Class: ... Some Sound Advice for Your Ears (pp. 16-19)

Some Sound Advice for Your Ears (pp. 16-19)
I. 文意字彙 (30%)
( ) 1. The tailor agreed to _____ my trousers because they were too long.
(A) adjust
(B) congratulate
(C) exhaust
(D) occupy
( ) 2. You should not wear _____ when riding a scooter because it is a dangerous habit.
(A) headphones
(B) requests
(C) challenges
(D) traps
( ) 3. Despite the _____ sign next to pond, the two boys decided to go for a swim.
(A) tropical
(B) wounded
(C) warning
(D) gradual
( ) 4. The singer will perform two _____ in Taipei, three in South Korea and one Japan.
(A) distances
(B) traps
(C) imports
(D) concerts
5. There is less p
n nowadays because people are more aware of environmental issues.
6. My mother hates visiting me in London because she finds u
n life too busy and noisy.
II. 文意選填(請忽略大小寫) (30%)
(A) repaired
(B) harmful
(C) exposure
(D) damage
(E) permanent
We think loud noises are normal because we have become used to them. However, environmental sounds, such as those
produced by sirens and jackhammers, can be __(7)__ to us. Millions of people around the world suffer from
noise-induced hearing lossr (NIHL). In fact, many people may have NIHL without knowing it. That’s because hearing
problems occur gradually and often go unnoticed. How exactly do loud noises hurt us? They __(8)__ the hair cells in
our inner ear. These cells cannot be __(9)__ once they are destroyed because no treatment exists. The result is __(10)__
hearing loss. There are many reasons a person may get NIHL. A one-time __(11)__ to a loud sound may cause it. Being
around sounds for an extended period of time can also cause NIHL. This means listening to music on earphones may
actually be bad for our health.
7. ( )
8. ( )
9. ( )
10. ( )
11. ( )
III. 閱讀測驗 (15%)
How can we tell if a noise is harmful to our ears? We must watch out for signs that indicate danger. For example, if
your ears ring after hearing a sound, it is probably bad for you. The best way to protect your ears is to wear earplugs.
This is especially important in noisy places. When it comes to using earphones, the right volume is important. Don’t
have the level too high. Also, don’t play loud music to block out external sounds. Your ears quickly get used to high
volumes. Therefore, you may still be damaging your ears, even if you think the level is low.
) 12. According to the passage, how can you tell if a sound is bad for ears?
(A) You want to avoid the sound.
(B) There is a strange sound in your ears.
(C) You can’t hear it, but others can.
(D) You can’t block it by wearing earphones.
) 13. According to the passage, when might people wear earplugs?
(A) When they are watching a movie at home.
(B) While they are waiting to see an ear doctor.
(C) While they are at a construction site.
(D) When the sun is shining brightly.
) 14. What is TRUE about people’s ears?
(A) They can adapt to different levels of sound.
(C) They can be damaged by low-quality earplugs.
(B) They are sensitive to animal sounds.
(D) Regular cleaning will protect them.
IV. 翻譯填空
15. 即使我們現在開始做飯,也無法在七點開飯。(10%)
we started cooking now, we wouldn’t be able to eat at seven o’clock.
16. 由於沒什麼風,所以提姆的風箏飛不起來。(15%)
his kite because there wasn’t much wind.