Lab Practical 2 – nervous system, special and general senses

Lab Practical 2 – nervous system, special and general senses
This list is general. We might add/take off some topics in class. It is your
responsibility to update this review list
Ex. 17 – histology of nervous tissue
- Neuron anatomy – cell body, dendrites, axon, Scwann cells, myelin sheath, nodes of
Renvier, axonal terminals, synapse – slides and model
- Neuron classification – structural and functional
- Nerve structure – endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium – nerve slides CS and LS,
nerve model
- Neuron structure
- Supporting cells Schwann cell – PNS Olygodendryte – CNS – produce myelin.
- Synapse
- Myelinated axons, myelin sheath, node of Ranvier
- White matter, Gray matter
- Neuron classification: structural and functional.
- Nerve structure – endoneurium, prineuriun and epineurium.
Look at slides, neuron, nerve and synapse models models.
Ex. 18A - Neurophysiology
- Resting potential, polarized neuron
- Action potential – depolarization, repolarization, heyperpolarization.
- Absolute refractory period
- Relative refractory period
- All-or-none nerve impulse
Know the action potential graph
Ex. 19, 20 Brain and cranial nerves
Brain external anatomy
- Brain parts – cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalons, brain stem,
- Brain lobes – frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
- Other outer structures - pituitary gland, mammary bodies
- Cranial nerves
Brain internal anatomy
- Cerebrum – corpus callosum, lateral ventricles, fornix, septum pellucidum
- Diencephalon – thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus (pineal body, choroids plexus),
pituitary gland
- Cerebellum – vermis, arbor vitea
- Brain stem – mesencephalon, pons and medulla oblongata
- Ventricles and connection between them
Know the general function of each brain part
Look at brain model and sheep brain
Ex. 21, 22 Spinal cord and spinal nerves and human reflexes
- Spinal cord structure – dorsal and ventral roots, gray matter (somatic and sensory tracts)
and white matter (general ascending and descending tracts).
- Spinal nerves – nerve groups, dorsal and ventral rami, plexuses (location, what nerves,
main nerve arise from).
- know the components of a general reflex arc
Look at spinal cord, spinal nerves and plexuses models
Ex. 24, 25, 26 Special senses
-External structure – palpebral, conjunctive, lacrimal apparatus
-Internal – 3 tunics – fibrous, vascular, neural – parts and functions of each.
-Cavities and chambers, vitreous humor and aqueous humor.
-Retina – different cell population and functions, retina structure both in a model or an
eye and in slides
Ear anatomy – external, middle and inner ear – structures in each part and functions of
each structure
Olfactory and taste – location, structure and function of receptor.
Models and slides of taste buds
Ex. 23 General senses
Structural and functional classification
Look at eye models, fresh eyes and slides of retina. Look at ear model
and slide of the cochlea. Look at nose model and slide of taste buds.
Look at slides of Meissner and pacinian corpuscles