Appendix 問卷 (中文版) 親愛的同學 您好: 這是一份調查南台科技大學行銷策略的問卷,旨在協助學校規劃更為 妥適的行銷策略。您的寶貴意見對於本研究相當重要,敬請惠予填答。 本問卷採匿名方式,填寫時間約為 10 分鐘,您的意見將嚴格保密, 並僅供學術研究之用,故懇請您依照個人的實際想法或感受安心填答。衷 心感謝您的熱情協助,並祝您 學業順利! 南台科技大學應用英語所 指導教授:林尹星 博士 研究生:周芝吟 敬上 中華民國一百年六月 1 Appendix Questionnaire (English version) Dear Respondents: I am a postgraduate at Southern Taiwan University of Technology. I am conducting a survey at the moment for my master’s thesis concerning current execute situation of educational marketing in STU. I would be grateful to your participation in the study by filling out the questionnaire below. Your responses in this survey will be kept strictly confidential. Please fill out this questionnaire as accurately as possible. We deeply appreciate your cooperation. Faithfully Yours, Adviser Researcher Dr. Lin Yin-Sing Chou Chih-Yin Department of Applied English Department of Applied English Southern Taiwan University Southern Taiwan University 2 第壹部份、行銷策略實施現況 Current execute situation of educational marketing strategies 本部分主要探討南台科技大學運用各項策略來進行行銷的實施現況,所有敘述以南台科大 為參考依據,請詳細閱讀,並就您的實際感受圈選相應的數字。 This section discusses how STU executes its educational marketing strategies, please take STU as your answer basis and tick a response for each statement that best reflects your perception. Do I agree this statement? Offer practical courses for workplace usage. 4. 開設各項技能或語文檢定等培訓課程。 Offer different skill or language training courses. 5. 提供新穎充足的教學資源或設備。 Offer novel and sufficient teaching resources or facilities. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree 提供符合職場情境之實務課程。 Agree 3. Neutral Offer diverse courses to satisfy students’ actual need. 我 同 意 該 Disagree 1. 延攬知名專家學者或業界優秀人才到校授課或交流。 Invite famous academic experts or professionals in workplace to lecture or interact with students. 2. 開設多元且符合學生實際需求的課程。 Strongly Disagree 一、 產品策略 Product Strategy 敘 述 嗎 ? 校園內各項軟硬體設施的維護品質良好。 Soft and physical facilities in campus are maintained in a well condition. 7. 常舉辦豐富有趣的課外休閒娛樂活動。 Abundant and interesting extracurricular activities are held frequently. 8. 提供學生便利的溝通或申訴管道。 Students have convenient channels to reflect their opinions. 9. 教職員能迅速解決學生的問題。 School staffs can solve students’ problem quickly. 3 10. 開設多樣化的學生社團。 Offer various student clubs. 11. 校園空間規劃符合我的需要。 Space planning in campus meets my need. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 12. 以上哪些敘述是吸引我就讀本校的因素? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements are my reasons to study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) 13. 以上哪些敘述曾讓我因而受益? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements benefit my study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) Do I agree this statement? 二、價格策略 Meals in the school are offered at a reasonable price. 4. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree 於校園內用餐價格合理。 Agree 3. Neutral Commodities in the school are offered at a reasonable price. 我 同 意 該 Disagree 1. 制定合理明確的學雜費收取制度。 Tuition system is sensible and clear. 2. 於校園內購物價格合理。 Strongly Disagree Price Strategy 敘 述 嗎 ? 提供完善的獎助學金或學雜費減免措施,給予學業優 良或特殊境遇的同學。 Offer comprehensive measures of scholarship or tuition exemption for students who have great grades or tight budget. 5. 對於偏遠地區或特殊境遇的同學,學校提供住宿費用 4 優待措施。 Offer accommodation fees discount for students who live far from school or have tight budget. 6. 提供充分的校內工讀機會。 Students have sufficient opportunities of part-time jobs for 1 2 3 4 5 study. 7. 以上哪些敘述是吸引我就讀本校的因素? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements are my reasons to study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) 8. 以上哪些敘述曾讓我因而受益? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements benefit my study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) Do I agree this statement? 三、通路策略 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree 2. Neutral STU keeps well relationships with mass media. 我 同 意 該 Disagree 與媒體保持良好的關係。 Strongly 1. Disagree Place Strategy 敘 述 嗎 ? 與各高中職保持良好的關係。 STU keeps well relationships with general and technical high schools. 3. 與產業界保持良好的關係。 STU keeps well relationships with industrial circles. 4. 於校內或網站上提供清晰的系所介紹。 Information about the school and its departments are available online. 5 5. 備有遠距教學設備。 1 Distance learning facilities are available. 6. 2 3 4 5 以上哪些敘述是吸引我就讀本校的因素? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements are my reasons to study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) 7. 以上哪些敘述曾讓我因而受益? