Ag Decision Maker Activity File A2-66 Grain Price Options Basics


Ag Decision Maker Activity

Grain Price Options Basics

File A2-66

Name ________________________

Using File A2-66, answer the questions below.

1) If a person buys an option, he/she has the _______, but not the _______ to exercise the option.

2) The most money an option buyer can loose if he/she buys an option is a) the premium b) unlimited

3) The most money an option seller (writer) can loose if he/she buys an option is a) the premium b) unlimited

4) If you exercise an option you are transferred to the

__________ market.

5) If a person buys a call option, he/she receives the right to a) buy b) sell the underlying futures contract.

6) If a person buys a put option, he/she received the right to a) buy b) sell the underlying futures contract.

7) If a person sells (writes) a call option, he/she is required to a) buy b) sell the underlying future contract if the option is exercised.

Ag Decision Maker Activity Continued…

Grain Price Options Basics

File A2-66

8) If a person sells (writes) a put option, he/she is required to a) buy b) sell the underlying future contract if the option is exercised.

9) List the three ways you can close out an option you have purchased. a) __________ b) __________ c) __________

10) The __________ price is the price at which you enter the futures market if the option is exercised.

11) You will make money on a call option you previously purchased if the futures price is a) above b) below the strike price (don’t consider premium paid previously).

12) You will make money on a put option you previously purchased if the futures price is a) above b) below the s trike price (don’t consider premium paid previously).

13) You loose money on a call option you have written if the futures price is a) above b) below the strike price.

14) You loose money on a put option you have written if the futures price is a) above b) below the strike price.

Ag Decision Maker Activity Continued…

Grain Price Options Basics

File A2-66

15) If the futures price is above the strike price, a put option is considered to be a) in-the-money b) out-of-the-money c) at-the-money

16) If the futures price is above the strike price, a call option is considered to be a) in-the-money b) out-of-the-money c) at-the-money

17) If the futures price is below the strike price, a put option is considered to be a) in-the-money b) out-of-the-money c) at-the-money

18) If the futures price is below the strike price, a call option is considered to be a) in-the-money b) out-of-the-money c) at-the-money

19) If the futures price is the same as the strike price, an option is considered to be a) in-the-money b) out-of-the-money c) at-the-money

20) Last month I purchased a July Soybean Call option with a strike price of $12.00 for a 30 cent premium. July futures price is currently $12.50. What is the exercise value of the option?


Ag Decision Maker Activity Continued…

Grain Price Options Basics

File A2-66

21) How much money will I make (including the cost of the premium) if I exercise the option?


22) What is the exercise value of the option?


23) The premium for the option above is currently 70 cents, how much will I make if I sell the option?


24) Why would someone offer me 70 cents for the option when its exercise value is only 50 cents?


25) What are two other terms for exercise value? a) __________________ b) __________________

26) What is the term for the premium’s extra 20 cents over the exercise value? a) __________________

27) List the three factors that affect the size of an option premium’s extrinsic value. a) __________________ b) __________________ c) __________________

28) The longer the time period before expiration the a) larger b) smaller the extrinsic value.

Ag Decision Maker Activity Continued…

Grain Price Options Basics

29) The farther an option is in or out of the money the a) larger b) smaller the extrinsic value.

30) The more volatile the future market the a) larger b) smaller the extrinsic value.

File A2-66

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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S.

Department of Agriculture. Jack M. Payne, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and

Technology, Ames, Iowa.
