Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Assessing Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Unit: Fayetteville Site
Related Strategic Goal:
2.1 Enhance student persistence to completion of post-secondary credential or degree.
Action Plan #: FVCT-03
Action Plan Title: Awareness of Services at the Fayetteville Center
Desired Outcome:
50% or more of students surveyed on the annual student satisfaction survey will state that they
are aware of the learning support services (Tutoring, Writing Lab, and Math Lab) available to
students at the Fayetteville Center.
50% or more of students surveyed on the annual student satisfaction survey will state that they
are aware of the different scheduling options available to students at the Fayetteville Center.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities:
The Director of the Fayetteville Center will form a focus group each semester that will consist of the
following participants: Director, Assistant Director, SGA VP, one faculty member, three traditional
students, and three non-traditional students. The group will meet a minimum of three times
throughout the semester.
The goals of this focus group are as follows:
Identify items that students see as a positive attribute of the Fayetteville Center.
Identify items that students see as a negative attribute of the Fayetteville Center.
Identify items that students wish were changed or that student’s wish they could change about
their experience at the Fayetteville Center.
Identify ways that students can be made more aware of the services offered at the Fayetteville
Identify one student academic success or persistence initiative to be developed for
implementation the following term.
The amount budgeted will fund food for meetings or other supplies needed for this group to advertise
student services at the Fayetteville Center.
Team Members: Director of Fayetteville Center, Fayetteville Center faculty and staff, students
Timeline: Beginning spring 2011, a focus group will be formed and remain active each fall and spring
semester regardless of GPA or retention rate changes.
Est. Cost: $ 200 ($100 per semester)
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Complete the following after implementation of the action plan.
Current Status: Completed
Describe Progress: This IE plan will be terminated.
Spring 2015
The student satisfaction survey (S15SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) was administered during the
spring 2015 term.
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (S15SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) administered
to students in the spring 2015 term, 95.8% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the
learning support services (tutoring, writing lab, math lab) available to students at the Fayetteville
Center. Goal achieved.
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (S15SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) administered
to students in the spring 2015 term, 75% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the
different scheduling options available to students at the Fayetteville Center. Goal achieved.
Because the goal has been achieved the last two years, a focus group was not formed to investigate
ways to achieve the stated goals.
Fall 2014
The survey results were not available due to low participation.
Spring 2014
The student satisfaction survey (S14SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) was administered during the
spring 2014 term.
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (S14SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) administered
to students in the spring 2014 term, 89.3% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the
learning support services (tutoring, writing lab, math lab) available to students at the Fayetteville
Center. Goal achieved.
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (S14SSSFayettevillecampusonly.docx) administered
to students in the spring 2014 term, 87.5% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the
different scheduling options available to students at the Fayetteville Center. Goal achieved.
Focus groups were not formed during the fall semester due to the inability to get the needed number of
students to keep the appointment for the meeting.
Fall 2013
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (SSatisfactionF13Fayettevilleall.docx) administered
to students in the fall 2013 term, 87.5% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the
learning support services (tutoring, writing lab, math lab) available to students at the Fayetteville
Center. Goal achieved.
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (SSatisfactionF13Fayettevilleall.docx administered to
students in the fall 2013 term, 87.5% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the different
scheduling options available to students at the Fayetteville Center. Goal achieved.
Focus groups were not formed during the fall semester due to the inability to get the needed number of
students to keep the appointment for the meeting. At one meeting, only one student appeared. The
meeting was not held with only one student.
Spring 2013
The student satisfaction survey is only conducted in the fall term. The results regarding awareness of
services will be conducted again Fall 2013.
The focus group met twice during the spring 2013 term (Minutes of SAS Focus Group April 8 and 29
2013.pdf) . A survey (FayettevilleS13.pdf) was conducted of current students. The following actions
were recommended:
Continue to have advisement completed by full time faculty as much as possible.
Emphasize location, low cost and closeness to home in future marketing campaigns for the
Fayetteville Center.
Seek full time faculty to teach more sections at the Fayetteville Center.
Seek additional partnerships with four year universities so students do not have to travel to
continue their education.
Work with the PR department to publish student success stories in the local paper, on television
or on the web.
Promote small class sizes and student activities.
Fall 2012
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (SSF12Fayettevilleonly.pdf) administered to
students in the fall 2012 term, 96.9% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the learning
support services (tutoring, writing lab, math lab) available to students at the Fayetteville Center. Goal
According to the annual student satisfaction survey (SSF12Fayettevilleonly.pdf) administered to
students in the fall 2012 term, 75% of students surveyed stated that they were aware of the different
scheduling options available to students at the Fayetteville Center. Goal achieved.
The focus group met three times during the fall 2012 term. (Minutes of SAS Focus Group Sept Oct Nov
2012.pdf) The following actions were recommended:
Student workers would man a table outside the learning support lab during the first two weeks
of the semester in order to encourage students to visit the learning support labs. Candy should
be handed out so students would stop at the table. This initiative supports awareness of
All faculty are to be notified of the learning support lab hours via e-mail early each term and
encouraged to share this information with their students. This initiative supports awareness of
services. (Learning Support Lab Hours Fall 2012.pdf)
To assure students know a direct contact at the Fayetteville Center, a letter from the
Fayetteville Center will be generated on a weekly basis and sent to each student who applies for
admission and has a Lincoln County, TN or an Alabama zip code. This initiative supports
academic success. (Letter from Director Fall Term 2013 02042013.pdf)
To assist with admission obstacles, students would receive a phone call from a staff member at
the Fayetteville Center prior to registration. The students name would appear on an admission
or financial aid hold report that would be generated weekly and e-mailed to Laura Monks,
Director. (Financial Aid Holds 02042013.pdf, Applicant Holds 02042013.pdf)
Describe Needed Changes:
Changes based on findings in 2014-15:
It has been determined that this plan lacks the ability to show a cycle of improvement. This plan will be
terminated at the conclusion of the 2014-15 academic year. Although assuring awareness of learning
support services and different scheduling options is needed, it is equally if not more needed to assure
that students are seeking these options and taking advantage of these services. This plan also lacks the
ability to assess the quality of these services or options.
Changes based on findings in 2013-2014:
A focus group is a good method to gather qualitative data. Students asking other students about their
ideas and thoughts bring a lot to the discussion in a focus group. However, this academic year the
students who stated they wished to be included in the focus group did not commit to the responsibility.
As a result, the Director will seek an alternative method of gathering information from students to assist
with this institutional effectiveness plan in the future.
Past Changes:
A focus group will continue to meet each semester with the Director of the Fayetteville Center to make
recommendations and to develop initiatives based on past focus group recommendations.
At this time, students are aware of the learning support services and the different scheduling options
available at the Fayetteville Center. If the goal is not achieved on future student satisfaction surveys,
the focus group will research ways and make recommendations to assure this goal is met.
Additional marketing needs to be done to assure students in the Fayetteville Center area know of the
opportunities available at the location.
List of Supporting Documentation:
Date Last Updated: 7/15/2015