CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 November, 2008 All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College Weaste Lane Salford Meeting commenced: 6.30 p.m. “ ended: 9.15 p.m. PRESENT: V. Ivison - in the Chair Councillors Deas, Heywood and Taylor J. Smethurst - Height Methodist Church M. Cheadle W. O’Neill } Buile Hill High School P. Krinks - Lullington Homewatch J. Collins - De la Salle Sports Club L. Rowbotham - Local Resident R. Haworth P. Haworth } } Elmwood Church K. Ivison J. Openshaw } } Middle Victoria Road Home Watch S Healey - Upper Middle Victoria Road Home Watch D. Kenny - All Hallows Business and Enterprise College H. Lawrence - Osborne Drive Home Watch C. Allcock - Local Resident P. Welsh - Salford Advertiser J. Cartwright S. Richardson } } Bluebell Residents’ and Tenants’ Association E. Heywood D. Lees } } Bentcliffe Park Residents’ Association 1 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 I. Cowell - Orlanda Avenue S. Hughes - Oasis Academy MediaCity:UK B. Downes - Lullington Home Watch J. Dickinson - Barr Hill Residents’ Association S. Hempstock - College Gardens Residents’ Association J. Binns - Eccles Old Road S. Hesling - Local Resident - Area Co-ordinator M. Walbank - Neighbourhood Manager A. Pringle - MediaCity:UK C. Mannion M. Johnston } } Salix Homes T. Curran - Salford Community Leisure G. Hodgin - Urban Vision C. Roberts - Greater Manchester Police K. Fairhurst - Community Development Worker M. McHugh - Senior Democratic Services Officer OFFICERS: A. Westwood 1. PRESENTATION - MEDIACITY:UK A. Pringle, MediaCity:UK, gave a presentation in respect of work being undertaken relating to the development of MediaCity:UK. Details were provided in respect of – Public Sector Partner Involvement o North West Development Agency o Salford Urban Regeneration Company o Salford City Council 2 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 o Peel Holdings Plc o Bovis Lend Lease o British Broadcasting Corporation Story So Far o o o o o 200 acre site £3bn private sector funding 15,000 employees Partners signing up to a Strategic Framework Agreement Anchor Tenants - British Broadcasting Corporation and Salford University o Phase 1 - 36 acre site currently under construction British Broadcasting Corporation Staffing o 1,600 staff at MediaCity:UK by 2011, incorporating BBC Sport BBC Radio 5 Live Future Media and Technology Children’s BBC Children’s Learning Transfer of staff from Oxford Road in Manchester MediaCity:UK - Phase 1 o o o o o o o 700,000 square feet of office space 250,000 square feet of studio space 60,000 square feet of retail premises 378 residential apartments New hotel 5 acre Green Park Metrolink extension into the MediaCity:UK complex Plans o Current site plans o Future site plans Public Sector Programme o Physical Development o Media Sector and regional economic sector development o Support for local communities 3 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 The Salford Perspective o The City Chain Supply Business improvement Transport improvements Possible NHS Walk-In Centre Development o Social and Economic factors NWDA - North West Vision and Media Media Enterprise Centre o People and Communities Construction Opportunities via Bovis Lend Lease Media Apprenticeships Development of Community Media Organisations BBC Outreach Work Relocation of BBC Staff Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including Relocation of BBC Staff and the need to promote Salford as a new home location Promotion and development of Salford Quays and surrounding areas Development of Media Apprenticeships Development of road and other transportation links to MediaCity:UK The Chairman thanked A. Pringle for his attendance at the meeting and for his interesting and informative presentation. RESOLVED: THAT the presentation be noted. 2. PRESENTATION - SALIX HOMES C. Mannion and M. Johnston, Salix Homes, gave a presentation in respect of work being undertaken by Salix Homes to implement its Better Neighbourhoods Strategy. Details were provided in respect of – Vision for Salix o Homes, neighbourhoods and services o People and property 4 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 Strategy o o o o o Services in Neighbourhoods o o o o o o o 7 Management areas 14 Neighbourhood Blueprint Areas existing and future priorities Action Plan Neighbourhood Champions Neighbourhood Champions o o o o o o o Safer Neighbourhoods Team Cleaner, Greener Neighbourhoods Team Empty Properties and Supporting Neighbourhoods Team Maintenance Team Investment and Development Team Programmes Team Better Neighbourhoods Team Neighbourhood Blueprints o o o o o Turning vision into action / consultation Defines services Confirms priorities Details work in neighbourhoods – Better Neighbourhoods Model Emphasis on Partnership Eddie Sawford – Ordsall Derek Wunderley – Pendleton Eddie Sawford – Lower Broughton, Blackfriars, Islington Jackie Crook – Higher Broughton, Broughton Park Tony Smith – Weaste and Seedley Mike Johnston – Claremont, Duchy, Swinton Christine Duffin – Kersal, Charlestown Better Neighbourhoods Model o o o o o o Stage 1 – Profile the Neighbourhood Stage 2 – Agree the Vision Stage 3 – Produce the Blueprint Stage 4 – Deliver the Capacity Stage 5 – Deliver the Blueprint Stage 6 – Confident Communities 5 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 Better Neighbourhoods Together o Partnership working o Co-location Cleaner, Greener and Safer Team pilot scheme o Joined up working with Neighbourhood Management Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including Development and implementation of the decent homes standard Timescales for implementation of Area Blueprints Future funding from central government Partnership working The Chairman thanked C. Mannion and M. Johnston for their attendance at the meeting and for their interesting and informative presentation. RESOLVED: THAT the presentation be noted. 3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Ainsworth, Ferrer and Owen and, M. Kirk, C. Marsh and D. Henthorne. 4. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October, 2008, were approved as a correct record. 