Housing Programme 2008-2010 submission, this year. These sites include the former Windsor High School Site, former Lilac Court site, former Wrotham Close site and the land North of Lidl. At this stage the proposals are still in the early stages of development. 10.0 RECOMMENDATIONS That Cabinet notes and approves the suggested recommendations outlined within the ‘recommendations’ section of this report 13