Chapter 8 Study Guide Impressments Strict constructionist

Chapter 8 Study Guide
Strict constructionist
Star Spangled Banner, commemorates
Thomas Jefferson, Federalists
Alexander Hamilton, long term goal
Men who held high executive office during Washington’s presidency
Jefferson’s first inaugural
Benjamin Banneker
Embargo Act
Edmond Genet
Fries’s Rebellion
Gabriel’s Rebellion
Washington’s election
American response to the French Revolution
Fletcher v. Peck
XYZ Affair
Judith Sargent Murray
Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Who built the public buildings of the national government in Washington D.C.
Opponents of Hamilton’s economic plan
Pierre Charles L’Enfant
Revolution of 1800
Second War of Independence
1796 election
Democratic-Republican Societies of the 1790s
Sedition Act of 1798
Virginia and Kentucky resolves
War Hawks
War of 1812, treaty
Marbury v. Madison
War of 1812 heros
Louisiana Purchase
Political parties of the mid 1790s
King Louis XVI, French Revolution
Andrew Jackson, War of 1812, African-Americans
1790, American leaders believed that the new nation’s success depended on?
Order of first 3 presidents
Reasons for Americans going to war in 1812
Reasons for America’s poor performance in the War of 1812
Toussaint L’Ouverture’s slave uprising
Accomplishments and characteristics of the Lewis and Clark expedition
Election of 1800
Whiskey Rebellion of 1794
Women and political life in the 1790s
Reason for the formation of the Federalist Party
Policies of Pres. Adams
Characteristics of New Orleans under Spanish rule
Features of the rivalry between Republicans and Federalists during Washington’s presidency
Features of the War of 1812
Hamilton’s financial program
Results of the War of 1812
Objections raised by critics of Hamilton’s proposals
United States in 1797
Republican Party characteristics
Alexander Hamilton’s killer
Writer of the petition to congress as the president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society
Louisiana Purchase, Indians east of the Mississippi River
Jefferson, US Navy, North Afican States
Reason why America became a one-party nation following the War of 1812