5. MATTERS ARISING (a) Hope Village Shops (Previous Minute 8(a) - 14 October, 2008) M. Walbank indicated that following the meeting of this Committee held on 14 October, 2008, an e-mail had been sent to Urban Vision and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust in respect of the issues which had been raised regarding Hope Village Shops. He provided details of the response which had been received from Urban Vision but indicated that no response had yet been received from the Trust. He indicated that Councillor Ainsworth had submitted a number of detailed concerns in respect of this issue and provided details. RESOLVED: THAT M. Walbank liaise with the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and submit an update report with their response at the next meeting of this Committee. 6 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 (b) Car Park at the Former Weaste Cricket Club (Previous Minute 8(c) - 14 October, 2008) A report of the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration was submitted which provided an update in respect of the issues raised at the meeting of this Committee held on 14 October, 2008. It was noted that a number of meetings had been planned between representatives of Urban Vision, Salford City Reds and local residents. M. Walbank reported that following a conversation with D. Tarry, Chief Executive, engineers representing the Salford City Reds would meet with residents with a view to undertaking an investigation of the problems which were being encountered. He indicated that Councillor Ainsworth had submitted a request for Community Committee to consider seeking an investigation of the matter and possible use of statutory powers relating to nuisance. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT, prior to seeking the use of statutory powers relating to nuisance, the investigation agreed by Salford City Reds and local residents be pursued; and that an update report be given at the next meeting of this Committee. (c) Eccles New Road - Street Lighting (Previous Minute 8(d) - 14 October, 2008) A report of the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration was submitted which provided an update in respect of the issues raised at the meeting of this Committee held on 14 October, 2008. Details were provided of (a) the existing problems and (b) the work which had been undertaken by Urban Vision to address these problems with the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive. It was noted that arrangements were currently being made to meet with the Greater Manchester Transport Executive in order to gain progress in respect of the matter. M. Walbank reported that Councillor Ainsworth had submitted a request for Community Committee to request a report from the City Solicitor in respect of the issues. 7 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 A. Westwood reported that the responsibility for action in respect of the issues was with the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive and not the City Council. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT A. Westwood contact the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration requesting that the meeting between Urban Vision and the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive be organised promptly; and that an update report on the outcome of the meeting be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee. (d) Hope Hospital Area - Residents Parking Scheme (Previous Minute 8(g) - 14 October, 2008) A report of the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration was submitted which provided an update in respect of the issues raised at the meeting of this Committee held on 14 October, 2008. Details were provided in respect of (a) the delays which had been encountered in the implementation of the scheme and (b) following the resolution of the issues, it was now planned to issue permits and letters to residents in December, 2008, along with details of the date on which the scheme would go live in January, 2009. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including Concerns relating to the lack of communication with residents relating to progress of the scheme Ongoing problems of traffic congestion in the area Detailed points raised by Councillor Ainsworth RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT V. Ivison raise the issue of ongoing congestion at the meeting of the Hospital Forum to be held on Thursday, 13 November, 2008. 6. ENVIRONMENT TASK GROUP - 20 OCTOBER, 2008 M. Walbank submitted a report providing details of (a) the minutes of the meeting of the Environment Task Group held on 20 October, 2008; and 8 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 (b) an addendum to the minutes which provided quotes for the majority of the highways schemes approved by Committee for consideration against the Devolved Highways Budget. He indicated that three issues required consideration by Community Committee, as follows – (i) whether to accept the Environment Task Groups recommendation concerning cases where the final cost quote for a highways capital scheme, prioritised by the Participatory Budgeting process and ratified by Committee is significantly more than the original estimate (i.e., to take each case on its merits). (ii) whether to add two more schemes to the list of schemes to be considered against the devolved Highways Revenue budget (i.e., corner protection at Lancaster / Orient and Canterbury Gardens) (iii) how to decide on which schemes should be funded from the devolved Highways Revenue budget (which stands at £20,000 because there is two years’ money as yet unspent), i.e., the process for deciding and any criteria which should be used to make a decision. it was – RESOLVED: (1) THAT in respect of (i) above, cases be taken on their individual merits. (2) THAT in respect of (i) and (ii) above the list of schemes contained within the report now submitted, along with the addition of the schemes detailed in (ii) above, be approved. In respect of (iii) above, M. Walbank reported that Councillor Ainsworth had requested that Community Committee consider that the prioritisation of the schemes be undertaken by the Claremont / Weaste Political Executive Group owing to the Councillors’ wider knowledge of issues within the areas. Three options were considered regarding how the prioritisation of the agreed schemes should be undertaken – a) for the Claremont / Weaste Community Committee to meet and hold a ‘participatory budgeting type’ event at which the schemes would be voted upon, scored and prioritised. b) for the Claremont / Weaste Political Executive Group to meet in order to prioritise the schemes, and that the prioritised list of schemes be brought to a future meeting of the Claremont / Weaste Community Committee for approval. 