EMPACTS Public Relations Kit – Contents and Suggestions Contents:

EMPACTS Public Relations Kit – Contents and Suggestions
Advisor EMPACTS Fact Sheet (disseminate information about EMPACTS to help them advise
students into EMPACTS classes)
PowerPoint Presentation (for use in a kiosk setting at Fall Festival, etc., and can have Zach
Pharr post on NWACC TV and Chris Holtman to post on NWACC social media)
Poster (print some of the PowerPoint slides and mount on foam board along with photographs
of students in action with their project for use in a kiosk setting)
Media Release Template (must work with NWACC Public Relations and Marketing to
disseminate to print and broadcast media, including NWACC Eagle View)
Video Clip (embed on designated slides in PowerPoint presentation, post as an introduction on
EMPACTS Web page, post on NWACC social media [in consultation with NWACC Public
Relations and Marketing])
Promotional Brochure (disseminate to prospective students, faculty, community service
groups; display in kiosk)
Community Service Organization Database (work with NWACC Information Technology to
create a Web form based on the template provided in this kit so if a community service
organization learns about our EMPACTS program through media exposure, they can go to a
page on our Website to complete the Web form that will automatically populate a database.
EMPACTS students will then be able to search the database to identify a community partner for
whom they can perform a service project. This approach will minimize the time required for
EMPACTS staff to maintain the database manually.)
Service Learning and Project-based Learning Appendix (contains URL links and information
about benefits of service learning methodology to incorporate into public relations and
marketing materials as needed.)