Chapter 4 Banner Ads *advertisement [ ] n. (名詞 noun) 1. 廣告,宣傳[U] Advertisement helps to sell goods. 廣告有助於推銷商品。 2. (一則)廣告,公告,啟事[C] *familiar [ ]a. (形容詞 adjective) 1. 世所周知的;熟悉的;常見的;普通的[(+to)] Your face seems familiar. 你看上去很面熟。 *attract [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 吸;吸引 The garden city attracts many tourists. 那個花園城市吸引許多遊客。 A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁鐵吸鐵也吸鋼。 2. 引起(注意,興趣等) 3. 引起...的注意(或興趣等);引誘 *reveal [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 展現,顯露出 Little by little he revealed his ambitions. 他漸漸地暴露出他的野心。 2. 揭示,揭露;暴露;洩露[(+to/as)][+that][O2][O8] He revealed the secret by accident. 他不小心洩漏了這個祕密。 Further investigation revealed that he was guilty. 進一步偵查顯示他是有罪的 * automatically [ ]ad. (副詞 adverb) 1. 自動地 Some doors have locks which automatically lock the doors when we close them. 有些門上的鎖在關門時會自動把門鎖好。 2. 無意識地,不自覺地,機械地 *launch [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 使(船)下水 The new ship was launched today. 新船今天下水了。 2. 發射;投擲;使升空 The coach taught us how to launch a javelin. 教練教我們投標槍。 3. 發動(戰爭等);開展(鬥爭等);發出(命令等);提出(抗議等) The miners launched a strike. 礦工發動了一場罷工。 4. 開辦;發起;使開始從事 We launched a new project. 我們開始從事一個新項目。 5. 出版;將...投放市場 *content [ ]n. (名詞 noun) 1. 內容,要旨[U] The play lacks content. 這齣戲缺乏實質性內容。 2. 含量,容量[the S] 3. 容納的東西;具體內容[P] Show me the contents of your suitcase. 給我看看你手提箱裡的東西。 The contents of the letter are secret. 這封信的具體內容是不公開的。 *ensure [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 保證;擔保[O9][+that][+v-ing] I can't ensure his being on time. 我不能保證他的準時。 I can't ensure that he will be there on time. 我不能擔保他會及時到那兒。 This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. 這藥將保證你一晚睡眠良好。 *hyperlink [ 1. 【電腦】超連結 Hyperlink ]n. (名詞 noun) 1. 超連結 全球資訊網(World-Wide Web)的標準(protocol),這個標準可 讓用戶在點選任何現正活動著的 URL(全球資源定位,Universal Resource Locator,亦即特定的檔案名稱)時,透過伺服器而取出 HTML 檔。 *impression [ ]n. (名詞 noun) 1. 印象[C][U][(+on)] The new teacher made a good impression on the students. 新教師給學生留下了一個好印象。 2. 模糊的觀念;感想[C][+that] I have the impression that I've seen that man before. 我覺得我以前見過那個人。 3. 壓印;印記;壓痕[C] The robber left an impression of his feet in the mud. 強盜在爛泥裡留下了他的腳印。 4. 【印】印刷;印數;印次[C] *portal [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C] 1. 門,正門;入口[(+of)] the main portal of the cathedral 大教堂的正門 *target [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 把...作為目標(或對象) *profile [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C] 1. 側面(像),側影 2. 輪廓,外形;外觀;形象 *viral [ ]a. (形容詞 adjective) 1. 【醫】病毒(性)的;病毒引起的 *strategy [ ]n. (名詞 noun) 1. 戰略;戰略學[U] He is an expert in military strategy. 他是軍事戰略專家。 2. 策略,計謀;對策[C][(+for)][+to-v] The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府採取了大規模緊縮通貨的策略。 By careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through. 通過審慎的謀劃,他成功地使該建議獲得通過。 *encourage [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 鼓勵;慫恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓勵他與她交談。 *purchase [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 買,購買 He purchased this stamp at an auction. 他在拍賣會中購得這枚郵票。 *traditional [ ]a. (形容詞 adjective) 1. 傳統的;慣例的;因襲的 traditional Chinese medicine 中藥 *campaign [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C] 1. 戰役 The campaign to seize the city was a failure. 攻佔這個城市的戰役失敗了。 2. 運動,活動[(+for/against)][+to-v] The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking. 市政府計劃發起禁煙運動。 *recipient [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C] 1. 接受者;受領者;接受器,容器[(+of)] They would in time become the recipients of much criticism. 他們最終會受到許多批評。 She is one of the recipients of prizes. 她是獲獎者之一。 *infect [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)[(+with)] 1. 【醫】傳染;侵染;感染 The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班幾乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。 2. 使受影響;感染 The captain's courage infected his men. 船長的勇氣感染了他的船員。 *recommend [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. 推薦,介紹[(+as/for)][O1] Can you recommend me some new books on this subject? 你能推薦一些有關這個學科的新書給我嗎? 2. 建議,勸告[O2][+v-ing][+that] I recommend you to comply with safety regulations. 我勸你遵守安全規則。 *boost [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C][S1] 1. 一舉,一抬;一推 He gave me a boost over the fence. 他抬我一把助我翻越籬笆。 2. 推動;幫助;促進 a boost to their morale 對他們士氣的激勵 3. 提高;增加 *buzz [ ]n. (名詞 noun)[C] 1. (蜂等的)嗡嗡聲;(機器等的)噪音 2. 嘈雜聲 3. (蜂音器發出的)信號聲 4. 【口】電話[S] I'll give her a buzz. 我會給她打個電話。 5. 流言,謠言 *spam n. (名詞 noun) 1. (豬) 肉罐頭 (商標名) 2. 【電腦】垃圾郵件 (在使用者網路或新聞群組中, 一大堆未經篩選的廣 告或對收件者來說根本無用的郵件) *participant [ ]n. (名詞 noun) 1. 關係者;參與者 *manipulate [ ]vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 1. (熟練地)操作,運用 Do you know how to manipulate a computer? 你會使用電腦嗎? 2. 巧妙地處理;(用權勢等)操縱 A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters. 機敏的政客懂得如何操縱自己的支持者。 3. 操縱(市場、股票的漲落等) ◎A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. ◎Pop-up ads or pop-ups are a form of online advertising on the World Wide Web intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. It works when certain web sites open a new web browser window to display advertisements. The pop-up window containing an advertisement is usually generated by JavaScript, but can be generated by other means as well.