Name: _________________________________Period: _______________ Date: ____________

Name: _________________________________Period: _______________ Date: ____________
1. What branch of chemistry is concerned with the theories and experiments that describe chemical
behavior? ________________________________________
2. What branch of chemistry studies all substances that contain carbon? _____________________
3. What branch of chemistry studies processes that take place within living organisms?
4. What branch of chemistry studies the composition of substances? ________________________
5. What branch of chemistry studies substances that do not contain carbon? ________________
6. Complete the table:
Organic or Inorganic?
7. What is a hypothesis?
Compare and contrast elements and compounds. Give an example of each.
9. The state of matter in which all particles are packed closely together while vibrating in place:
10. The state of matter that has a definite shape and a definite volume: ______________
11. The state of matter in which the particles are spread out and move rapidly: _____________
12. The state of matter in which the particles slide past another: ____________
13. The state of matter that is characterized by a definite volume and indefinite shape is:
14. The state of matter that is characterized by an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume is:
15. Compare and contrast chemical and physical changes.
16. What the 4 signs of a chemical change?
17. Circle the physical changes below
Leaves change color in the fall
Water evaporates
Glass breaks
Milk spoils
Ring turns your finger green
Zinc bubbles when it is added to HCl
18. Read the ruler to the nearest centimeter:
19. Determine the density of an unknown liquid that has a mass of 101.9grams and a volume of 27.3
20. Determine the mass of a sample of zinc whose density is 7.113 g/cm3 and whose volume is 45.3
21. Determine the volume of a sample of aluminum whose density is 2.70 g/cm3 and whose mass is
32.9 g.
22. Convert 6.7 kg to grams.
23. Convert 6.7 mL to cL.
24. Convert 0.6 m to hm.
25. Convert 4500 cs to second.
26. _______________ and __________________ are located in the nucleus; _________________
surround the nucleus.
27. _______________ discovered the electron in the cathode ray experiment.
28. Rutherford discovered the ___________________ in the gold-foil experiment.
29. Rutherford concluded that the _______________ makes up most of the mass of the atom.
30. ______________ proposed the idea that everything is made up of small particles and coined the
term “the atom.
31. Thompson’s model of the atom is called ___________________________________ model.
32. Bohr stated that electrons move in ____________________________________.
33. ____________________________________ model of the atom is the accepted model of the atom
34. Complete the table below:
What is the Charge?