Before you begin: Before you begin: Refer to Self-Monitoring Checklist for page numbers in the Decodable Digest. Find your page using the Self-Monitoring Checklist. 1. Note the date and the pattern you are studying. 2. Read the assigned pages silently. Note the type of text. Then reread with a partner or the teacher for fluency. 3. Write the pattern words. 4. Write the answer to the React Question using a complete sentence. 5. Prepare for an Idea Wave. *My passage was about_______. Or *Something interesting I learned was________________________. 1. Write today’s date at the top of the page. 2. Find focus of lesson in upper left hand corner of page and read Review Box. 3. Try to read the directions on your own and signal if you need help. 4. Complete the work and reread your answers to see if they make sense. 5. Show the work to your teacher. If you finish early, do some speed drill practice with related word lists.