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements benefit my study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) Do I agree this statement? 四、推廣策略 我 同 意 該 Neutral Agree 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Disagree 1 Strongly 1. Disagree Promotion Strategy 敘 述 嗎 ? 常邀請各高中職的師生到校參觀。 Students and teachers from senior high schools are invited frequently for campus visit. 2. 常舉辦各類大型學術研討活動。 Seminars are held frequently. 3. 常與社區共同舉辦交誼活動。 Social activities are held frequently for students and community residents. 4. 常邀請各類媒體到校採訪。 Mass media are invited frequently for campus interview. 5. 與業界簽訂產學或建教合作計畫。 Offer cooperative programs by signing collaboration plans with industrial circles. 6. 設立公共關係之專責部門。 6 Set up public relations department. 7. 學校網站提供清晰的報考資料及招生資訊。 Enrollment information is available online. 8. 1 2 3 4 以上哪些敘述是吸引我就讀本校的因素? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements are my reasons to study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) 9. 以上哪些敘述曾讓我因而受益? (請寫題號,可複選。) Which statements benefit my study at STU? (Please select all that apply by marking numbers.) 第貳部份、行銷策略認知態度 Attitude of students towards educational marketing strategies 一、 就您印象所及,南台科技大學曾經舉辦哪些教育行銷的活動? In your memory, how many educational marketing strategies were used by STU? 複選題,請在合適的 □ 中打「」。Please tick all that apply. 1. 至高中職舉辦招生說明會。 Organize enrollment briefings for senior high schools. 2. 邀請高中職學生到校參觀。 Senior high school students are invited for campus visit. 3. 至升學博覽會設攤宣傳。 Join university fair to propagate STU. 4. 發放宣傳光碟或招生文宣。 Send students promotion CDs or leaflets. 5. 發放招生贈品(如文具、提袋、書籤) 。 Send students promotion gifts such as stationeries, bags and bookmarks. 6. 運用各類媒體廣告增加曝光度 (如公車、報紙)。 Advertise STU by means of various media such as bus AD and newspaper. 7. 接受新聞媒體採訪。 Interview with news media. 7 5 8. 舉辦大型學術活動(如國際研討會)。 Organize domestic and international academic conferences. 9. 參加校內外競賽活動表現優異。 Perform well in the external competitions. 10. 其他,請說明 ........................................................。 Other, please specify………………………. 二、 您認為學校在進行招生宣傳時,最能吸引學生就讀的宣傳項目為何? In your opinion, which point should be emphasized in the enrollment campaign? 排序題,請選三項,最能吸引學生就讀者填 1,次之填 2,最末填 3。 Please mark one to three in the order of importance. 1. 師資陣容 7. 學校特色 Teachers’ quality School features 8. 設備資源 2. 地理位置 Teaching facilities School location and resources 3. 傑出校友 9. 學雜費資訊 Outstanding Tuition information schoolfellows 4. 課程規劃 10. 獎助學金資訊 Courses Scholarship arrangement information 5. 學生口碑 11. 社團活動資訊 Public praise in Information of students student clubs 6. 業界口碑 12. 學校排名 Public praise in School ranking industrial circles 8 三、 您認為學校運用行銷策略的主要目的為何? In your opinion, why does STU use educational marketing strategies? 排序題,請選三項,最主要者填 1,次之填 2,最末填 3。 Please mark one to three in the order of importance. 6. 吸引優秀的學 1. 提高學校知名度 生或師資 To enhance reputation To attract of school. outstanding students or teachers. 2. 傳達學校形象 7. 爭取大眾認同 To transmit school To acquire public image. support. 3. 宣揚教學特色 8. 促進校友團結 To propagate teaching To encourage unity features. of schoolfellows. 4. 呈現辦學績效 9. 利於籌募經費 To present school To benefit achievements. funds-raising. 5. 提高招生率 10. 邁向永續經營 To stimulate To keep enrollment rate. sustainability. 四、您認為最具成效的行銷策略為何? In your opinion, what are the most effective educational marketing strategies? 排序題,請選三項,最具效益者填 1,次之填 2,最末填 3。 Please mark one to three in the order of effectiveness. 1. 平面媒體廣告 5. 升學博覽會 Print media University fair. advertisements. 2. 影音媒體廣告 6. 舉辦大型學術 活動 Video media advertisements. Hold seminars. 7. 發放招生文宣 3. 師長親友推薦 Send enrollment Word-of mouth. leaflets. 4. 舉辦 說明會 或 8. 發放招生贈品 到校參觀活動 Send enrollment Enrollment briefing gifts. or school visit. 9 第参部分、基本資料 Personal profile 1. 性別 Gender 男 Male 女 Female 大一 Freshman 2. 大二 Sophomore 大三 Junior 年級 Grade 大四 Senior 3. 就讀系所 Department .................................................................. 4. 您在高中階段是就讀 普通高中 General senior high school 綜合高中 高職 Vocational high school What kind of senior high Comprehensive high school school did you study? 五專 Junior college 其他 Other, please specify ................. 申請入學 Application 5. 推甄 Recommendation and 您入學的管道為何? screening test 技優甄保 Admission by talent 登記分發 How did you enter STU? Registration and placement 其他 Other, please specify ................. 6. 您對學校的行銷策略 是否還有其他建議? Write down your suggestions for STU to revise its marketing strategies. 本問卷已填答完畢,煩請再次檢查是否有所遺漏,以免造成問卷無效, 感謝您的配合。 This is the end of the questionnaire. We greatly appreciate your cooperation. 10