9 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 c) for the Environment Task Group to meet in order to prioritise the schemes, and that the prioritised list of schemes be brought to a future meeting of the Claremont / Weaste Community Committee for approval. Following consideration of the three options, it was RESOLVED: THAT an open ‘participatory budgeting type’ event be held prior to the next meeting of the Claremont / Weaste Community Committee at which the highways schemes would be scored and prioritised, and that the prioritised list be submitted for consideration and approval at the meeting of the Community Committee. 7. NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNERSHIP BOARD - 3 NOVEMBER, 2008 M. Walbank submitted an update report in respect of the issues which had been considered at the meeting of the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Partnership Board on 3 November, 2008. He indicated that the following geographical areas had been agreed as the priority areas of work for the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Partnership Board – (i) (ii) (iii) Eccles New Road Willows Area / Tootal Drive Saxby Street / Stapleton Street Area He also confirmed that the following themes had been chosen as the priority areas of work for the Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Partnership Board, within the geographical areas detailed above – (i) (ii) (iii) Anti-Social Behaviour / Fear of Crime Worklessness Environment RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 8. REPORTS FROM LOCALITIES (a) Hope Consideration was given to a number of issues within the Hope Area, including – - work being undertaken to complete the renovation of the Gildabrook Underpass. 10 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 It was noted that a planting event was planned for 22 November, 2008. It was reported that users of the underpass had indicated that, owing to the work, they felt safer. Members thanked M. Walbank for the work he had undertaken in helping to make the project a success. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (b) Salford Royal Hospital V. Ivison submitted a report in respect of issues relating to Salford Royal Hospital, including – - details of the upcoming construction work on the site, including the demolition of the two large tower blocks. - an upcoming review of the Governing Body Membership, including comments relating to Salford City Council representation and attendance at meetings of the Governing Body. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (c) Height / Claremont Consideration was given to a number of issues within the Height / Claremont Area, including – - the minutes of the meeting of the Claremont Community Association held on 1 October, 2008. - A planting event in Irlam Square on 21 November, 2008, as part of the Height In Bloom Project. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. (d) Weaste Consideration was given to a number of issues within the Weaste Area, including – - details of an Eid, Diwali and Christmas Event for Women being held at All Hallows Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane on Monday, 15 December, 2008. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 11 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 (e) New Weaste No report. (f) Pendlebury No report. (g) Parks The minutes of the meeting of the Parks Walkabout held on 8 October, 2008 were noted. 9. POLICE UPDATE C. Roberts, Greater Manchester Police, provided an update report in respect of crime and anti-social behaviour issues within the Neighbourhood Management Area, including – - the success of the ‘Bonfire Night’ event at Buile Hill Park - work undertaken for the Remembrance Day parade - work being undertaken in and in the vicinity of Westwood Park He also circulated details of the crime figures for the area which provided information on the current recorded crime figures with comparative data for 2007 and also for the Ordsall and Langworthy area for the same periods. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including - instances of bogus callers in the area RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 10. SALFORD CORE STRATEGY V. Ivison – (a) provided details of the purpose of the production of the Salford Core Strategy which was a strategic level document which would provide the spatial planning vision and strategy to shape the future of Salford for the next 20 years, and (b) indicated that as part of the consultation process an offer had been made for officers to attend the next meeting of this Committee to provide local people the opportunity to have their say regarding the proposals. 12 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT officers be invited to make a presentation on the Salford Core Strategy at the next meeting of this Committee. 11. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CODE OF CONDUCT M. Walbank submitted a report which highlighted two aspects of the Code of Conduct approved by this Committee in February, 2006, that Councillor Ainsworth had asked Committee to reconsider, as follows – The requirement to notify any items to be raised at “Reports from Localities” to the Neighbourhood Manager before the start of the meeting. The requirement to notify any items to be raised at “Any other Business” to the Neighbourhood Manager before the start of the meeting. Discussion took place and it was noted that whilst it was requested that attendees provide prior notification relating to “Reports from Localities” and “Any Other Business” that they would not be precluded from raising issues if this requirement was not met. Therefore, it was – RESOLVED: THAT the Claremont / Weaste Community Committee Code of Conduct remain unchanged. 12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Christmas Concert D. Kenny reported that a Christmas Concert would be held at All Hallows Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane, on Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 at 7.00 p.m. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. (b) All Hallows Business and Enterprise College – Consultation Meeting D. Kenny reported that a consultation meeting in respect of the future location of the School would be held at All Hallows Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane on Monday, 17 November, 2008 at 9.30 a.m. 13 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE 11 NOVEMBER, 2008 13. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Committee be held on Tuesday, 9 December, 2008, at All Hallows Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane, Salford, at 7.00 p.m. 14 r:\status\working\admin\omin\cwcm111108.doc