Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 2 - 4 pm
SAC 225
Quote of the Week: "On the brink of insolvency, California may have to pay its bills with IOUs soon. A budget was due three months ago, and the legislature hasn't passed one. The lawmakers can, however, point to a list of other achievements this year. Awaiting Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger's signature, for example, is a bill that would bar the state from filming cows in
New Zealand. It's the fruit of five committee votes and eight legislative analyses." Stu Woo, Wall
Street Journal
What can we do today that will help our students succeed?
1. Call to Order/Introduction of Substitutes I
2. Review of Agenda I 2
3. Oral Communications
Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items
(2 minute limit per speaker)
I 5
4. Management Dialog I/D 5
5. Budget Update and Overview of $2.4 M Budget Reduction October Timeline and Process
Topic Leader(s) —Victoria and Cabinet I/D 50
6. Review of Budget Decision-Making Overview Flow Chart
Topic Leader(s)
7. Student Success and Professional Development (sharing overview of Board interest and previewing November study session?)
Topic Leader(s) —Renee D
8. Other/Agenda Building
Discuss Meeting Schedule A 10
9. Adjourn
A=Action, D=Discussion, I=Information
The mission of Cabrillo College is to enhance the intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of our diverse community by assisting all students in their quest for lifelong learning and success in an ever-changing world.
Our purpose is to provide an accessible and effective learning environment which aids students in their pursuit of transfer, career preparation, personal fulfillment, job advancement, and retraining goals.
Our core values are academic freedom, critical and independent thinking, and respect for all people and cultures. Our commitm ent is to encourage excellence, offer a balanced curriculum, promote teaching methods for diverse learning styles, and involve and enrich our comm unity.